Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 866 Brother and Sister Captured

Chapter 866 Brother and Sister Captured
"It's the captain."

The captain's men swarmed in to take control of the cockpit,
Ye Lan and Ye Hao immediately stood up to stop, "You dare, if anyone wants to take the Violet, walk over our two corpses."

Ye Hao took out a magic talisman and shook it in his hand, "You know the power of the talisman in our hands, we don't mind dying together with you."

The captain smiled lightly, two rookies, even if they have such a good thing, they won’t use it. Whoever owns the good thing can exert a deterrent effect. Since it’s a threat to others, they don’t pay attention to the environment like that. They deserve to be caught by him. .

On the way, the captain arranged the manpower to deal with the Ye Lan brothers and sisters.

Puff! !Two light bangs, a latest type of assassination weapon, shot out two beams of light that directly hit and pierced Ye Lan and Ye Hao's hands, both of them screamed, and both palms were bleeding profusely;
Several people rushed up, took the opportunity to tie up the uniforms of the brothers and sisters, all the storage devices and communicators on their bodies were confiscated, and the talismans were in the hands of the captain.

The captain frowned and looked at a few pieces of paper. The patterns on them were messy. He couldn't figure out how such a powerful energy could be emitted. It couldn't be a lie!

Ye Lan and Ye Hao were tied up and thrown into a corner, and all his weapons and equipment were confiscated. No matter how hard he struggled, he kept cursing. Several drivers in the cockpit looked at them helplessly, their heads Still at gunpoint, powerless.

The captain said viciously: "Shut up, you two, if you keep arguing, your tongues will be cut off."

The two children froze, not daring to yell.

When Ye Lan and Ye Hao heard the news of Zhu Xiuyun's death, he was shocked and lost his due vigilance. He had just used up the Vajra Talisman, and the magic Talisman was exhausted when he broke into the energy group. At that time, the two of them caught up with the energy. At the tail, if there is no Vajra Talisman, how can they be unscathed.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao saw Ye Lan being caught, and howled non-stop. The captain ordered someone to aim their guns, and shoot if the two cats moved slightly.

At this time, Huo Miao's injury is still not healed, and Jiaojiao's little fireballs will be ineffective even if others are prepared, they can't save Ye Lan and the two of them.

Huomiao had no choice but to tell Jiaojiao to run, and the two cats rushed out with a whoosh, leaving the cockpit without knowing where they were going.

The captain didn't care, and signaled that he didn't need to worry about it. Although these two cats were very powerful, they were far inferior to Daniel, and they could still deal with them.

It is important to control the battleship, the captain's people loudly reprimanded those pilots, and operated the battleship according to their requirements.

The captain went to the command position and sat down. Although he couldn't operate it, he could check various information and data.

Reaching out to open the information on the light screen, seeing the route displayed on the star map, the captain's heart sank, and he scolded the watcher in his heart;
They were all trash. At that time, people were left to monitor the cockpit to see what abilities Zhu Shunming and the others had, but they were too stupid to check the route and star map.

That bastard surnamed Zhu had planned a flight route to the center of the Zerg outbreak. Where did it go? It was almost at the hardest hit area, which was the most infested area of ​​Zerg.

The captain looked at the starry sky outside again, and saw Zerg scouts flying by from time to time, feeling chills all over his body, and immediately ordered, "Let them change direction and drive to the periphery."

Under the threat of gunpoint, several pilots had no choice but to re-plan the route, control the battleship to turn around, and head in another direction.

If the captain wants to get rid of Daniel, he must not go back.

At this time, Zhu Shunming called out all the people who entered the room to take refuge and sought everyone's opinions. Some people were unwilling to go back to the cockpit;

Zhu Shunming asked them to hide in the rescue cabin, and if they were in danger, they would go directly into the rescue cabin and escape. In fact, they would die sooner or later. There were Zerg outside, so how could the rescue cabin be so lucky to encounter a human spaceship.

Most people are timid, and they still think it is better to wait in the rescue cabin. A few strong men can see the situation a little bit, and insist on following Zhu Shunming. The wife will reconcile.

Zhu Shunming didn't tell everyone that Zhu Xiuyun was dead, but when they saw his sad face, they didn't see Zhu Xiuyun's figure. They guessed that she might have died. No one asked, but followed silently.

Along the way, Zhu Shunming saw that the damaged places in the battleship had been repaired by maintenance robots a lot. The garbage was thrown into the incinerator, including large pieces of flesh and blood. The timid people would faint when they saw it. The complete corpse robot They are still reserved, and the captain needs to give orders on how to deal with them.

Zhu Shunming made some arrangements before returning to the cockpit.

Apart from seeing Jia Youcai's family members and technicians in an area protected by a dozen masters, he didn't see anyone else, so he knew that everyone was going to the cockpit.

With heavy steps, Zhu Shunming walked into the cockpit, saw Ye Lan and Ye Hao being tied up, and immediately shouted: "Why did you tie up the two children, let them go quickly, you hurt them, be careful of their parents I will settle accounts with you."

The captain sat on the command chair, turned around, and faced Zhu Shunming with anger on his face, but said in a deep voice: "Captain Zhu, can you explain why the route you made was to fly to the center of the Zerg outbreak? Shall we all die together?"

At this time, Zhu Shunming didn't want to bother to cover it up. He sneered and said, "For you people, I don't need to sacrifice my own people. I went there just to bring Su Qing back. She will join us soon."

When Jia Youcai heard the captain's words, he was like a thunderbolt, and immediately ran forward to check the route, and then became furious, wishing to kill Zhu Shunming.
"Damn old man, how dare you fool us, I want to die, throw you out to feed the Zerg, why drag us into the water."

Jia Youcai was really frightened by the Zerg. What if he encountered a king bug again and experienced a near-death experience, it would be too terrifying. Can Temo's old man stop playing?
No matter how shrewd Jia Youcai was, he would never have imagined that someone would disregard his own safety and go to a dangerous place. Not only did he not far away from the Zerg outbreak area along the way, but he approached the central area. Jia Youcai was so angry that he could spit out a mouthful of blood ;
All his efforts to escape the danger were in vain, and he lost a lot of money. This made Jia Youcai, who had never done business at a loss, go crazy, and when he ran to Zhu Shunming, he wanted to shoot him;

He stopped halfway, he remembered, this old man's cultivation level is not low, what should he do if he is an ordinary person and let the old man take him hostage?Forget about safety, he ran behind his subordinates, glared at Zhu Shunming fiercely, and kept cursing.

The captain's face was gloomy, and he said coldly: "What purpose do you have to pretend to be an ordinary person? You are not an intelligence officer of the imperial army, and you are here to collect information? Are the major legions coming soon? ?”

The mecha cabin immediately became quiet, and Jia Youcai's people all looked at Zhu Shunming.

Zhu Shunming was a little surprised, and quickly realized that the old man is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. He loves it. He pulled a chair, sat down calmly, held a newest gun, and pointed at them, ha ha smile,
"Why, I feel something wrong now. It's late. If you just robbed and didn't hurt anyone, you'll be fine when the army comes. However, two of our people died and several were injured. Do you think my officer Will you let me go?"

"We didn't kill people."

The head of the mercenary yelled that he was born in the underworld and was most afraid of dealing with the army.

Jia Youcai was in a hurry, the tip of his nose was covered with beads of sweat, and he was thinking quickly what to do?
But the captain smiled sullenly, "Don't scare me with the army, even if the army comes, they won't take care of us. They are going to fight the Zerg first and save the people on the planets. You people should be used as cannon fodder." , Sending you out is a narrow escape, and it is better to get information, and it will not affect the overall situation if you die, as the high-level military has always done."

(End of this chapter)

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