Chapter 867
Zhu Shunming was completely desperate, "Since you can guess my identity, how to deal with it at will, the people on the battleship are ordinary people who hide their identities for me, and they don't understand anything, let them live, especially the two children, But Ye Zhiqiu's children are all gangsters, let Ye Zhiqiu redeem them."

The mercenary leader was surprised, "So it's Ye Zhiqiu's twins!!"

Zhu Shunming felt that the brothers and sisters should be able to save their lives. After all, the Lengye mercenary regiment is now number one in the mercenary world, and most people would not offend Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Lan cried, "Mr. Zhu, I don't want Dad to save us. We want to avenge Grandma Zhu. If they hadn't snatched Grandma Zhu away, she wouldn't have died."

Zhu Shunming glared at her coldly, "Are you capable of revenge? The avengers will come, so they should be left to her, otherwise how will she vent her anger?"

After saying this, each of Jia Youcai and the others felt chills from the bottom up, as if they were being stared at by something.

"I'll kill you all first, and I'll see who dares to seek revenge from me." Jia Youcai shouted sternly.

Zhu Shunming shouted fiercely, "Kill, kill, I didn't save Xiuyun's life, I'm ashamed of my entrustment, if you want to kill me, do it right away! Those who come to seek revenge can kill you with a single strand of hair Do you think that the masters of Da Niu, Huo Miao, and Jiao Jiao are incompetent?"

Now no one said a word, everyone was full of fear, the three big cows still have their masters?

The big cow is already so powerful, they dare not think how strong the person who can subdue it will be.

The captain had thought about it a long time ago, but he didn't show his panic in his heart. When he saw that the route was set, he said calmly: "Let's go, go at full speed."

Several drivers looked at Zhu Shunming, but they couldn't do anything about the guns on their heads, so they had to follow suit and operate at the same time.

As soon as Daniel approached the door of the cabin, the battleship turned around and flew away quickly. Daniel was taken aback, why didn't he want it.

Shouting terrible in my heart, I am sure that those bad guys have controlled the battleship and want to keep it in space. Since I can't beat it, I won't let it board the battleship and let it die in the void.

Daniu was so angry that he ran after him wildly, mooing and roaring at the same time. Unfortunately, no matter how fast it was, it could not keep up with the speed of the battleship. Everything was in vain.

Daniu's cultivation level is one step lower than Bai Qian's, which is a huge difference. Don't look at Bai Qian who can walk directly in the starry sky, but Daniel can't. It's fine in a short period of time, but after a long time, there is no replenishment if the consumption is too high. He was about to die from exhaustion, and Daniel couldn't stop breathing for a long time.

The ninth-level monster has no form, so it cannot travel in the starry sky. When the Violet disappeared instantly, Daniel was also dumbfounded.

Grandma Zhu didn't protect it well, and the master's battleship was lost again, so my punishment couldn't be lighter now.

Daniel stood blankly in the void for a long time, looked at the equipment in his own space, took out a helmet specially made for him and put it on, the helmet is connected with oxygen, it can be used for several hours, it should be enough by calculation .

So Daniel stepped forward, stopped chasing the Violet, and went directly to Su Qing according to the direction indicated in the contract.

No matter how the master punishes it, he can only go to see the master with his forehead upside down, and explain to her what happened on the battleship. I hope the master will not kill it in a fit of anger, and it will never make mistakes in the future!
Daniel signed a master-servant contract with Su Qing. You can’t hide from him, so you can only face it. After all, it is the majestic King of Green Bull. , to experience the feeling that life is worse than death.

In the vast sea of ​​stars, a cow looks so insignificant. In the past, when the Zerg tribe saw the big cow, it was like a mosquito seeing blood, and rushed up excitedly. The big cow just didn't want to vent his anger.

Fortunately, this is a Zerg-intensive area, and there are very few human spaceships. Only a few escaped spaceships saw the big cow. People couldn't help exclaiming that the Zerg had evolved again and turned into a cow.

An hour later, Daniel saw a spaceship traveling at high speed, and according to the contract, the owner was on that spaceship.

With tears in his eyes, Daniel said, 'Master, I finally found you. '

On the Violet, Zhu Shunming saw that Daniel did not have time to enter the battleship, so he was not in a hurry. Su Qing’s pets were not simple. I won't lose it.

Zhu Shunming didn't care how the captain manipulated the battleship, but took out a bottle of elixir, ignored dozens of muzzles, went directly to the wall and gave Ye Lan and Ye Hao one pill to heal the wound on his hand, muttering nagging,

"When you're young, you just can't do things well. These will become your future experience. Remember this painful lesson."

Zhu Shunming figured that he was still useful, and they dared not shoot. In order not to irritate each other, he did not untie the ropes on the brothers and sisters. The captain would not let the two supernatural masters go free. They can attack, but they are not afraid of them because they are less mobile and easier to kill.

The captain had given up on killing everyone on the battleship. Now he just wanted to reach the destination as soon as possible, where there was a way to hide his identity, so that he could lead his men to escape.

The captain's many years of combat career gave him a very strong sense of danger. He felt that he must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise it would be very dangerous, even more terrifying than the Zerg.

Jia Youcai bluffed at first, but soon fell silent. He looked at the captain with his eyes wandering. He felt that something was wrong. He seemed to have been seized by the captain. He felt that his authority was running out. Could it be that too many people died? for the sake?
The two supernatural brothers and sisters were captured by the captain's order. Jia Youcai didn't have time to speak at all, and he didn't feel it at first, but after Zhu Shunming appeared, the captain sat in the command chair and talked to him, and he seemed like a follower. was seized;
Even the head of the mercenary group didn't say a word. Jia Youcai felt like he was betraying his relatives. Look at the subordinates on the left and right. Are you all still loyal to me?
The captain was not afraid of Zhu Shunming making trouble, as long as he made any abnormal movements, dozens of guns would fire immediately. Whether it was a supernatural master or a martial artist, he would suffer in the face of hot weapons, and his cultivation was not enough to stop hot weapons.

If someone really reached the level of a great master, the captain didn't dare to provoke them. He could see that the Ye Lan brothers and sisters' supernatural martial arts were not bad, but they were not particularly high, and they were still far from a great master!
That's why they act decisively, because they are afraid that the two brothers and sisters will mess around, and the children just can't see the situation clearly. Let's see if Captain Zhu knows more about current affairs.

Although Zhu Shunming's martial arts is high, that is to say, he is effective against Zergs. If there is a fight, the captain has several ways to shoot him. Since the old man is sensible, let him be free for a while.

There are so many cultivators in the empire, and there is no way to manage them. It depends on the powerful imperial army. Although ordinary soldiers in the army cannot practice, after systematic training, they can use weapons to make up for the gap with supernatural masters. If you are a supernatural master, it will be even more powerful.

So the captain was sure to deal with the three of them, and told his subordinates to keep an eye on them, as long as they didn't do anything;

The captain felt that the previous judgment on the Violet was correct, and the only one who misjudged was the bull. Who would have thought that there was a bull on the battleship, which was so powerful that thousands of Zerg didn't kill it.

The appearance of the mutated Zerg was purely accidental, otherwise the following things would not have happened. After all the calculations, it would be better to just open Jia Youcai's spaceship, and leave the dangerous star field long ago if there is time to toss around.

(End of this chapter)

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