Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 868 Seizing Power

Chapter 868 Seizing Power
The captain is a man who does not believe in evil, with a cold and ruthless personality. The more adversity he has, the less afraid he is, and he finds it more challenging. Now he doesn't want to pretend anymore. Jia Youcai's role is over, and the next step is up to him;
As for the people on the Violet, he was going to a planet where the black forces were rampant, and the human trade was booming. Ability masters and martial artists could still be traded, and they could be packaged and given away directly.

At this time, he didn't need to be polite. Jia Youcai, a profiteer with a smell of copper, made him endure for a long time. He was stupid and poisonous. If he hadn't shown off at the beginning, they would have left smoothly, and the following things could have happened.

Zhu Shunming took the elixir for Ye Lan and Ye Hao, and said lightly: "Just do it like this, wait for your parents to come to redeem, we people are free, I am old, where do I not bury people, there are dozens of people left , are ordinary people, as long as they can live."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Ye Hao's anxious questioning, Ye Lan's face was full of tears, and she sat back indifferently, continuing to remain silent.

Zhu Xiuyun's death was a heavy blow to everyone. They followed Zhu Shunming and whispered, "Mr. Zhu, let's just do nothing and let them dictate."

Zhu Shunming said softly: "Don't worry, I'll wait for Su Qing to come back."

The man said again: "Miss Su was already some distance away from us. They changed their course and moved forward at full speed. Miss Su will definitely not be able to catch up with us. She doesn't know where we went or how to find us."

Zhu Shunming: "That's not necessarily the case. Miss Su is amazing. When you see it, you will understand why she is the master of Da Niu."

A few people can't figure it out and don't think about it, just follow Mr. Zhu, even if they hide in the rescue cabin, they will inevitably die in the end, at least they can die here clearly, maybe they can survive.

The fighting power of Daniel and Huo Miao has opened everyone's eyes by fighting against the Zerg. They never thought that Miss Su's three pets are so powerful. They can't blame Mr. Zhu for insisting on waiting for Miss Su to come back. More powerful.

Originally their plan was good, they could reconcile with Ms. Su smoothly, but unfortunately everything was ruined by Su Mingjuan's appearance, because of her, everyone took the risk to save people, but got into a disaster and killed Aunt Zhu, everyone hated to death Su Mingjuan died, and I don't know where she went?

A few people didn't speak, they clenched the guns in their hands, and stared at Jia Youcai and the others vigilantly.

Zhu Shunming occupied a corner, staring at the starry sky on the light screen, silently, only when his eyes swept over Jia Youcai and the others, he showed a murderous look with a cold light,
"None of you can escape. Zhu Xiuyun is dead, and no one can live. When the time comes, the old man will do it himself and cut you scoundrels into pieces." '

All the people caught by Zhu Shunming's gaze felt a chill in their hearts, and they clenched their guns tightly. If the old man makes any abnormal movements, he will kill you immediately.

The head of the mercenary group kept churning in his heart. Only he and his subordinates knew that he had confiscated the equipment and storage devices of Zhu Shunming and the others. Where did the guns in their hands come from?Explain that they still have storage containers hidden.

He hasn't had time to look at the confiscated storage containers, and there must be a lot of good things inside. Although he is not as thoughtful as Jia Youcai and the captain, he can see the situation clearly;

The captain has been pretending to be a man of integrity and loyal to Boss Jia, but he has already smelled the smell of the same kind, and he is also a master who eats people without spitting out bones;
Judging by his current behavior, he is aware of something. He seized power cleanly. Didn't he dare to speak up without seeing Jia Youcai?
There are not many of their subordinates left, the main reason is that all the mecha masters are dead, and the biggest support is gone. Even if there are a few masters left, at most they can protect themselves, and it is hard to say what will happen to them;

I really didn't expect that the captain and his pilots were all masters. I don't know where Jia Youcai hired them?

He could see that the captain had a different heart. He knew the most famous destination of the battleship. They didn't kill people but they could sell people. Don't care if they would be retaliated against in the future, as long as no one died in their hands;
Everyone has their own little things, and it is good to push it to Jia Youcai in the end. Originally, Jia Youcai asked them to do those things, and they just added fuel to the flames.

Don't look at the mercenary leader's bluffing, gangster-like air, but he is rough and subtle. Even if he doesn't understand some things, he won't suffer. For example, if he didn't take someone to copy the cockpit this time, he would probably have to turn it into a cockpit. The meat is pureed.

The captain is the most treacherous and hides his strength. Now that he has few people, he just keeps silent.

Right now the captain won't do anything. After all, the three families need to be united to suppress old man Zhu. Otherwise, he will desperately save the two children, and throwing two more pieces of paper will be enough for them.

The minds of several principals in the cockpit were different, except for the slight sounds from various equipment, it was extremely quiet.

Zhu Shunming was confiscated with a communicator, and there was a spare one hidden in the storage device. He opened it from time to time to check.

The captain didn't say anything when he saw it. He was sure that even if old man Zhu contacted the army, the military's inertia would not send troops to rescue them.

In fact, Zhu Shunming was just waiting for Su Qing's information. He didn't dare to take the initiative to contact Su Qing. He felt very guilty. Thirty minutes ago, he confidently said that his plan was fine, and then his grandmother disappeared, so he couldn't say it.

Since Daniel will meet Su Qing first, let him bear Su Qing's thunderous wrath first!

The battleship is driving at full speed and will leave this star field soon. It will take at least ten days to reach the destination. Normally, as long as the pilot is left behind, the rest can go back to the room to rest and move around freely, but in this complicated situation right now , who can rest assured that everyone is wary of others.

Seeing that the battleship was running smoothly and the pilots were honest, the captain asked the person who cracked the system, "How long will it take before the crack is successful."

The technician quickly flipped and tapped on the keyboard with both hands, a string of text flashed on the light screen, and took the time to say: "It will take a long time, mainly because the original owner is still alive, and the battleship has been officially registered. In resistance, the system of this battleship belongs to the military's secondary encryption system, which has very strict anti-theft means, and my ability will not be able to crack it for a while."

The captain is not a layman either, he has a little understanding of the system principle, cracking the system is not a simple matter of two clicks, if that is the case, spaceships and warships can be robbed at will, so the anti-theft system is quite powerful.

The captain looked at Zhu Shunming and the others, and wanted to quickly crack the system to take full control of the entire warship, and then lock up all these people, so that they could start sailing without stopping, but he didn't expect it to be impossible.

I and my subordinates haven't had a good rest for several days, so I can't continue;
He called Jia Youcai and the head of the mercenary team, and discussed taking shifts to rest;
The mercenary captain didn't say a word, he took his own people and left. There are many rooms in the battleship, and those that can be opened can be opened directly to go in and rest. I haven't slept peacefully for a long time. I finally don't have to fight, so I don't hurry up to rest.

Jia Youcai opened his mouth to say something, but faced the captain's cold and merciless gaze, he swallowed it back;
The businessman is used to seeing the wind and changing the rudder. When he saw the situation changed, the captain withdrew from his usual posture, showing a domineering and cold-blooded aura. How dare he say more, his own strength has been greatly reduced, and the right to speak has been taken away. I had no choice but to pretend to be my grandson first, and when he got to the place, turn over immediately, what are you afraid of!
Jia Youcai also took his men away, since the captain is willing to take care of this mess, then it belongs to him, and he goes back to have a good rest.

A large group of people left in the cockpit, only the captain and a dozen of his men were left, and the rest also went to rest. Although their cultivation base is not low, people can’t stand not sleeping well for several days and nights, and they still need to sleep. for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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