Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 871 Teleportation Array

Chapter 871 Teleportation Array
Since childhood, Su Qing has withdrawn personality, low self-esteem, and sensitivity. She doesn't like to contact people too much. Her greatest wish is to have a home and a family, so that she can enjoy the love, warmth and care of her family;

Zhu Xiuyun is the sun in Su Qing's heart, the support point of life, her sudden departure means that a corner of Su Qing's spiritual world suddenly collapsed, and it is no longer complete.

If he can get through it, Su Qing's future practice will be smooth and there will be no obstacles. If he can't make it through, his heart knot will gradually deepen, and it will be bad if he becomes a demon, and it will be difficult to advance in his future practice.

How can Luo Zilan look at her successor, there are obstacles in practice, so this sadness must be vented, and then when she calms down and is not so sad, she will talk to Su Qing about Zhu Xiuyun's problem.

"Qingqing, don't worry, since you have Huomiao and Jiaojiao as coordinates, you can teleport there directly. You must know that the teleportation formation is our patent in the cultivation world, what is the rough formation of Zerg?"

Luo Zilan's voice came from beside Su Qing's ear, causing her eyes to flash in surprise,
"Old Ancestor, where is the teleportation array? Didn't you say that the teleportation array is point-to-point? It can't just teleport to the vicinity of the battleship?"

Luo Zilan: "You forgot, many of the magic weapons I left for you can't be used now, and you haven't looked at them all the time. They are piled up there. Among them is the portable teleportation array, which you can barely use, and can teleport for a certain distance. You know The location of the coordinate transmission will be very accurate. I only used it once when I was running for my life, and the energy consumption was too high, and each activation required a million spirit stones, which most people could not afford.”

Su Qing's eyes lit up, it was only a million spirit stones, she was willing to pay any price in order to avenge her grandma, let alone a million spirit stones.

She doesn't have it herself, but it is in the space painting she got from Qinglianzong!

These years, she has been refining that painting when she is free, and she has been able to control [-]% of it. It is not difficult to get millions of spirit stones. It would be even better if she could get middle-grade spirit stones or top-grade spirit stones. That's enough.

Su Qing's primordial spirit followed Luo Zilan into the space, and found the portable teleportation array. This kind of magic weapon is very difficult to refine, and very few people in the cultivation world can have it, that is, Luo Zilan can get it.

Before her ascension, she left a lot of useful things for future successors, and this small teleportation array was also left behind. She originally wanted to use it when Su Qing practiced in the future, but she didn't expect to use it at this time.

Luo Zilan didn't say it before because she didn't have any spirit stones, so she couldn't use it, but Zhu Xiuyun's death must make Su Qing take revenge as soon as possible. Personality twists to extremes.

The Violet was rebuilt by her and Su Qing together. Its performance in all aspects is several times that of other warships. It is quite fast. We must stop those people as soon as possible, otherwise the empire is so big, even if we can save the people in the farm, I want to find those people It's too late for people to take revenge. Someone will definitely escape, and it will be difficult to find them again.

Finally found the big box containing the teleportation array, Su Qing got it, and started to move the spirit stones from the space painting, finally got together a million spirit stones, in fact, it was not too late, it took less than half an hour;

But Su Qing was so anxious that every minute and every second felt like a long time, and when she gathered enough spirit stones, Su Qing told Bai Qian that she had to take a step first.

"Bai Qian, I'll go to the Violet first, I can't let those people escape, you take care of the Shark, don't let the Zerg hurt the humans on it, I will leave a puppet as a substitute."

Bai Qian asked in confusion: "How do you get there? You can't do it by flying alone, and you are only at the Golden Core Stage."

Su Qing: "I have the magic weapon left by the master, and I have flames as coordinates, which can be directly teleported there,"

Bai Qian's heart skipped a beat, is there such a magic weapon?It's a pity that she was arrested and thrown into the Hopeless Secret Realm when she was still a child, and she didn't know much about human monks.

"No problem, the Shark is handed over to me. If you bring Daniel with you, it will help you somewhat. The two flames are pure waste, and it is difficult to protect yourself."

Su Qing nodded, took out a puppet talisman and turned into the captain, sat on the command chair, opened the animal pet bag and let Daniel in, and disappeared into the spaceship in a flash.

Su Qing activated the teleportation array, and the rushing spirit stones poured in, and the spirit stone foam leaked out from below. Anyone who saw this scene would definitely feel very strange.

Millions of spiritual stones are considered a large amount of wealth in the era of cultivation, and they can make many low-level monks earn life and death.

But Su Qing doesn't care, the grandmother is gone, it's like a corner of her life is suddenly missing, and she doesn't know how to continue living, she never thought that her grandmother would leave so suddenly, she thought they would be together for a long, long time , I didn't expect it to be just a few years.

Su Qing's eyes could no longer shed tears, and his chest seemed to explode with anger, only the blood of those invaders could extinguish it.

The teleportation array absorbed the energy of millions of spirit stones, and began to emit light, illuminating the dark void. Su Qing resolutely stepped in, the teleportation array was even more radiant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Su Qing didn't find middle-grade and top-grade spirit stones, and the teleportation array took a while to absorb energy, otherwise it would be faster.

This kind of magic weapon is used by monks to escape, and those who are qualified to use it are those who are not short of money. Otherwise, if they escape, they will have no time to fill in the spirit stones bit by bit. They must use high-grade spirit stones, otherwise it will be too time-consuming. It is likely to be shot to death by the enemy.

It was the first time for Su Qing to experience the feeling of teleportation, and she couldn't understand the principle of the teleportation array, why she could reach a distant place in an instant, as long as she knew how to use it.

It is enough for her to know some methods of refining and arranging the teleportation array. She is not a professional, so whether she understands it or not does not prevent her from using it.

In less than a few seconds, Su Qing appeared on the Violet with the teleportation array, standing on the top of the battleship with both feet. The super-light speed of the battleship did not affect her at all, and she still stood firmly.

Let the big cow out, and prevent fish from slipping outside. Su Qing is afraid that someone will escape when she cleans up those people later. Although the hatch cannot be opened, there are many damages on the battleship, and heavy weapons can be used. It's most appropriate to let Daniel defend. This time it must not dare to be careless.

She contacted the battleship brain immediately, stopped the flight lock program, locked the hatch, and no one could escape.

Then Yuanshen probed into the interior of the battleship to observe the enemy's situation. Who is on the other side, how many people are there, where are the own people, is there any danger, and will they be killed by the enemy?

The results of the observation let Su Qing know the situation in the battleship well.

Seeing that the captain sent someone to take the hostages, Su Qing couldn't ignore it. It's better not to get involved with the ordinary people in the farm, it's all adding to the chaos. Heart, the loss of her grandma made her temperament change drastically, she no longer had the ordinary mentality of the past, and she became more and more transformed into a cultivator.

Su Qing's figure flickered, and he directly used an escape technique to enter the battleship, and appeared in the rescue cabin before the captain's people came.

Su Qing's sudden appearance startled the 20 or so people hiding here, and when they saw clearly that it was her, everyone cheered and surrounded her.

"Miss Su, you are back!"

"Master, you are back."

"Miss Su, save us, those people outside are blocking the door with guns, trying to kill us."

Everyone was chattering, Su Qing had a cold face, her eyes were red, she didn't say a word, she just looked at them indifferently.

Many people belatedly realized that something was wrong with her, so they stopped and became quiet.

Among them, only Lao Zhang and his wife had been in contact with Su Qing the longest, and their relationship was good.

Lao Zhang and his wife hesitated to go forward, Su Qing came back, but Zhu Xiuyun was gone, how could they tell the little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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