Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 872 Su Qing Comes

Chapter 872 Su Qing Comes
Lao Zhang saw that everyone was afraid to speak because of Su Qing's indifference, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Qingqing, you are back, you have to be careful, there are many bad guys on our battleship."

Su Qing nodded slightly, "I see, I will clean them up, you guys hide here for a while, wait for me to clean up the battleship, and then go out, otherwise it will be bad if they take you as hostages, I will It's not my grandma, she will be threatened."

The coldness in Su Qing's words made people feel cold when they heard it. She was expressing her attitude. If you are disobedient and insist on going out to seek death, she will not care about it, and you will pay for it yourself.

Everyone didn't dare to show their anger. Even a supernatural master would feel oppressed by Su Qing's aura, let alone ordinary people like them. What's more, her demeanor was obviously very wrong. Could it be that she found out that her grandmother was dead?

Thinking of Zhu Xiuyun's death, everyone felt guilty, especially those who pushed Zhu Xiuyun's mother and daughter.

Zhu Xiuyun's death was caused by all the reasons gathered together. She was pushed out to help everyone block the Zerg, so those people's eyes rolled around and they didn't dare to look at Su Qing.

"We all understand that what you want to do, just go, we won't make trouble for you."

After all, Lao Zhang is older and understands the truth. Besides, he was not present for what happened in the hall, and it would not be his turn for Su Qing to vent his anger, so he was very calm, but he couldn't bear to tell her about Zhu Xiuyun's death. But it looks like she knows.

With a wave of Su Qing's hand, he arranged a layer of restraint for the room, and the person disappeared in a flash.

Everyone was dumbfounded in shock. When Su Qing came, she also appeared suddenly. Everyone patronized and talked, but ignored it;
Now that Su Qing disappeared, they realized how she got in and out through the thick metal wall, even a gold-type supernatural master couldn't do it.

Su Qing's figure appeared at the door of the rescue cabin, and the two people in charge of the door were startled, but their rich combat experience made them subconsciously shoot directly.

Su Qing looked at them coldly, and didn't care about the firepower from the gun at all. As soon as those attacks approached Su Qing, she was blocked by her body protection aura, which had no effect at all.

The man shouted loudly, "Who are you?"

Su Qing's face was as cold as ice and snow, his eyes were full of hatred, and he said indifferently: "The people who killed you."

She uttered each word very slowly, and each word was like a knife, piercing through the two people.

Su Qing didn't talk nonsense, just reached out and grabbed her, and the two rushed towards her without any resistance. They shouted loudly in fright, struggled hard but it didn't work, and they came to Su Qing in an instant.

A green light flashed in Su Qing's hand, and the two green vines engulfed the two men like spirit snakes, and they couldn't break free no matter how hard they tried.

Su Qing turned around and pulled the two men, and walked towards the cockpit step by step. He didn't care about the abuse and struggle of the two men, and just walked step by step like that.

All the people I met on the road were tied up by green vines, Su Qing was like dragging a string of hammered fish to death;
Even if Jia Youcai was conceited that he still had more than a dozen good players in his hands, he still couldn't get rid of the situation of being tied up and taken away.

Not only Jia Youcai and his subordinates, but also his parents, wife and children, and several relatives were all taken away by Su Qing's powerful means without any ability to struggle;

Dozens of people were crying and cursing, but Su Qing turned a deaf ear to them, and just pulled them forward like he was pulling livestock.

Shooting and shooting, Su Qing was not afraid at all, and slashed with a knife. Before she could get close to her, she was tied up. The so-called masters were like wilted leaves, and Su Qing dragged her forward.

Whenever passing a room with people, Su Qing would wave open the door, grab the person out, tie them up and take them away, no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape the fate of being dragged away.

These awesome people are no different from ants in Su Qing's eyes, but it is such a bunch of trash that caused grandma's accidental death.

These people dare not kill Zerg, they can only bully those who are inferior to themselves, and it is a waste of food to live, especially the bloody aura on everyone's body is very strong, no one is good, everyone deserves to die.

As Su Qing walked towards the cockpit step by step, the captain looked at the picture displayed on the light screen, as if falling into an ice cave, the woman was so terrifying.

When Su Qing first entered the battleship, the captain didn't notice at all. He just kept scanning the starry sky outside the battleship, and finally found Daniel on the top of the battleship.

This surprised him. It wasn't that he had thrown off the big cow. The speed of the battleship was quite fast. How could a cow catch up? When did it come? Does the shutdown of the battleship system have anything to do with it?

"Ah!!" came a scream, it turned out to be one of the drivers who saw a shocking picture on the monitor he was in charge of.

The captain said displeasedly, "What are you yelling at?"

"Captain, look, a woman suddenly appeared and captured the two of us."

The captain asked someone to switch to the big screen, and the people behind Zhu Shunming couldn't help shouting, "It's Miss Su."

Zhu Shunming's face showed a relaxed look, Qingqing finally came, but unfortunately she came late and Xiuyun was gone.

Taking advantage of the shock of everyone, he winked at Ye Lan and Ye Hao, and made a warning gesture, so that the two of them should be ready at any time, and they should not be taken hostage by the other party. can save them.

Ye Lan and Ye Hao are not stupid, but they are young and have little experience, and their eyes signaled that they understood.

With the appearance of Su Qing, the captain saw that his subordinates were being led away by her like a chick. Any resistance was futile. No matter how powerful the master was, he had no ability to resist.

Jia Youcai was dragged like a dog to death, and he couldn't help feeling a bit sad;
Jia Youcai's only remaining subordinates are definitely masters, and he will soon be a great master. Coupled with the blessing of hot weapons, he can be regarded as a party wherever he goes, but in Su Qing's hands, he has no resistance at all.

Even hot weapons are ineffective against Su Qing's attack. With a light wave of his hand, all attacks come to naught.

A very powerful and terrifying peerless master, the captain was terrified at the thought of him offending such a character;
I am facing a huge crisis no worse than the king worm, if I fail, I will confess. It turns out that the owner of the battleship has always been Su Mingjuan's daughter. Who would have thought that a little girl would be so powerful and terrifying.

On her cold and ruthless face, her eyes were red, revealing deep hatred. It was obvious that she knew the news of Zhu Xiuyun's death, and it was terrible.

Although Zhu Xiuyun's death was not directly caused by them, the family members will definitely put all the responsibility on them, but they don't care that the two children are also partly responsible. Who made them hostile!
The captain looked at Su Qing in the light screen, and dragged their people out of the room one by one without any omissions, which meant that the matter could not be settled easily, and maybe he really confessed here.

Thinking of this, he smiled cruelly, whoever is afraid of others, if you want revenge, then come!

"What are you still doing in a daze? Control all the original people on the battleship here. Anyone who resists will be killed directly."

The captain was also willing to go all out, killing anyone who disobeyed. He estimated that nine out of ten they would not be able to escape. If they walked too much at night, they would eventually encounter ghosts. This time they hit an iron plate.

I thought that even if the owner of the warship is powerful and has a high level of cultivation, they will not be able to catch up in a short while. They have time to escape, and he doesn't particularly believe Zhu Shunming's words. He was slapped in the face unexpectedly. Not guaranteed.

(End of this chapter)

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