Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 880 You Are Him

Chapter 880 You Are Him
Yang Wei didn't care either, before he could speak,
Su Qing said first: "Uncle Yang, go to Bai Qian's side first, we will go together later, I have something to say to the captain."

Yang Wei could only nod his head, "Okay!"

He didn't pay attention at first, but when he took a closer look at Qingqing, he realized that her eyes were a little red, with sadness in her expression;

He also thought that the two had been separated for too long, and Qingqing was unfamiliar with her, that's why it happened, it seemed that there was an inside story.

Yang Wei is also a smart person, this is not the time to speak, he obediently walked towards Bai Qian;

Su Qing pointed lightly at Chen Haojiang, Chen Haojiang realized that he could control his body, stood up suddenly from the ground, and looked at Su Qing warily.

Su Qing didn't have time to explain to him, and said directly: "We are going back to our battleship. After that, you will drive the Shark and follow us. If you encounter Zerg on the road, we will send you off until we escort you to a safe star field."

"Who are you? Hey! I can speak now." Chen Haojiang discovered that he could speak now.

Su Qing said indifferently: "Do you understand what I said?"

After Chen Haojiang was pleasantly surprised, his vigilance remained undiminished, "Understood, but why did you do this?"

Chen Haojiang stubbornly insisted on figuring out, what exactly do these people want to do?

Although Su Qing was in a bad mood, she would not embarrass others, especially Chen Haojiang, who had the opportunity to escape back to the Central Galaxy, it was because of her that she was in a dangerous area.

"Mr. Captain, you have been misunderstood. We are not robbing. We just borrowed your spaceship and returned to my own warship. You have suffered a lot, and we can't leave you alone. After all, there are many people on the Shark. , I have the responsibility to escort you to a safe place."

Chen Haojiang thought quickly whether what the other party said was credible, and suddenly he looked at Su Qing in shock, "You are him."

If others heard this sentence, they would definitely feel baffled, but Su Qing understood;

She nodded slightly.

Chen Haojiang was stunned for a while, then smiled wryly: "You are all strong, you shouldn't lie to me, it doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, I don't have the ability to resist, so just do as you say!"

How else can Chen Haojiang choose, the matter has come to this point, the other party is mysterious and highly cultivated, he only has to be obedient, if what she said is true, then it is good that they survived, otherwise they left and took the shark Throw it here, and it won't be long before it will all be fed to the Zerg.

Seeing that Chen Haojiang agreed, Su Qing said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Although you also have a lot of blood and evil spirits on your body, it is far worse than star robbers. As long as you escort these people to deliver them safely The local government has accumulated a lot of merit, but after I leave, if you want to abandon the people and escape alone, I will not spare you."

Chen Haojiang rolled his eyes in secret, there are horrible people like you, how dare they, they must hand over the people to the government, and return to the capital star as soon as possible, the medium galaxy will be in chaos, and they will never come again in their lifetime.

Through the light screen, he had already seen the nearby Violet,

The domineering appearance and high-end configuration of the battleship made Chen Haojiang look envious. As a pilot, who wouldn't want to experience driving a warship, and their gang also has battleships, all of which are small and boring to drive.

Su Qing walked up to Bai Qian and Yang Wei, waved away the puppet talisman, and beckoned Chen Haojiang to come over.

"The Shark is handed over to you, please contact us if you have any questions."

Chen Haojiang nodded, then watched helplessly,

Su Qing grabbed Yang Wei and Bai Qian, and they disappeared in a flash.

The three suddenly appeared in space, but Yang Wei was terrified. He didn't wear protective clothing, let alone an oxygen mask, and he didn't suffocate to death. Qingqing didn't say anything in advance, it was too sudden.

Just about to open his mouth to yell, the screen changed, and the three of them appeared in the same hall again.

Returned from the Shark to the Violet in two breaths.

"Bai Qian, you're back, that's great."

"Bai Qian, are you okay? I'm worried about you."

Several people rushed to say hello to Bai Qian, especially Ye Lan and Ye Hao, but they were worried about her. At that time, Bai Qian blocked so many king insects by herself. It was scary to think about it. It was not easy for her to survive.

Bai Qian was like a hero, as soon as she appeared, she was surrounded by everyone and greeted her.

Instead, it was Su Qing, no one dared to disturb her,

Su Qing took Yang Wei to the cockpit, saw Zhu Shunming, and introduced them first, "Uncle Yang, this is Captain Zhu Shunming, Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, he is Yang Wei, I am Uncle Yang, take good care of him in the future. "

Yang Wei hurriedly greeted with a smile, "Mr. Zhu, hello, I will trouble you in the future."

Zhu Shunming stood up and looked at Yang Wei before saying, "It's all from my own family, so you're welcome. Yang Wei, Qingqing paid a high price to save you. You must love her well in the future."

Yang Wei nodded, "I know, I watched Qingqing grow up. Although we are not related by blood, our relationship is as good as that of relatives."

Su Qing's face was indifferent, and he didn't say anything, but asked Zhu Shunming to contact Chen Haojiang of the Shark, and the two discussed which channel to take.

Bai Qian was chatting with everyone, and Yang Wei could just leave it to Zhu Shunming, Su Qing said, "Mr. Zhu, I'll leave everything to you. If you need anything, call me. Uncle Yang, I'm a little tired, so I'll go back to my room to rest."

Yang Wei was a little strange, why didn't he see Aunt Zhu, but he didn't dare to ask, he just mentioned, "Qingqing, we left the Shark, where did Xiao Zhao go, isn't he with us?"

Su Qing: "He left a long time ago, Bai Qian is here to replace him, you don't have to worry about him."


Yang Wei knew that Zhao Tianlei was also a strong man, so he must come and go freely. Fortunately, he didn't greet a dummy enthusiastically, but just saw that something was wrong with that person.

But the most strange thing is Qingqing, why does she appear so indifferent, not just to him, as if she is so indifferent to everyone, with sadness in her eyes, what's going on?

Yang Wei found a seat at will and sat down, Zhu Shunming asked him to wait, he first had to study the route with Chen Haojiang of the Shark,

Chen Haojiang didn't know where they had arrived until he actually took over the spacecraft. At that time, he kept thinking about which route to go back.

After contacting the captain of the Violet, the two discussed with each other for a long time, and finally chose a safer route.

The battleship was in front, the spaceship was behind, and began to sail at full speed.

On the Violet, all the pilots took their positions, even Bai Qian returned to her original position, and began to tap on the operating table with her fingers, looking very proud.

Yang Wei looked enviously at the skilled operators, Zhu Shunming turned to see him, and asked casually, "Do you want to learn how to pilot a warship?"

Yang Wei's eyes brightened, "Can I learn?"

Zhu Shunming said with a smile: "Of course, it's not difficult. Just learn some basic driving. I don't understand the deeper aspects. Although it is a bit wasteful of the configuration of this battleship, Qingqing's acquisition of this battleship is just a means of transportation."

Yang Wei nodded, "Oh, thank you, Mr. Zhu."

Zhu Shunming knew that Su Qing was willing to spend so much effort to rescue Yang Wei, it must be because they have a very good relationship, they are their own people, of course they will not neglect.

"You don't have to be polite with me, let's find a place, and I will teach you some basics first."

Yang Wei waved his hands, "Old Zhu, don't worry about studying, I have something to ask you."

Zhu Shunming's eyes flickered, and he thought he was winking at you, "Then let's sit in the corner over there first."

As soon as the two of them sat down, Yang Wei couldn't wait to ask: "Old Zhu, is something wrong with Qingqing? Why is she always depressed? Although she used to be deserted, she is not like this now. It is obvious that something happened to her made her unhappy. thing."

(End of this chapter)

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