Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 881 Kindness is as heavy as a mountain

Chapter 881 Kindness is as heavy as a mountain
Zhu Shunming let out a long sigh, let go of the perseverance that he had been pretending all along, and showed a tired look on his face;
During this period of time fighting with the Zerg and Jia Youcai, Zhu Shunming was exhausted. It was so easy to hope that Su Qing would come back and clean up all the intruders like a broken bamboo. It is a pity that Zhu Xiuyun died;
Several people on the battleship felt that they were responsible for Zhu Xiuyun's death. Zhu Shunming felt that as the manager of the battleship, he made the biggest mistake;

At that time, he made a decision-making mistake. He shouldn't take the risk of sending Zhu Xiuyun to the medical cabin for treatment. Otherwise, when Su Qing came back, she would definitely be able to save his grandmother.

After Su Qing came back, he didn't blame them, but vented his anger on Jia Youcai and the others. In fact, he also blamed them a little bit in his heart, right?
This made him feel very tormented, but he still had to take care of his own image, and he couldn't confide his anxiety to others. Yang Wei came, just in time to vomit.

Following Zhu Shunming's narration, Yang Wei's face was startled, and when he said that Zhu Xiuyun was trapped by energy and penetrated the battleship and rushed into space.

Yang Wei was shocked, "Ah! ! With a sound, he covered his mouth again, and asked tremblingly: "Madam Zhu was seriously injured, and she was swept out again, so why not...!"

Zhu Shunming nodded sadly, this matter has become a knot in his heart, and that scene at that time will never be forgotten.

Yang Wei sat there in a daze. He really didn't expect that Aunt Zhu passed away not long ago.

Can't complain about Qingqing's appearance, she must be very sad, but she still has to endure it, so she can only face everything indifferently, and only when she is alone can she show her grief.

Suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Old Zhu, why wasn't Qingqing on the battleship at that time?"

Zhu Shunming was taken aback, and said in surprise: "You don't know, Su Qing left Fuchunxing to go to Imperial Capital to rescue you a few months ago, otherwise, could you be released?

Now you understand why I said that when we first met.If Qingqing stayed, nothing would happen to Xiuyun!Why!Everything is fate. "


When Yang Wei heard this, his mind was buzzing, and he felt so guilty. Knowing that Mrs. Zhu had passed away, he felt very sad, and felt sorry for Qingqing even more.
After Zhu Shunming made it clear, he realized that his escape was the result of many people working together, and he also escaped from the palace of the highest authority in the empire. It's not a small price to pay.

Yang Wei rubbed his face in pain, "It's all my fault. I was greedy for a while and insisted on going to some imperial capital. If Qingqing didn't want to save me, nothing would have happened."

Zhu Shunming finally found a sympathetic person who could understand his feelings, but the thing had already happened, and it was useless to regret it, so he persuaded him,
"Don't blame yourself too much, this is destiny, and Qingqing won't blame us, I'm afraid that the child's temper will become colder in the future, and he won't like to contact people."

Yang Wei, who is in his 30s, is very mature in thinking. After listening to what happened, he also knows that Aunt Zhu's death has nothing to do with him. The biggest source of evil.

"Old Zhu, don't worry, I won't get into the wrong place. I understand that child Qingqing, she is kind and mellow, and she will definitely not offend us. If I have time, I will have a good chat with her and comfort her. The dead is gone, we are alive People, you have to live a better life in the future."

Zhu Shunming curled his lips in his heart, he was so kind, who kind of little girl dared to grind three big living people to death, it seems that Yang Wei still didn't understand Su Qing!
When Yang Wei talked about comforting Su Qing, his heart suddenly moved, and he asked: "Have you informed Meng Hao about Mrs. Zhu? He is the one who knows Qingqing best. The two grew up together and went to school together. They have a very good relationship until We separated only after graduation, Qingqing definitely needs his comfort the most."

Zhu Shunming knew about Meng Hao, and Zhu Xiuyun usually said, "I don't have Meng Hao's contact information. I guess only Su Qing knows where he is."

Yang Wei turned on the communicator, "I have Meng Hao's contact information, I can try it, but Meng Hao seems to be doing some special work, so I can't get in touch under normal circumstances, he and Su Qing will definitely be able to get in touch, let me try first .”

He found Meng Xiao's original number on the communicator and clicked on it, but it rang for a long time but he still failed to connect. After 2 minutes, Yang Wei had to give up.

"Meng Yu should be busy, and I have to wait for the opportunity. I don't think Qingqing will take the initiative to tell Meng Yu. Qingqing has been strong since she was a child. Such a small person knows that she can earn money for tuition fees, and she can take care of everything by herself. I hope The sooner Qingqing gets out of the pain, I will dedicate my life to her in the future, and I can't repay her with so much debt!"

Zhu Shunming admired Yang Wei as a young man. He was responsible, grateful, and decent. He didn't know why Su Qing didn't teach him martial arts. His body was too weak.

If Su Qing knew Zhu Shunming's thoughts, she would definitely retort unconvincedly. It is normal for a little girl of a few years to teach martial arts to an adult. If she really wanted to do that, her identity would have been exposed long ago.

Zhu Shunming is a talkative person, and he chatted with Yang Wei about all kinds of things, both of them were very conscious and would not inquire about their privacy;

For example, Zhu Shunming wouldn't ask Yang Wei in public. What happened to him on the Imperial Star was a secret, and Zhu Shunming didn't want to know. Su Qing must have spent a lot of effort in rescuing Yang Wei. If he knew it, it would be bad if the secret was leaked.

After the two chatted enough, Zhu Shunming began to teach Yang Wei how to drive the battleship. Yang Wei had been sleeping on the Shark these days, and he happened to be full of energy at this time.

Most of the people on the battleship saw Yang Wei for the first time. They felt that Boss Su, a relative, was a nice person and would chat with him when he was free. Yang Wei felt that he was very popular.

While driving the battleship, Bai Qian told everyone about her experience on the road.

Everyone talked and laughed and driving was not boring, but there was one person who was isolated by everyone, and that was Lin Yu.

Even if the buddies who have a good relationship with him stay away from him, this person is too bad, for some money, he almost killed everyone, and he couldn't close the hatch with a broken program, otherwise Jia Youcai and the others wouldn't be able to get in at all.

Lin Yu was also disheartened, how could he have thought that Jia Youcai would fail, and the Zerg would also get involved.

Everyone understands that Su Qing cleaned up those people like Jia Youcai and ignored Lin Yu because he is still useful. Once he is useless, it will be his death. The boss wouldn't really want to kill him, would he?
In fact, Su Qing didn't want to kill him, otherwise he would have done it long ago. Even if he knew that it was Lin Yu who opened the hatch, at most he would be fired, and he would not be killed.
Because Lin Yu's conduct is just bad, unlike Jia Youcai, they all bear their own lives, and Su Mingjuan asked him to open the hatch door, Su Mingjuan is the biggest culprit of the whole thing, Lin Yu is not guilty of death, so kill him , It is easy to chill everyone.

When he arrives at a planet, throw him down and let him fend for himself. Whether he can survive or not depends on his own ability.

In order to accommodate the Shark, the Violet sailed at a slow speed, otherwise the Shark would not be able to keep up;
During the voyage, Zhu Shunming also gave the Shark a batch of energy. The energy consumption of the Shark was not much when Su Qing controlled it. Su Qing secretly supported a batch, but it was still not enough during the long-term voyage. Chen Haojiang was checking the inventory After that, I contacted Zhu Shunming about this issue.

Zhu Shunming waved his hand and sent him a large amount of energy.

There was a lot of energy in the warehouse of the Violet, and he couldn't help but feel scared at this moment. Fortunately, when the two sides were fighting, they didn't blow up the warehouse, otherwise they would all be finished.

(End of this chapter)

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