Chapter 882
During the voyage, when encountering many spaceships in distress, Bessie would go out to destroy all the Zergs and save the other party, but she would directly enter the battleship without waiting for anyone to contact her to thank her, and the Violet drove away.

Most of the time, when seeing a human spaceship under siege, Zhu Shunming would order to open fire and offer a helping hand, and usually he would not stand idly by when passing by.

This is also agreed by the people on the Violet. They can help but not allow anyone to enter the battleship, not even one person. You don't know whether you are saving a person or a devil. Even though Qingqing is on the battleship, no one dares to take risks.

Chen Haojiang was born in the underworld, so he knew better about trade-offs, and he didn't have the benevolence of a woman. He also blamed Zhu Shunming for meddling in his own business.

The men, women and children on the Violet are all ordinary people. Although they have experienced a life-and-death struggle, they still have not lost their humanity. Seeing that a spaceship is about to die, Zhu Shunming asked them if they can save them?
Everyone agrees to help if they can, but the rescued people must not be allowed to enter the battleship;

Once bitten by a snake and afraid of well ropes for ten years, they have become frightened birds. They feel suspicious of everyone and absolutely do not accept strangers.

In this way, when they met a large group of Zergs along the way, everyone fired cannons and bombarded them, and the scattered Bai Qian took Daniel out, and all of them were wiped out immediately.

The two monsters were all suffocated. With the strength of their masters and servants, they failed to protect Zhu Xiuyun, and let her disappear into nothingness without seeing Su Qing for the last time. It's too angry. Let's follow the Zerg You are not finished.

The Zerg race was the main cause of Zhu Xiuyun's death, since they encountered them, kill them!
Violet, the way is like breaking a bamboo, nothing can stop them.

Chen Haojiang was dumbfounded, the people are powerful, their pets are also powerful, even the battleships are powerful, the power of the artillery fire can make any man's blood boil.

The Shark followed behind the Violet, not to mention how arrogant, Chen Haojiang looked at the brothers who were howling with excitement, and thought to himself, you idiots, you have been deceived for several days and don't know that you used to work with others Been there!

Hmph, he also knows that the big beauty is actually a vixen, Chen Haojiang has a kind of rush that everyone is drunk and I am alone;
Until this day, they encountered Zerg besieging a fleet again, but this time it was not hundreds of thousands of Zerg besieging, but a sea of ​​insects, and there were hundreds of thousands of Zerg anyway.

There's no way this can be saved!Zhu Shunming sighed, it wasn't that they were cruel, it would be nice if they could leave quickly to save their own lives;

So he didn't discuss with everyone, there was no need at all, and he directly ordered, "Prepare to tow the equipment, connect to the Shark, and let's move forward at full speed and leave here."

Others also knew that the situation was urgent, and no one objected.

Unconvinced, Bai Qian lowered her mouth and muttered something.

The figure flashed, and Su Qing hadn't appeared for a long time, standing in the hall, looking at the densely packed Zerg;

Zhu Shunming didn't know what she meant by her sudden appearance, so he said:
"Qingqing, it's okay, don't look at the huge momentum of the Zerg, our warships are fast, they can't catch up, just drag the Shark."

With a cold face, Su Qing said lightly: "Don't go, kill all the Zerg before leaving."

Zhu Shunming was surprised, "Hmm! Why? We have no obligation to save those people."

Su Qing: "Killing the insects, saving people is just a way, Bai Qian, big cow, get ready to go with me."

Bai Qian stood up excitedly, "Okay, that's great, my hands are already itchy, let's go."

Daniu had already been waiting at the door, and Huomiao and Jiaojiao jumped over and clamored to go together, meowing all the time.

Su Qing glanced coldly, "You two are too weak, stay in the battleship, so don't make trouble."

Huo Miao, Jiaojiao was so frightened that her ears were turned away, she was silent;

The owner is in a very bad mood these days because of the death of his grandmother, they should be obedient, otherwise the owner will be really angry, and they will have no good fruit to eat.

Seeing that Su Qing had made up his mind, Zhu Shunming could not object and had to cooperate and notify the Shark to be alert.

He knew that Su Qing was mainly venting his anger on the Zerg. If the Zerg hadn't followed Jia Youcai into the battleship, maybe things would have a different ending.

Seeing a large number of Zerg, the anger in Su Qing's heart has not dissipated, it would be strange not to kill them to their heart's content.

As for Su Qing's real thoughts, no one knows.

Yang Wei looked at her condensed face, and sighed in his heart, after all, Qingqing had changed. Aunt Zhu's death took away the last trace of warmth that belonged to ordinary people in her body, and since then, she has become a high-ranking monk.

"Qingqing, pay attention to safety, come back if you are tired, you have no obligation to save people."

Su Qing nodded, "I know, Bai Qian, come here, let's go."

In the battleship, everyone was silent, seeing Su Qing hold Bai Qian and Daniel, jumped up and walked out of the battleship in an instant.

Although it was not the first time they saw this scene, everyone took a deep breath. No one thought that Miss Su, who was weak and weak in the farm, turned out to be a master.

Everyone knew that Su Qing was a supernatural master. They thought that the little girl was only good at farming, but they didn't expect that she was also good at killing people.

Su Qing looked at the dense sea of ​​insects. How long has it been? In less than a week, the Zerg has spread here. Looking at the fleet surrounded in the middle, there are hundreds of spaceships, the humans on it must be Quite a few, I can't complain that the Zerg will mobilize large forces to encircle and suppress them.

The speed of the Violet was so fast that the Zerg couldn't match it. Su Qing wondered how the Zerg brought the army across the star field?
Luo Zilan turned into an energy body and stood beside her. She knew Su Qing best, and said directly: "Don't forget, the Zerg has a teleportation array. In the past few years, it must have been set up in the empire, which is why the Zerg has expanded so rapidly."

Su Qing nodded, Zerg has a teleportation array, which makes it more difficult for humans to deal with it, but it's nothing, the real background of the empire has not been revealed yet;

If you don't go to the imperial capital, you don't know the arrogance of the major families, and even the royal family has hidden countless backhands.

Those forces were not sent out to destroy the Zerg, but the top nobles were afraid of death, and the strongest combat power was in their hands and they were reluctant to use it.

However, the strength of the imperial army is also quite strong. After all, the entire imperial army has not been put into the battlefield;

In short, the decision makers of Imperial City think that the Zerg outbreak can still be controlled, and of course they will not start all-in now.

The top of the empire is not in a hurry, and Su Qing will not meddle in saving people everywhere, but the Zerg offended her, because of the Zerg, grandma died, can Su Qing not hate it?

Seeing a large number of Zerg, it would be strange to let them go. Saving people is really convenient.

Su Qing swung the fairy sword, and rushed towards the Zerg battle formation like a stream of light, regardless of the bug soldiers and generals, the firepower was fully fired, and the skill reached [-]%, and began to kill. With a swing of the sword, a large piece was missing from the bug sea.

Bai Qian and Daniel didn't give in too much, they were aggrieved!The dignified monster clan was bullied by bugs, which killed the master's grandmother;
Although Su Qing didn't blame them, the kind of sadness that appeared made them feel uncomfortable. This tone must come from the Zerg, and they have nothing to do with the Zerg.

Bai Qian danced with a long knife in her hand, and when the blade hit, the Zerg tribes were shattered into pieces one after another, and the big cow began to rampage in the sea of ​​insects, giving full play to the demeanor of the Green Bull King.

The two of them fought together, setting off a violent storm, and the sea of ​​insects began to surge into the sky. The corpses of the dead Zerg were lifted high, floating in the starry sky, and were swarmed up and eaten by the living Zerg.

The Violet didn't fire, and Zhu Shunming watched outside silently, holding them back.

(End of this chapter)

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