Chapter 895

Su Mingjuan stared at Su Qing's back in a daze, and recalled things from a long time ago in her mind. Is she really the selfish person Qingqing said?

I remember that before, she was the most capable, kind, and intelligent girl in the village. Everyone kept praising her when they saw her. At that time, my parents always had happy smiles on their faces.

Since when did you change yourself?Su Mingjuan thought hard, how did she make such a mess of her good life?
It seems that after marrying into the Li family, I always heard them say, how was it back then, and how happy life is in the medium galaxy;

Mengyuexing is a barren land, and Qingqing's father even praised his previous life as if it was a life of a god.

Slowly, Su Mingjuan began to yearn for that kind of life. It was only after getting in touch with the Li family that she changed herself. Now more than [-] years have passed, and she can no longer find her original self.

Su Mingjuan's thinking is very messy, sometimes clear and sometimes confused, not knowing which is the real picture and which is fake.

The originally inconspicuous mental problem, because of Su Qing's few words, caused intense thinking confusion, which might cause Su Mingjuan's personality to split and form a dual personality.

Of course, Su Qing didn't know about this. After returning to her room, she went directly into the space and started to get busy, making all preparations for future plans.

Alchemy, refining tools, and drawing talismans are all basic and don't need to take too much time. She will leave the day after tomorrow.

Bai Qian and Daniel came back during Zhu Xiuyun's funeral, and then went into the mountains. For monsters, the mountains and forests are more intimate.

Zhu Shunming, Ye Lan, and Ye Hao all live in the battleship, and they only come here when they have something to do. During this period, the truckloads of things sent to the small building of the Su family are reserved for Su Mingjuan.

Since she likes to live a good life, how can Su Qing not agree, then buy it;

Various state-of-the-art daily necessities are specially sent from Mingyue City. To Ye Lan and the others, they are not very good, but to the villagers, they are the best things in the world.

I have bought household robots and farming robots. Doesn’t Su Mingjuan dislike the tiredness of farming?It's fine if there are robots, she just needs to operate, and use her hands when harvesting. If she still dislikes that kind of work, Su Qing thinks that her uncle can scold her.

Before leaving, Su Qing made good arrangements for Su Mingjuan's life, and gave him a lot of money, 100 million interstellar coins a month, which made Su Mingjuan very satisfied, and finally didn't want to leave with her, after all, she had a bad life on the battleship It was so comforting that everyone looked at her that way.

Most importantly, Su Qing's words worked;
Although Su Mingjuan has flaws everywhere, her nature is good. It's just that she is dark, influenced by others, and after going through all kinds of things later, there are early signs of schizophrenia;

Su Qing kept talking in Su Mingjuan's mind. The 18-year-old Su Mingjuan came back. Unfortunately, the secondary personality is too weak, and the main personality still dominates. The innocent Su Mingjuan can only come out once in a while.

I don't know if it was affected by the sub-personality, or if the main personality suddenly became enlightened, Su Mingjuan's stupid personality changed a lot, and she began to enjoy life in the village.

The life that Su Qing created for her is just like the life of an emperor in the eyes of the villagers, which is so enviable.

There was an endless stream of people visiting from home, everyone's mouths seemed to be smeared with honey, and Su Mingjuan was so coaxed that she almost flew into the sky. The two sisters-in-law also liked to bring their children to chat with her.

The environment of the newly built small building is great, the living room is clean and bright, sitting on a soft sofa, drinking milk tea, chatting and watching star TV, it feels so comfortable.

Su Mingjuan's life made the peasant women in the village jealous, but there was no way, who made her daughter capable and able to earn money.

After Su Qing made arrangements for Su Mingjuan, she was about to leave Mengyuexing and embark on the road of revenge for Zhu Xiuyun. Before leaving, Su Qing had a special discussion with Su Feng and his wife about Su Mingjuan.

The main thing is to let Su Feng control Su Mingjuan, don't let her run around, keep an eye on her, don't be stupid all the time, even though she has money, she can't spend it recklessly, it's fine to buy things, if the villagers think she's out of her mind Well, one by one started to cheat money from her, and it was about to be stopped, so Su Mingjuan had to be handed over to Su Feng and his wife to take care of her, otherwise she might be able to do anything.

Su Qing: "Uncle, Auntie, you might as well move to the building, so that you can keep an eye on my mother, and she will run around when she has money. If something happens, we may not have the chance to rescue her in time."

Su Feng looked at the little granddaughter in front of him with satisfaction, she was so young that she took on such a big responsibility, she obviously had a mother but didn't know anything, and she still had to worry about adults' affairs, Ming Juan didn't know how to be ashamed.

"Qingqing! Your aunt and I won't live in your family. It's my brother's property, and it's justified to give him his daughter. We can't get together as uncles and aunts, and people will gossip;
Besides, we are going to live. What about your two uncles? They won’t be tempted. Your two aunts don’t have to. Keep an eye on Mingjuan, and mobilize everyone in the village to keep an eye on her, so as not to let her mess around. "

Su Qing nodded, thinking that older people are considerate. Although he was not young in his previous life, he lived a simple life, and he was not as good as the elders in dealing with people and the world;
Su Qing: "Uncle, Auntie, I will trouble you, please take care of my mother, you can tell the people in the village, if anyone finds something wrong with my mother, let me tell you, if you are sure it will be useful, I will give you [-] yuan Interstellar currency, so the effect should be better."

Wang Sanmei hurriedly said: "Ten thousand is too much! They won't be able to earn it for several months, just to inform us, it's not worth paying so much."

Su Qing shook her head, "Auntie, money is nothing to me. It's only when my mother makes troubles that I have a headache. I will give the money to my uncle first, and I will use it to pay the help of the villagers."

Before Su Feng and his wife continued to dissuade him, Su Qing directly transferred 500 million interstellar coins to Su Feng. Su Feng kept saying that it was too much and he couldn't use that much.

But Su Qing said solemnly: "Uncle, aunt, my mother entrusted you to take care of it. This is really not much money. If my mother gets into a catastrophe, no amount of money can make up for it, just like what happened to my grandma." , if someone found out about my mother and Lin Yu's plan at that time, there would never have been outsiders entering the battleship;
They all look down on my mother, thinking that an incompetent woman can't do great things, but she is the one who almost wiped out the people on the battleship; sometimes stupid people are more terrifying than smart people, because she doesn't know fear and has no scruples;

Uncle, for the good of my mother and the whole village, you still need to spend some money. Uncle, you can use it boldly. If you don’t have it, I’ll transfer it to you. I am afraid that something will happen to my relatives. "

Su Feng opened his mouth wide, it was the first time he realized that the little girl who had been taciturn since she was a child could speak so well, Qingqing was right, the eldest niece was a scourge, she killed his elder brother first, and then his sister-in-law, even though the death of the elder brother and sister-in-law had nothing to do with Ming Juan It is directly related, but if it weren't for Su Mingjuan, they wouldn't have died after encountering those things.

Qingqing's worry is correct, Mingjuan is just a stupid girl, she can't be allowed to harm the villagers.

"Okay, I get it. Let me put the money first, and I will let the wind out quietly. The villagers will definitely go crazy. In the future, Mingjuan will be watched everywhere except at her own house. This also makes me feel at ease. , otherwise, if she loses her mind and does something wrong, no one can bear it.

If she has contact with outsiders, I will know, if there is a problem, stop her as soon as possible, Qingqing, let alone this trick should work. "

(End of this chapter)

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