Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 896 Retreat practice

Chapter 896 Retreat practice
Su Feng thought about it, after doing that, even if Su Mingjuan was surrounded by villagers, there were people staring at her everywhere, and someone would report to him if there was any trouble, so it would be difficult for Mingjuan to do something wrong.

Seeing that Uncle Su agreed, Su Qing nodded in agreement with Uncle Su's words;
Wang Sanmei saw that the old man agreed, of course she would not object, she thought it was good to do so, that girl Mingjuan, if she got angry in the village, she had money and went to other places, what would they do if they couldn't find it?
If Su Mingjuan runs away again, she probably won't be able to find her again. Qingqing doesn't have a deep relationship with her, so she probably doesn't care too much, but Su Feng and his wife can't do it. She is the only seedling left by the eldest brother and sister-in-law. They must take good care of her. Otherwise, after death, you will go underground, and you will have no face to see your elder brother and sister-in-law.

Su Qing sat on the battleship, looking at the villages getting smaller and smaller, and he was about to leave this planet again and go outside.

Originally thought that she would live a peaceful life with her grandmother for a few years, and even for her grandmother, she planned to find an honest man to marry, have a few children, and let her grandma enjoy the family happiness;

However, with the death of grandma, all these things came to naught, and Su Qingxin's life also had to kick off from here, slowly revealing a glorious journey.

Being low-key is no longer what Su Qing is deliberately pursuing. It used to be to protect the people she cared about, but now they are gone. There are too few people in the world who can care about her, and she can no longer keep a low profile.

Fortunately, most of my relatives and friends are in Mengyuexing, an inconspicuous little planet. No matter what kind of troubles I make in the outside world, they will be safe and sound.

When the warship passed by Mingyue City, it picked up Yang Wei and left the spaceport directly into the vast sea of ​​stars.

The Yang family was very reluctant to let Yang Wei leave the house again, but Yang Dayong heard that Su Qing paid a high price to save him;

Because when the Zerg broke out, Su Qing did not stay by Zhu Xiuyun's side to protect, but rescued Yang Wei, which caused Zhu Xiuyun's accidental death. This kind of favor can no longer be repaid. Can't say what to let Yang Wei stay.

The whole family could only stay at the spaceport, reluctantly seeing off Yang Wei who had just returned home for less than a week, not knowing when he would come back again.

The destination of the Violet this time is Beichenxing, where the Lengye Mercenary Corps is located. The number of pilots on the battleship is seriously insufficient. When encountering a battle, the Violet is at a disadvantage. It cannot flexibly control the battleship and launch an effective attack on the enemy.

Ye Zhiqiu helped Su Qing train a group of loyal pilots. Before returning to Mengyue Star, Su Qing contacted him to bring those pilots to the battleship.

This time, I went to Beichenxing to pick up people, and then flew to Gothic Star.

Su Qing is going to practice in the hopeless secret realm to improve everyone's cultivation base. She herself wants to break through the pill and become a baby as soon as possible. The spiritual energy in the secret realm is rich and there are many kinds of spiritual herbs. An excellent place to practice.

When she exits from the hopeless secret realm, it must be the time when the Nascent Soul has achieved great success and avenged her grandmother.

Su Qing has confidence in her cultivation base. She just didn't spend all her time on cultivation before, and the ancestor also told her not to advance too fast, and her realm is prone to instability. It is best to polish a realm well, and then Make a breakthrough.

Su Qing entered the Golden Core stage eight years ago. Even if she didn't practice much, her cultivation base is still rising. Now she has reached the late Golden Core stage. After a period of hard retreat and practice, there is absolutely no problem in becoming a baby after going through the thunder disaster.

According to Luo Zilan, her successor crossing the Thunder Tribulation is as simple as eating and walking, and with Su Qing's aptitude, she will definitely be able to ascend smoothly all the way.

When Su Qing enters the Nascent Soul stage, she can be regarded as the No. 1 in the empire, and then she will be able to avenge her grandmother.

On the way to Beichenxing, it was relatively safe. The flight path was no different from usual, and there was an endless stream of spaceships coming and going.

Now that the imperial army has surrounded the Blazing Star Field, the people who can escape have already escaped. There may be surviving humans on the major planets, but it is difficult to rescue them;

After the official war with the Zerg, the three major legions conquered many planets and rescued some surviving humans, but the central area where the Zerg broke out could no longer enter. Even the 11th and 12th legions also suffered heavy losses at the very beginning. After the strength rescued many human beings, they had no choice but to withdraw from the Blazing Starfield. For this reason, the two major legions paid a heavy price, with more than [-]% of the battle damage, and how many good men blood stained the starry sky.

The three major legions began to besiege the Blazing Starfield, and wiped out the Zerg in a blanket manner. Of course, the Zerg would not stand still and launched a fierce counterattack. Some planets were destroyed and rebuilt after the war.

Su Qing mainly cared about the First Army where Meng Yu was in. The last time I met Su Qing gave him resources, hoping that they would be enough for him to use for a while.

Su Qing also knew that once the war started, no amount of resources would be enough. She could continuously provide Meng Xiao with pills and magic charms, but she was not obliged to provide them to the First Army. Even Yang Yu needed to exchange materials with her!

In the world of cultivation, alchemists, weapon refiners, and spirit talisman masters are sought after by many monks, but they will not do business at a loss.

Meng Yu was fighting and couldn't get in touch, but Yang Yu called Su Qing several times, each time urging for pills and weapons.

Su Qing was very far away from the First Army, and she lived in no fixed place, so she couldn't exchange things with Yang Yu. She simply offered a price and asked Yang Yu to buy it directly, and then she used the logistics system in the army to send it to the First Army. One army goes.

There are dozens of legions in the army of the entire empire, all of which are unified under the leadership of the military department. Although there are serious factions in the army, the military department can still control the major legions. After all, no big family wants to rebel, and the current political structure is quite good. ;
So on the whole, they listened to the emperor, and the major legions also accepted the orders of the military department. The army's logistics system was very large, and it was directly under the jurisdiction of the military department, which was responsible for distributing the combat readiness resources of the major legions.

Their cargo fleet is several times faster than the interstellar express, and they all directly dock with the major legions.

Su Qing has a relationship with Yang Yu. As long as it belongs to the logistics army of the empire, Su Qing can use it at will. Of course, the address must be the army, and they are not responsible for civilian business.

On the way, Su Qing went to a large military base, packed some things in a storage bag, and sent them to Yang Yu.

This kind of storage bag in the era of comprehension cannot be opened by others. Only Meng Hao can open it, which can guarantee safety.

Su Qing can refine it herself, and it is most suitable for delivering goods to Yang Yu. No one else knows what is in it, and no one cares about a few small cloth bags.

After Yang Yu received it, he went directly to Meng Yu to open it and take out the goods.

After arriving at Beichenxing, Ye Zhiqiu, Zhang Hanyan and his wife greeted them directly at the space port. After more than a year of operation, the Lengye Mercenary Group has returned to its peak, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than before.

(End of this chapter)

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