Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 897 War Situation

Chapter 897 War Situation
The cold night mercenary regiment's garrison is full of people everywhere, it's not as deserted as before.

Su Qing, Zhu Shunming and Ye Lan and Ye Hao sat in the living room of Ye's house, chatting with Ye Zhiqiu and his wife about the Zerg crisis.

Su Qing said suddenly: "Leader Ye, I'm going to practice in a very dangerous place this time. Ye Lan and Ye Hao's cultivation level is too low, so the brothers and sisters should stay here! By the way, I will help you husband and wife!"

Su Qing could take the three beast pets and Zhu Shunming on an adventure, but she didn't want Ye Lan and Ye Hao to follow.

The main reason is that they are too young, and Ye Zhiqiu and his wife may not be willing to part with them. The conditions in the Hopeless Secret Realm are difficult and there are many monsters, so it is not an easy place to survive.

Su Qing wants to practice in seclusion, and ignores them. Huo Miao and Jiaojiao are all on their own. Bai Qian wants to stay and take care of the battleship and manage the rest of the people.

Although Daniel is powerful, there are too many powerful monsters in the Hopeless Secret Realm, so it may not be able to keep them safe.

Entering the Hopeless Secret Realm this time, Su Qing promised Daniel and Bai Qian that they would bring out both groups.

Although the Hopeless Secret Realm is not bad, it is a small world after all, and the rules are incomplete.
The ninth level of monster cultivation is over, and they cannot continue to advance. All ninth-level monsters know through blood inheritance. If they continue to practice, they will experience thunder disasters. If they survive a narrow escape, they can transform into humans and become demon kings .

But there is no thunder calamity in the secret realm, many ninth-level monsters, the final ending is to die of old age, although the secret realm is not big, it may not be as large as a planet, but there are quite a lot of ninth-level monsters.

Many older generations have gone dormant. For example, Daniel is still the younger generation in the secret realm. After seeing the outside world, Daniel definitely wants to bring his own group out. Bai Qian also means the same thing.

Su Qing didn't object. The Monster Race is much stronger than the Zerg Race. Because the Monster Race doesn't have such a strong reproductive ability, it doesn't pose much threat to humans. Anyway, there are more alien beasts in the empire, and they haven't wiped out humans. The Monster Race can't do the same. arrive.

When Ye Lan and Ye Hao heard Su Qing say that he wanted to keep the two of them and not take them, he immediately became anxious, "I'm going, I'm not afraid, Mom and Dad!"

The two looked at their parents anxiously, the unfinished meaning in the words was obvious, and there was a look in their eyes that they hoped they could help.

How could Ye Zhiqiu not know the thoughts of his children? Since Su Qing said it was dangerous, it was really dangerous.
After all, with Su Qing's strength, places that she felt were dangerous were definitely not places where two children could go.

So Ye Zhiqiu said: "Otherwise the two children will go together, and let them guard the battleship. I am afraid that the two of them will sneak away, which will make me worry even more."

Zhang Hanyan opened her mouth, but finally held back her mouth.

She felt sorry for the two children. They didn't get into the good college. Instead, they practiced with Ms. Su everywhere. Not to mention the hard work, it was easy to die.

The two children told them about the matter on the Violet. The couple were so frightened that they couldn't sleep well for several days. Save.

Now the two children still want to follow Su Qing, Zhang Hanyan is reluctant, but she can't say it, her husband will definitely not listen to her.

Su Qing glanced at their husband and wife and nodded, "Okay, let the brothers and sisters practice on the periphery with all the drivers. With Bai Qian protecting them, there will be no major problems."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, he didn't know that the brother and sister lost a precious opportunity to exercise for this reason.

Ye Zhiqiu has trained fifty warship pilots for Su Qing, who are already proficient in operating warships.

Because the mercenary regiment has the Cold Night, which allows them to conduct daily training, otherwise I don't know how long it will take to officially drive.

Piloting a battleship is different from piloting a spaceship. It pays more attention to technology and weapon control capabilities. Especially when the two sides are fighting, the accuracy of artillery fire and the control technology to avoid the opponent's fire attack cannot be learned in a short time.

All external recruits have complicated backgrounds, will betray their employers at critical moments, and have low loyalty.

Just like Lin Yu, who has no loyalty to the Violet, a little money can make him betray.

So Ye Zhiqiu personally trained this group of people to ensure that their wealth is clean and their character and skills pass the test. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so slow, because he has to train and select the best people for Su Qing to take away.

The cold night mercenary group belongs to Su Qing's forces, can he not think about it for the boss?What's more, it depends on Su Qing to recover her abilities!
"Miss Su, where are you going to practice?"

Su Qing said calmly: "Gothic Star, where there are many mountains, is the most suitable for experience, and it is far away from the Zerg outbreak area."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded. Gothic Star is the planet where the major mercenary groups like to go on missions. It is rich in resources and has many historical relics. It may be a day when you will be lucky. If you find something, you will post it.

The mercenary group received all kinds of missions, including going into the mountains to gather herbs to hunt exotic animals, or protectors going to the mountains to travel and excavate ruins. As long as they were given money, they could do anything.

Zhang Hanyan breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that she was going to the Gothic Planet.

Through the narration of their son and daughter, they knew that Su Qing's grandmother's death had something to do with the two children, and they were always worried that Miss Su would take her anger out on the children.

She and her husband had discussed calling Ye Lan Ye Hao back, re-entering school to study for a year, and taking the graduation exam again, so that it is serious to be admitted to a college.

But Ye Zhiqiu disagreed. He felt that the two children would be more promising with Su Qing in the future. The best in the empire was the ability master, and it was only under the systematic guidance of someone to enter the academy.

Su Qing is the best teacher, do you still need to find those academics to teach children?
Just now when Su Qing said to keep the two children, Zhang Hanyan wanted to agree. Seeing the attitude of the two children, she had to hold back. She was relieved when she heard that she would go to the Gothic planet for training instead of the Zerg outbreak.

Zerg races are terrifying and gradually spread in medium-sized galaxies. Even if the government is controlling them, many shocking videos will be widely circulated on the Internet. It is likely to be torn to pieces by hundreds of Zerg.

She was afraid that Su Qing would take Ye Lan and Ye Hao to take risks in order to avenge her grandmother, and she would be relieved to go to the Gothic Star to practice.

Everyone talked about the development of the Zerg situation, whether the imperial army could stop the Zerg expansion, and when the Zerg would be wiped out.

So far, the empire has engaged in this battle with more than a dozen legions, many of which suffered heavy losses.

There are only three major legions in the Blazing Star Field, and there will be insufficient troops to intercept the Zerg. The military department has mobilized other legions to come to support them. At the beginning, the 11th and 12th legions that joined the battle will retreat and stay for training.

Ye Zhiqiu said: "Looking at the situation, the empire wants to seal the Zergs in the Blazing Starfield, and has mobilized several large legions. The 25th Army has also received an order to fight the Zergs."

Su Qing generally doesn't like to talk about these things, as long as she knows it.

Zhu Shunming was quite concerned, and echoed: "Of course, the Zerg has already reached the hinterland of the empire. If we don't invest more troops, once it spreads, the medium-sized galaxy will be disrupted, and the central galaxy will not be safe. gone."

Su Qing and the others will stay in Leng Ye for a few days, mainly for Ye Lan and Ye Hao. The two children haven't seen their parents for a long time, so they can reunite with their family for a few more days.

Su Qing originally wanted Ye Lan and Ye Hao to stay and not participate in this experience, but the two children disagreed, and Ye Zhiqiu also supported her children to continue learning from her.

 Today I took Doudou to the infusion again, and it ended at 06:30, so tired!
(End of this chapter)

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