Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 899 Reopening the Secret Realm

Chapter 899 Reopening the Secret Realm
Two days later, Su Qing took Zhu Shunming, Daniel, Huo Miao, and Jiaojiao and set off, and the battleship was handed over to Bai Qian for management.

Ye Lan and Ye Hao were very frustrated because they couldn't go, and secretly made up their minds that they must practice hard to increase their cultivation and make Su Qing value them.

Su Qing used the excuse of experience, so it was impossible to drive a speeding car and other vehicles to the Secret Realm of Hopelessness, so he had to walk away.

When they were far away from everyone's sight, Su Qing asked Zhu Shunming, Huo Miao, and Jiaojiao to stand on top of Daniel, and they flew over directly.

It was the first time Zhu Shunming knew that Daniel could fly. Although he had seen Daniel fighting Zerg in the starry sky, he didn't pay attention at that time, because everyone can float in the void.

Unexpectedly, Daniel's flying skills are not bad, Zhu Shunming sat firmly on Daniel's body.

Soon they arrived at the foot of Hopeless Peak. This place has been strictly controlled. The military base was not expanded back then, but there were still people staying behind. Once there was any news, the army would surely descend immediately.

Su Qing has the token of the hopeless secret realm on him, and he can open the secret realm at will. Every time he opens it, he has 30 days of experience time, and he can't quit if he wants to quit halfway.

Of course, there is no restriction on Su Qing herself, she is free to come and go, and the token Mo Qilin gave is still very useful.

Su Qing took an invisibility talisman on herself and Daniel. She didn't want to be discovered by those soldiers, so she just touched it quietly;

As for the few hours when the passage is open, if someone finds out, they can enter casually. The secret realm is so dangerous, whether they can survive or not depends on themselves.

Su Qing asked Daniu to wait at the opening of the passage, she flew up, quickly flew high into the sky, and leaped lightly into the pavilion on the top of the mountain.

Su Qing had refined the token long ago, so she naturally knew how to do it, but in order to cover up the momentum of the opening of the secret realm, she first took out a formation flag and threw it out one by one, setting up a phantom formation for people to temporarily see Not the case here.

After the phantom array was set up, Su Qing took out the token, input the spiritual energy to activate it, and the small wooden sign flew out and began to emit a faint light;
With a point of Su Qing's finger, a burst of spiritual energy shot out, quickly hiding in all the small bells, and the whole pavilion began to light up, forming a strange picture. Su Qingfei stood in the air, feeling the faint light coming from the space. movement.

Finally, a point gradually expanded and slowly took shape, and the space channel was constructed, and now it can be entered.

Su Qingfei landed beside Daniel and the others, and said to Zhu Shunming: "Mr. Zhu, the place we are going to is very dangerous. If you think about it, you might die."

Zhu Shunming held the long knife in his hand and said firmly: "I just don't want to go. I can live for a few more years. Why don't you go in and fight for it? As you said, it is the easiest way to break through between life and death. If I don't go, I will regret it for the rest of my life." , Qingqing, don't worry! I'm stronger than you think, not to mention that Da Niu is taking care of me."

Su Qing: "Be careful, proceed step by step and slowly. Daniel will serve as your guard temporarily. When you get to the inner circle, Daniel will probably ignore you. If you can't beat him, run to Fox Mountain. I will practice there. I can save you. Jiaojiao, Huo Miao, you can't be careless, the monsters here are all wild and quite powerful."

The two cats meowed and said words that only Su Qing could understand.

Su Qing nodded, "Okay, let's go in!"

Su Qing did not withdraw the phantom array, as long as someone came over, they would still find the passage, Su Qing only activated the cover function of the phantom array;
She didn't want to hide it all the time. Others can go in if they want to go in. She won't stop it. The Hopeless Secret Realm is not so easy to mess with. If you want resources, go in and get them desperately.

Su Qing took Zhu Shunming and others, and slowly approached the passage. At this time, the space passage has just been established and is still unstable;

As long as Su Qing carries the token of the hopeless secret realm, the space will not reject her. Even Zhu Shunming, who was not qualified to enter the space to practice, was not thrown out by the secret realm.

As soon as Zhu Shunming entered the secret realm, he was shocked. The huge trees, insects, and even the grass looked like a small tree, and all the creatures were several times larger than the outside.

The air here is extremely fresh, and the whole body feels refreshed as you breathe. Zhu Shunming has never seen such an environment, so it is right to follow Su Qing.

Su Qing told Daniel and the three to walk slowly from the edge area to the inner circle. Zhu Shunming and Liang Miao came to practice, and Daniel was the bodyguard.

After Su Qing made it clear, she jumped onto Luoying, "Old Zhu, be careful, see you at Fox Mountain."

After speaking, the figure flashed, and Yu Jian flew far away in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhu Shunming looked at the surrounding environment, touched the storage device on his body, and if he really broke through, he would become a master, who would dare to bully him in the future.

Zhu Shunming is used to being the leader, and the big cows don't have any opinions, just listen to him.

"Daniu, this is your hometown. You must be familiar with the terrain. You will lead the way. Let's go to Fox Mountain to find Qingqing."

Daniu nodded and walked in one direction, Huomiao brothers and sisters and Zhu Shunming quickly followed.

This is only the periphery of the secret realm, and there is no threat to Daniel. It is not afraid of bugs, poisonous snakes, and various poisonous plants. The ninth-level monsters are very powerful.

It's just one thing that Daniel forgot. After it became Su Qing's beast pet, the rules imposed on it by the secret realm were lifted. It is not as huge as before, and it is about the same size as ordinary green cattle in the outside world.

Walking in the secret realm, I am not used to it. Fortunately, it is a ninth-level monster after all, and the surrounding creatures have not been able to harm Daniel.

Those gadgets were handed over to the Huomiao brothers and sisters and Zhu Shunming to clean up and strangle them. It was only responsible for rescuing the three of them when they were in danger.

Otherwise, how can it play the role of experience? Although Huo Miao and Jiaojiao are not adults, they live in the human world, and their lives are so smooth that they have forgotten their instincts as monsters, fighting and fighting for territory.

The two of them have been raised and abandoned by their masters, and they definitely need special training to regain their nature.

Along the way, the two cats and Zhu Shunming fought with smaller bugs and small strange beasts first, and made rapid progress from being embarrassed to being handy.

In particular, the two cats, after all, have the bloodlines of divine beasts, fighting all the way, the experience between life and death, and finally brought out the potential in their genes,
Originally, cats were powerful hunters among monsters, especially the two cats who were also good at witchcraft, and if they couldn't beat those little monsters, they were really useless.

Zhu Shunming adapted faster than the two cats. Regardless of his age, the old man has rich experience. He stayed in Sujiazhuang for another year and learned the art of body training. Su Qing provided pills and various foods containing spiritual energy. The body is recuperating very well, and it is better than two cats to fight against those huge beasts.

Daniel suppressed his aura, those strange beasts didn't even know that there was a king beside them, but none of them dared to take the initiative to attack Daniel, they all ran after Zhu Shunming and the three.

Fighting all the way, danger appeared everywhere, the momentum of the two cats and Zhu Shunming changed, and the timid people saw it, they would be scared to pee.

The Huo Miao brothers and sisters finally inspired the ferocity that came from their father's family in their genes. They attacked the small alien beasts in the secret realm fiercely, quickly and accurately, and they were definitely natural hunters.

Of course, injuries are inevitable. Fortunately, the secret realm is rich in resources and there is no shortage of various spiritual plants. Coupled with Su Qing's elixir, they advanced all the way and slowly approached the inner circle.

This time even Daniel has to take care of it. Although it is a ninth-level monster, if it is not careful, it will stumble, and it will not lose its life, but it will lose face in front of the two juniors.

There are still many monsters that are less than the ninth level, but they are born with advantages, and it is difficult for Daniel to guard against them.

 I came back early today, and it was less than six o'clock when I got home. It took me several hours to take Doudou to the hospital for infusion, which was really tiring.

  If it's not good, I'm going to lie down, it's so tiring.

  Animal hospitals are more expensive than human medical treatment. It costs money like running water. Each check-up costs hundreds of dollars, and the medicine is not cheap.

  All kinds of sick cats and dogs came to the hospital. At the beginning, the owners resisted the treatment. It was too expensive. On the first day, there were no more than 1000 checks. Everyone was confused, after all. . . . , Some people give up, some think about coming back one day, they can't bear the death of their pets.

  I hope that my little money will be spent and Doudou will recover. If it doesn’t work, I won’t get the infusion, but I will take some medicine and take it slowly. I really don’t have the money to continue the infusion. I’ve had four days of injections and four days of fluid infusion. It took half a year's savings in eight days, but the doctor in the hospital had to infuse for at least three days, which was a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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