Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 900 Reaching Fox Mountain

Chapter 900 Reaching Fox Mountain
The fighting advantage of the big cow lies in the vast territory. It is almost impossible to fight in the mountains and forests. The mountains and lush plants hinder its fighting. However, there are many strange beasts in the mountains and forests. They are flexible and can jump up and down. They use the forests and mountains to launch attacks, making them hard to defend against. .

At this time, Zhu Shunming and Huomiao Jiaojiao can make up for this deficiency. One person and three monsters cooperate to defeat many powerful enemies. Of course, to Daniel, they are not considered opponents. The beast can't even break through the demonic aura that protects its body.

More than ten days later, when Zhu Shunming arrived at Fox Mountain, he saw an incredible scene in front of him. He rubbed his eyes, it was not a hallucination.

He unexpectedly saw countless strange beasts running towards Fox Mountain holding various prey in their mouths, but they did not attack each other.

How is this going?

Daniu knew about Fox Mountain, but he had never been there, so he didn't know what it would be like.

Huo Miao Jiaojiao no longer had the clean and cute look she had before, her whole body was dirty, her hair was in strands and strands, and there was a bloody smell, like two fierce little tigers.

It's a pity that they are too small, and they are far inferior to the real cats in the hopeless secret realm, let alone tigers, if they are transformed into flames, they can still be compared with tigers.

Those strange beasts with food in their mouths ignored them, and ran up the mountain on their own, and arrived at a relatively flat place after a while.

Good guy, Zhu Shunming has never seen anything in his old age, but the scene in front of him opened his eyes.

Strange beasts with all kinds of prey in their mouths sat and waited quietly. In the front, a group of busy foxes were grilling meat.

That's right, Zhu Shunming's eyes widened. It was indeed a fox that was grilling meat.

A dozen foxes of various sizes are busy. All kinds of prey must be depilated and cleaned to clean their internal organs, then rinsed with water, then put into a huge wooden basin, marinated with various powders, and finally roasted on the grill.

Of course, the fox works with rough hair. Zhu Shunming thinks it must not be delicious. I don't understand why the fox helps to cook the barbecue while the strange beast eats it?

Alien beasts don't need to prepare meat as carefully as human beings, they have to be roasted and half-ripe, so the foxes are very fast.

The roasted meat was placed on the leaves, and a strange beast came over and began to eat it. The delicious taste made the other beasts who hadn't eaten it drool and dripped down the corners of their mouths.

Apparently the foxes have been doing this for a long time and are very proficient. They can roast one in a few minutes, and instead of having a grill, there are several metal racks in a row, and they are grilling meat at the same time.

The alien beast in the front ate it, and the alien beast in the back stepped forward, and the prey was divided into two parts, one for the cost of the barbecue, and one for himself.

It turns out that since Su Qing and the others left, the big and small foxes of the fox clan have become obsessed with barbecue, and the few little foxes who followed Su Qing and the others have become the most important members of the clan.

The big and small foxes in Hushan rely on their ability to barbecue, and there are strange beasts coming every day, asking them to process it, and the cost is a prey of the same size.

Since then, Fox Mountain has become famous in the secret place of hopelessness. Those who are far away cannot come, and those who are a little closer will come to taste the taste of barbecue. After eating it once, they will be addicted.

Many powerful monsters wanted to prostitute for free without paying fees. Several elders of the fox clan appeared at the same time. Who could beat them, so they had to be obedient, pay fees according to the rules of the fox clan, and process the materials.

The fox family has made a lot of money by relying on the skill of barbecue, and the big and small foxes eat one by one to make them fat and strong.

Some time ago, Su Qing came to Fox Mountain quietly and told some elders some news. The elders howled excitedly and happily gave Su Qing the place where the ancestor used to practice.

The fox clan quietly began to collect resources, planning to be sent out of the secret realm by Su Qing after the 30th day to find their ancestors.

When Zhu Shunming and the others arrived at Fox Mountain, the big and small foxes saw them and did not stop them from going up the mountain. When they reached the mountain, a little fox sent them outside the cave where Su Qing practiced in seclusion.

The place where the foxes live is a valley, and caves of various sizes have been opened up on the rocks. The biggest cave in the innermost is Bai Qian's cave. After she left, the foxes did not occupy the ancestor's cave, but cleaned it every day. I hope that the ancestor will come back one day,
Unexpectedly, the ancestor didn't come back, but the master of the ancestor came back and brought them good news. Their whole group could go out with the master of the ancestor and live in the real world outside.

This is the greatest wish of foxes, big and small. The elders of the fox clan are all quite old, and their cultivation has gradually approached the ninth level. If they can't transform themselves, they will die. They can't go any further. What's the point of living? .

There are many species of foxes, and none of them are ordinary foxes that can be put into the secret realm. The inheritance of each bloodline will let them know how wonderful the outside world is, except for the ignorant little foxes, the older the fox, the more yearning for the life outside.

Su Qing likes the valley of the fox family very much. There is a spiritual vein underground here. Although it is not particularly rich, it is enough for cultivation. Bai Qian's cave is dry and tidy, just suitable for retreat.

Su Qing built a suitable stone gate at the entrance of the cave, and started to practice regardless of everything as soon as he blocked it. The spiritual energy in the hopeless secret realm is full of spiritual energy.

Before the retreat, Su Qing explained to the fox clan that Daniel and the others were coming, so just bring them directly to the entrance of the cave when the time comes.

That's why Daniu and the others were able to walk to the valley where the fox clan lived. When they saw foxes, big and small, Huomiao and Jiaojiao were dazzled.

Zhu Shunming's face was gloomy. Ten days of fighting had changed him a lot. He was full of murderous looks, and his body looked much stronger. The protective clothing he was wearing was a little damaged, but it was dirty and mixed with various smells, which was very unpleasant.

The stone door of the cave opened, and Su Qing came out from inside and looked at them.

"Mr. Zhu, it's been a long journey. It's safe here. Let's take a rest first!"

Although Zhu Shunming and the others knew that the Fox Clan was friendly, they still kept their guard up and stared nervously at all places. Once they found something abnormal, they quickly turned to a fighting state.

When you see Su Qing appearing, you will really let go of your guard.

Zhu Shunming sat down on the ground, "Oh, I can finally rest for a while, Qingqing, this journey is really not easy, there is no time to catch my breath, and the constant fighting is exhausting."

After talking, the voice gradually became smaller, and the snoring sounded, and Zhu Shunming fell asleep sitting up.

Su Qing sighed, it is not so easy to break through, she still has to work hard for a long time!Even this old ancestor said that she is a top genius. Zhu Shunming is getting older, and it is difficult to break through if he does not fully stimulate his physical potential.

With a wave of Su Qing's hand, a mattress appeared on the ground, and Zhu Shunming was gently placed on it. When Zhu Shunming's body touched the mattress, he stretched out comfortably and fell into a deeper sleep.

Su Qing waved his hand and covered him with a quilt, so Mr. Zhu can take a good rest!
Daniel, Huomiao and Jiaojiao scrambled to talk to Su Qing, and encountered various situations on the road.

Da Niu is getting old, it is impossible to get bored with Su Qing, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao don't care, the little cat just wants to act like a baby with its master!

He leaned forward and kept meowing, trying to rub his master.

Su Qing stared, "Sit down and don't look at how dirty you are."

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao, Miaomiao were extremely wronged, but they didn't dare to use it to insult the master.

Su Qing stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, using the dust cleaning technique, the two cats immediately became clean, so that Huomiao and Jiaojiao dared to pounce on their master and act like a baby.

Daniel lay on the edge of the cave, grinning inwardly. A child is a child, so he knows how to act like a spoiled child to his master.

(End of this chapter)

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