Chapter 995

Soldiers have experienced this dangerous scene many times before, and they are already ready to die at any time.

The medical team took the risk to rescue many wounded soldiers, and more soldiers died on the battlefield without a complete body before they could be rescued.

Medical soldiers are also very dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will die. The battlefield is changing rapidly. As long as you go there, you will be in danger of death.

Ye Zhiqiu and those star thief mech masters resisted the Zerg together. They formed a line of defense and cooperated with each other to support each other. Anyone who was injured or exhausted could send a signal to retreat, and someone else would fill the gap.

Bai Qian and Su Qing were at the front, waving the sword in their hands, and all the Zerg race died in one fell swoop.

The commander of the insects gave up attacking Bai Qian. Since they couldn't beat them, they would attack them. They went to destroy the human army first. The witches couldn't run away. They had already contacted the king worms of the other two races. They would definitely be able to take down the witches and kill all the humans.

Da Niu led Huomiao and Jiaojiao to rampage in the sea of ​​insects, plowing a road made of Zerg stumps.

The Zong Soldier was huge compared to a human, and when Daniel showed his true body, he was fighting against the Zong Soldier. Huo Miao and Jiaojiao stood on top of it, unleashing all kinds of sorcery, and its lethality was astonishing.

The people on the Violet saw that even the cats were working hard to kill the bugs, and thought to themselves that they were really useless, not even the pets raised by Miss Su.

Lao Zhang and the others don't know that after more than ten years of training on the battleship, they have broken away from the scope of ordinary people. They eat and drink food containing spiritual energy every day. Su Qing also taught them some martial arts. After a long time, their cultivation level is better than that of low-end martial artists. powerful;
Since entering the interstellar world, Zhu Shunming has added military training, and everyone has been completely reborn.

But their mentality is still ordinary people. Unless they encountered the situation where the Zerg invaded the battleship back then, they would muster up the courage to resist. Now they have no excitement. Even if they let them go, they will deliver food to the Zerg and drag others down.

Sun Liu's face was flushed, and finally he couldn't help shouting: "Brothers, can you still watch it? We must do something?"

A star thief said in a dilemma: "Sixth brother, we are not mecha masters, and we don't know how to fly fighter planes. What can we do? We are rushing to feed the bugs."

A tall and strong star thief punched the battleship wall with a frustrated fist, "Sixth brother, think of a way, we can't just watch, if we attack the battleship, I will definitely be the first to jump over."

Under the leadership of Sun Liu, the Black Eagle Star Pirates have followed Su Qing wholeheartedly. For this reason, they are very grateful for their wisdom at that time. The other Star Pirates have to fight against the Zerg, and they only need to guard the battleship.

They are just fringe figures of the Black Eagle Star Bandit Group, not valued by the boss, only Sun Liu is considered the boss' confidant;

Since becoming captives, many star thieves have become acquainted with the people in the farm on the Violet, and their humanity has gradually recovered. On the contrary, they have lost a lot of star thieves.

No one is born a bad person, it all has something to do with family environment, parents' education, and social environment;
Sun Liu secretly vowed to change his mind and be a good person, and he often taught his younger brothers to be a new person and never be a star thief again.

Putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, not all star thieves are bad people, people without conscience, everyone has unavoidable reasons to become star thieves.

Because these people still have a bit of conscience, they can't do it when they rob, and they are gradually marginalized by the organization and responsible for guarding the base. They are considered the bottom of the organization.

After many years of being captured as a star thief, they just wanted to escape. When Su Qing overthrew the major star thief groups, that thought was gone long ago, and he began to hang out with the new boss with all his heart, and was brainwashed by Sun Liu every day. A side is slowly revealed.

Zhu Shunming stared at the big light screen, made a video of what Ye Zhiqiu said before leaving, and sent it to all Star Thief Warships.

Then connect the star thief warships, "I don't know how you feel when you see the battlefield outside? Now it's not a battle between people, but an endless battle for survival between humans and Zerg. No matter how many evil things you have done, you are also human beings.

Are you going to hide behind the First Army Fleet all the time?As long as you still have a little humanity, show your ferocity when you rob, and go up to kill the Zerg.

You can fire to support those soldiers, and you can also drive an aircraft to attack outside the battleship, to see how the First Army fights, learn a little bit, and see if you can survive in the future. This is an excellent experience. "

After Zhu Shunming finished speaking, he ordered the Violet and Leng Ye to move forward instead of hiding behind the battleships of the First Army.

The pilots of the two battleships couldn't hold back for a long time, and immediately carried out the order. If they were afraid in the battleship, then they were too cowardly, and they had to do their part no matter what, and they couldn't just let the soldiers work hard.

When forming the formation, Gu Bowen knew that Leng Ye's hundreds of warships were all fake and had no combat power, so he arranged them on the edge and let the warships of the First Army come forward. This arrangement was correct, after all, Leng Ye's When the fleet is fighting Star Wars, it's not even qualified to be cannon fodder, so don't make trouble.

Su Qing didn't let them fight, Zhu Shunming obeyed the arrangement of the First Army, and after Ye Zhiqiu couldn't bear to join the battle, he finally ordered to go forward and fight with the warships of the First Army;
With the Violet's great firepower and defenses, they can also kill the Zerg, and it's time for everyone to contribute.

After he applied to the command center, the Violet moved to the vicinity of the Star Thief mecha battle, and the battleships of the First Army turned their firepower to other areas to make room for the Cold Night Fleet.

Gu Bowen really has no choice, since the Lengye Mercenary Group is going to fight, let's come!Although their warships were behind, they just counted, even if they killed a little bit of Zerg, it would be good. The loss of the first army was getting bigger and bigger. Without reinforcements and energy supplies, they couldn't last long.

The Leng Ye and the Violet arrived at the designated positions. Under the command of their respective captains, the main guns and auxiliary guns were fired with all their strength. The brilliant artillery fire formed energy beams and bombarded them, crossing the battlefield where the two sides were fighting, and the attacks were coming from the planet. The insect soldiers who must be reinforced.

It was originally a tentative battle, but because of the sudden appearance of the king worm, it turned into a big battle. The Zerg had to keep adding troops. The perseverance and resilience of human beings are very strong, and each time the Zerg had to pay more than ten times their troops to win.

Zhu Shunming attacked the Zerg reinforcements from the planet, as did the warships of the First Army. The two sides overlapped each other on the battlefield and could not launch.

The Violet has been carefully remodeled by Su Qing and Luo Zilan. It looks old on the outside, but its attack power is strong. Not only the artillery fire contains the energy of the interstellar era, but also the spiritual energy attack of the cultivation era. The fusion of the two energies causes an explosion, and large meteorites can be crushed. Flour.

The Violet and the Cold Night fired successively, and in an instant, a different ability spewed out, exploding in the Zerg group at super-light speed, and the huge energy formed a whirlwind, continuously throwing out the remaining limbs of the Zerg, cold Ye Hao's firepower is average, that is, killing some insect soldiers, that's not bad.

Soon the Zerg launched a long-range attack and began to fire on the two battleships. The Zerg has a cannon bug, which is slightly smaller than the battleship and is composed of countless bomb bugs. All the Zerg gather energy in one place and spit it out to attack the human battleship. The creature's attack seemed normal, but when it landed on the battleship, the energy consumption of the protective shield increased dramatically.

Of course, the Violet is not afraid, the protective tactics outside the battleship directly blocked it, and the Lengye was about to turn on the protective shield to fight hard. Fighting consumes energy. In this case, the Lengye will run out of energy for at most half a day .

(End of this chapter)

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