Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 996 Attack of the Violet

Chapter 996 Attack of the Violet

The pilots on the star thief battleship saw the two warships firing, and their faces were red like blood;

Someone shouted excitedly: "Let's go there too, fire a few shots, even if it kills a few Zerg, it's good to save one person from death, I don't want to just watch."

The star robbers responded one after another, "Go to his grandma, I dare to kill Zerg, so why not be afraid, let's go too."

The Violet and Leng Ye are both on board, if they don't go, will Su Qing settle the score and let's not talk about it;

They didn't help, and the reinforcements came late. Once the first army couldn't hold on, and the soldiers were all killed in battle, what would they do?The Zerg can disintegrate the battleship as soon as they swarm up, and no one can survive.

The mecha masters among them have all gone to battle, and if the rest of them keep shrinking, even if they survive in the future, they will be ashamed to face others.

Humans are so complicated, they can be fierce and evil, and they can also be the most loving and holy. Star Thief are all masters of murder without blinking an eye, and they are vicious, cruel and black when they rob;

But facing the impact of blood and fire on the battlefield, the two races are fighting desperately. Whether it is Zerg or human, their lives are constantly being lost. Many soldiers are bloody and torn to pieces by the Zerg, which makes people unbearable to look at .

Some soldiers were seriously injured and were unwilling to leave the battlefield. They insisted on carrying out long-range attacks with weapons to cover their teammates.

Compared with the scene on the battlefield, the tragedies committed by the star bandits are too childish. The Zerg battlefield is like a large slaughterhouse.

Although the star thief was afraid, he was also shocked by the unyielding and tenacious spirit of the soldiers, who have been fighting the Zerg desperately;

Under such circumstances, people who are greedy for life and fear death will also be infected. As long as someone takes the lead, it will make people's blood boil, the crowd will be excited, and they can't wait to do it.

There is no need for anyone to command. The pilots of the warships are arranged on the two wings of the Violet according to the formation Ye Zhiqiu usually trains. Who will command them when Ye Zhiqiu is outside?It all depends on the driver to perform on his own, and the usual training is just in use.

The pilots of the star thief warships are all good robbers. When robbing, they must first fire the warship guns to attack the caravan spaceship, forcing the opponent to stop, and then board the ship to fight.

Star Thief pilots are sweet momos, they are welcome everywhere, they are also captives, they don’t have to kill Zerg, as long as they can pilot a battleship and be obedient, they won’t die.
These people are often envied by others, and today it is finally their turn to show their power.

Although the model of the star thief warship is not the latest, launching hundreds of warships at the same time is quite powerful.

Soon the densely packed Zerg solidified into a large piece, and the corpses of the Zerg formed a piece of floating matter.

The star thieves rejoiced, more excited than they had robbed a large caravan.

But soon, the Zerg's counterattack and defense made the Cold Night Fleet lie down.

The Zerg's cannon bugs and shield bugs were dispatched, and it was difficult for the battleship guns to have too much effect, but they were beaten enough;

Except for the strong firepower of the Violet as always, the other battleships can only protect themselves. The energy cannons they fired were stopped by the shield worms. Even if those big worms were blown to pieces, they would not die immediately, as long as they had enough energy, they would be able to recover.

The Star Thief battleship basically didn't have much lethality. Except for the Violet, which was still shooting non-stop, the other battleships were silent.There is no way that the Zerg offensive is fierce, and all energy is used on the protective shield.

The star thieves on the battleship gritted their teeth, one by one furious, they rushed out bravely, but it didn't work, and instead became a hindrance.

"Why do you think the Violet is so strong? They are all similar battleships. Ms. Su's battleship's attack and defense capabilities are amazing, but the Leng Ye is not so good, not as good as us."

Someone on the side said: "Are you stupid, who is Su Qing, can her ship be normal?"

The star thieves nodded, and some people still said unwillingly: "Then what should we do? We will be beaten all the time, what if we run out of energy? It's not as good as before, at least we still have enough energy to escape."

A star thief said casually, "Now we can escape too!"

"Whoever said that, beat him." There was a short period of confusion in the battleship.

All fools know that the Zerg have surrounded them, where are they going to escape?If they could escape, what would the First Army do with the Zerg?

This kind of situation happened one after another in each battleship. Some people were frowning, some said dejected words, and some regretted running over and being attacked by the Zerg.

Only the Violet launched normally, and Zhu Shunming's face was gloomy. They had no experience in fighting the Zerg, so they couldn't blame the commander for putting them behind. Leng Ye is really going to be ashamed.

Zhu Shunming also thought too much. Gu Bowen didn't expect much from Leng Ye, but this humble mercenary group shocked him time and time again.

First, Bai Qian beheaded the king worm, and then Leng Ye's mecha team went out to fight. Although the fighting power was terrible, under the protection of the two women, the death rate was not high. The army saved a lot of troops.

Not to mention, a cow and two cats appeared in the Zerg swarm and killed all directions. It feels more powerful than the mechas of the First Army. The key is that the golden light that shines on the cow from time to time can block the attack of the Zerg. , is that defensive energy innate or an energy shield?
Gu Bowen is a senior member of the First Army, and he knows a lot of secrets, such as the elixir that Yang Yu has been using and a magical weapon that comes from his beloved general Meng Yu;
Meng Fong came from an ordinary background, but his school was very mysterious. He cultivated advanced at a young age, and those special resources were all related to him.

No one in the top ranks of the First Army wanted to get their hands on those things, but because of Yang Yu, no one dared to reach out.

Those good things are all big killers used to fight Zerg. They are so easy to use. The kid under Yang Yu has only used them a few times in times of crisis. That kid, no one.

But the woman who beheaded the king worm turned out to be spasmodic. At that time, General Gu felt distressed when he saw it.

Seeing that a cow can also use pieces of paper now, how can it not make him feel ups and downs;

If his soldiers are well equipped, it means that all soldiers have supernatural powers, and the casualty rate will be greatly reduced.

At this point, Gu Bowen finally understood who is the real owner, and in the future, he must have a good relationship with that girl named Su Qing.

Not long after, the fleet of Leng Ye's mercenary group gave him another surprise. Leng Ye asked to fight, and he thought about it and agreed!However, he is not optimistic about Leng Ye's combat effectiveness. How many Zergs can be killed by that outdated battleship, let's make up the number!
The attack of the no-name fleet is indeed rubbish, but Leng Ye's main battleship is very special and powerful. Whether it is firepower or defense, even the latest military warships can't match it. The energy beams emitted are very special. It seems that Leng Ye is very powerful. It's not easy!

Zhu Shunming saw that the Star Thief warships not only didn't exert much force, but they were about to be defeated, so he immediately asked them to shrink their formation, to stay in the front if they could resist, to retreat if they couldn't, and to hide behind the Violet if they couldn't bear it.

Su Qing laid down the base of the Star Thieves, and the warships he chose to take away were all the most advanced. These warships were all obtained by the Star Thieves using various means, and they must not be comparable to the warships of the First Army;

Su Qing and Ye Zhiqiu were not there, and Zhu Shunming knew very little about commanding fleet operations, so he could only do that.

At the beginning, he didn't know that the star thief warship was so useless on the battlefield. His starting point was the Violet, and he thought that other warships were not much different!
(End of this chapter)

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