Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 997 Offensive Disadvantages

Chapter 997 Offensive Disadvantages
Even if only the Violet's attack is effective, and he is not afraid of the Zerg's cannonball counterattack, he must persist, hoping that reinforcements will come soon.

It has been less than half an hour since Gu Bowen found out that the fleet was surrounded by Zerg and sent a message back to the headquarters to ask for reinforcements. Even if the speed of reinforcements is faster than the speed of light, they will not be able to arrive immediately. They must at least resist for a while.

The people on the Violet were still rejoicing at the beginning. Many Zergs were killed by the gunfire of the battleship. After those Star Thief battleships opened fire, hey!Everyone sighed in their hearts. It couldn't be said that it didn't work, but it was too far behind the Violet.

Sun Liu was about to say something, but hesitated again. Seeing that some Star Thief warships were starting to show damage, he finally said: "Old Zhu, why don't we give up the long-range attack! Our fleet has insufficient firepower and has been attacked by Zerg for a long time. Definitely can't bear it."

Zhu Shunming frowned, "Persist for a while, Qingqing and Bai Qian are outside, so they should be able to block it."

Back then, the two girls were able to fight in and out of the sea of ​​insects. Su Qing had told them a long time ago that her strength would not be exposed too much for the time being, and she would push Bai Qian out first, and she would reveal herself at the critical moment.

Everyone had a good discussion, but I didn't expect to be surrounded by Zerg at the first stop, and everyone who could fight went to fight.

With Su Qingbaiqian and the mecha regiment of the First Army, the fleet can break through the encirclement, but the star thief warships in such a cold night will definitely suffer heavy losses. During the planetary battle, the star thief will die a lot of people.

The first army can break through, but the star thief warships can't keep up with the team. Arrange them in the middle of the team to affect the speed, and arrange them at the end and they are easy to fall behind.

Su Qing has already taken good care of the First Army, telling them that there are king worms appearing, warning in advance that the starry sky fleet is surrounded by Zerg, otherwise the First Army will lose more, and she dare not intervene no matter how many, she is afraid that she will have too many Intervention, on the contrary, affects the established destiny of mankind, and she cannot bear the karma of the entire mankind.

Sun Liu shook his head, trying hard to suppress his excitement,
"Old Zhu, what I mean is that since our attack can't kill a few Zergs, and the opponent's shield worms have high defense, we can kill a few of them, and there are hundreds or thousands of them. It doesn't make much sense to kill the shield worms. , look at the Zerg that we fought with us on the battlefield, they need close combat to kill them, and we continue to launch, which is also a waste of energy.”

Zhu Shunming looked at him. Ever since the Black Hawk Star Pirates boarded the Violet, Zhu Shunming had been strictly monitoring them, fearing that they would do something out of the ordinary;

Unexpectedly, Star Bandit was quite sensible, he obeyed his orders honestly, and got along well with the people in the farm. The hostility in his body gradually disappeared and he became more and more humane, which made him feel at ease.

With Su Qing intimidating them, whoever dares to provoke the people on the Violet will definitely end up miserable.

Sun Liu had a flexible mind and was able to judge the situation. He did not hesitate to attack the Star Pirates base and capture the prisoners.

In the beginning, Leng Ye was understaffed, and Sun Liu helped to manage it, including the contact with many star thief captives, and Su Qing handed over the full authority to Sun Liu;

One is that they really don't have spare manpower, and the other is that Leng Ye's mercenaries can't suppress those star robbers, so it's better to specialize in driving Leng Ye and don't make trouble for yourself.

Zhu Shunming used to be just a captain of a cargo spaceship, not to mention commanding a fleet to fight, he had no experience in piloting a battleship. Now he can only let the battleship guns fire at the Zerg, otherwise what should we do?
Thoughts flashed through his mind like lightning and flint, Zhu Shunming said helplessly:
"Sun Liu, I know what you're talking about, but as long as it can relieve the pressure on the army, we can't do nothing."

Sun Liu: "Old Zhu, let my brothers and I drive the starfighter near the battleship and attack the nearby Zerg. That may be more effective than the battleship gun."

Zhu Shunming directly objected, "No, that's too dangerous. You don't have experience in flying fighter planes, and you're going to die if you go out. It's better to shoot from the fortress on the battleship. Hey! Actually, it doesn't have much effect."

Star fighters are no easier to learn than mecha masters, they also need talent and hard training, not everyone can pass the pilot qualification, basic flight is using autopilot, combat still needs manual piloting.

As a conventional weapon of the army, warships can not only fire battleship guns, but also have independent military fortresses installed on the battleships, and there are weapons that can shoot outwards. Most of them are the last line of defense during boarding battles.

If Zhu Shunming hadn't seen that the sergeant's fort on the battleship of the First Army was open, he wouldn't have remembered that it was also on the Violet.

Sun Liu thought for a while, and said unwillingly, "Then let's try both methods. The Violet has a strong defense. We should be fine if we don't step out of the protective cover. We are not afraid of death. Since we were on the Violet, we have only I feel like I am living like a human being, so many soldiers are fighting, we can't just watch, my heart is as uncomfortable as a fire."

Sun Liu has always been a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. Every time he goes out to rob, he always dare not rush forward. If it is not for his good brains, the little boss who stays behind will not be able to get along with him. But during this time on the Violet, he It feels surprisingly refreshing.

Following Su Qing's invincibility, killing all the major star bandits, and managing nearly [-] star bandits, it's so majestic. This is the highlight moment of Sun Liu's life.

Fighting in the void made him doubt the meaning of life for the first time. Why do people live? Isn't it to live and enjoy life?
Then why did those soldiers charge up even though they knew they were going to die?He was shocked by the passing of one after another fresh life. He felt that he had to do something?
Those brothers all looked excited and asked him to think of a way.

The Violet started to attack, which made him full of hope, but it was a pity that the performance of the star thief warship was uneven, which was not helpful, and he was in some danger, what should we do?
Seeing the formation of the first army, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. They can also go out to fight. As long as they don't leave the range of the battleship, they can fight the nearby Zerg, and the armed fortress on the battleship can also be used.

The commanders of the First Army fought in such a progressive way, they can try it too.

Zhu Shunming didn't open his mouth because there were not enough manpower on the battleship, and there was no one left who could fight in the interstellar space, and all those who could go to battle went away.

A battleship like the Violet has at least 2000 people on staff, and now the total number of people is less than five hundred. There are quite a lot of people on those Star Thief warships. Zhu Shunming reminded them, but no one dared to move.

I knew those star thieves would not listen to him, they were only afraid of Su Qing and Bai Qian, and Zhu Shunming was very surprised that they could take the initiative to attack the Zerg together.

Unexpectedly, Sun Liu offered to go outside to fight. He thought about it, but still didn't agree.
"No, you don't have any experience in piloting a fighter plane. If you go out, you will die. Once the Zerg breaks through the battle line and starts attacking the battleship, you will be a living target. It's not right to be in danger. It's safer to enter the battleship fortress. If you are in danger, you can retreat into the battleship at any time. The fortress is directly abandoned, we can't compete with the First Army, they are the ace army of the empire."

Sun Liu plucked up his courage. He wanted to go out and give it a try, but Zhu Shunming said that he thought it was easy.

Fighting the Zerg is not about robbing the caravan. When the star robbers were robbing, they first dispatched fighter planes and mechas, plus the battleship guns bombed wildly, destroying the power of the opponent's spaceship, and killing people and looting goods in the spaceship.

When encountering those who are protected by mercenaries, they will fight in the interstellar space. The star robbers are incomparable to the regular army, but they are better than the caravans. Powerful, they will withdraw decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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