Chapter 1004 Intimacy

For some reason, Zhou Yun felt a natural affinity for this place.

Zhou Yun actually never lived in the countryside.

The longest period of time she lived in the countryside was during the filming of "Year" here.

Living in the countryside does have a completely different rhythm than living in the city.

Zhou Yun lived in the town before, but later he lived directly in the countryside, living in the small courtyard where he lived.

The filming during that time cured her exhaustion accumulated over the years and her boredom of acting.

Coming back this time, Zhou Yun's mood also improved.

"I kind of want to buy this yard." Zhou Yun said, "When I have nothing to do, I can come and live here by myself for a few days, and treat it as a vacation."

Wen Bing said: "This yard is rented. If you want to buy it, it depends on whether they are willing to sell it."

"If it doesn't work, then forget it." Zhou Yun said, "I don't force it, I just like this place, and it has something to do with liking this movie. It's a rare experience, and I want to leave a souvenir for myself."

Wen Bing said: "The filming of this film coincides with the stage when you need this peaceful, back-to-basics life, so it makes you want to commemorate it. In fact, it makes you live this kind of life all the time, and you can't live it."

"I admit it." Zhou Yun smiled, "So I said, it can only be used as a vacation place."

The two talked and laughed for a while, and when it was completely dark, they got into the car together and went to the hotel in the town.

The town was very lively.

Today, the prosperity of the town is not weaker than that of the city.

Supermarket, massage, chess room, KTV, movie theater, everything.

After Zhou Yun washed up, he was ready to go to bed.

Habitually glanced at the phone and saw that Zhou Lan had sent her a message.

It's about Lu Zhongting and Jiang Minghuai.

After Zhou Lan called the police, Li Wei Group really came to find Zhou Lan, hoping that they could cancel the report and would pay several times the compensation.The Jiang family definitely didn't want to see Jiang Minghuai leave a criminal record, let alone see this matter ferment and be known by the media and the public.

Once such a thing happens, then Li Wei Group will definitely follow Jiang Minghuai into some kind of scandal, which will also have an impact on Li Wei Group's stock price.

That's what family businesses are.

Even if they can suppress it, some opponents will make a big fuss about it.

Zhou Yun: Compensation for what?Compensation for medical expenses?

Zhou Lan: I am willing to take 10 yuan to privately settle this matter.

Zhou Yun: I'm short of his 10 yuan. My own children don't teach well, and they instigate people to beat them. Now they don't apologize or admit their mistakes, and they want to settle with money. It's really a rich man's style.

Zhou Lan: That's right. It wasn't even anyone from their family who came to contact me, but a lawyer. I didn't kick him out. I was already very polite to him. What did he do?

Zhou Yun: They think that Zhong Ting is just an unknown starlet, and if a lawyer comes to negotiate with you, 10 yuan is more than enough to get rid of it. They are arrogant.

Zhou Lan: I think you are right. They are arrogant. I don’t intend to hype this up or get it in the media. I’m normal. No compromise.

Zhou Yun: Support.

Zhou Yun asked again: How is he in Zhongting?

Zhou Lan: I'm still recovering from my injuries in the hospital. Those bastards are very serious. The doctor said that the injury will not heal within two months. The key is that I don't know if there will be scars. I am so angry. I am so angry. Xiaoyun.

Zhou Yun: You let Zhong Ting heal his wounds with peace of mind. Even if there are scars, it’s okay. If you don’t ask him to shoot outside scenes, we will shoot for him. Anyway, we have a production company now, don’t we?
Zhou Kan: Yes!
Zhou Yun: "Son of Prophecy" used Huang Zicheng as the leading role, have you communicated with him in the atrium?Will there be imbalance in his heart?
Zhou Lan: Don't worry, you told me several times before, we must pay attention to the balance between the contracted artists of our studio, I know it, I have talked to him a long time ago, and his relationship with Huang Zicheng is also very close. Well, I have always been very supportive of the "Son of Prophecy", but he felt a little frustrated in his heart. I also told him, don't worry, there are only two actors in our studio, he and Huang Zicheng, and we won't favor one over the other. Well, a boy of his age actually needs a sense of security sometimes, and I think he should understand what I mean.

Zhou Yun: When the film "Son of Prophecy" is finished, when is it going to be released?
Zhou Lan: I haven't done the post-production yet. Although the film's post-production is not difficult, do you have any ideas about the schedule?
Zhou Yun said: I have no special idea.

Zhou Lan: The National Day file will definitely not be able to catch up, and the fastest time is to catch up with the Lunar New Year file, but the theme of "Son of Prophecy" is not suitable for the Lunar New Year file. It is usually a blockbuster or a comedy. Although our movie invited Mr. Liang to play the big The villain, but it is still a medium-budget movie, so let's release some promotional materials first to see everyone's reaction.

Zhou Yun: I suddenly thought about the release of this movie just now. I was thinking, how about releasing "Children of Prophecy" during the winter vacation. This story may be mainly aimed at students. I have such a feeling, it is completely Intuition has no basis.

Zhou Kan: Intuition?Your intuition has always been very good, I understand, I will ask Xuanfa to study it carefully.

Zhou Yun: Hmm.

After chatting, Zhou Yun put down the phone.

She has a shoot tomorrow, so she needs to rest well tonight.

This time, I fell asleep very quickly.

The sound insulation of the hotels in the town is not particularly good. Fortunately, she is not the kind of person who is particularly sensitive and cannot fall asleep when there is a little noise.

Early the next morning, early in the morning, she woke up, put on her running shoes and went for a run, and met Yu Zhiyang on the road beside the field.

Yu Zhiyang was also running.

Zhou Yun ran up and asked, "Is the leg completely healed?"

Yu Zhiyang showed a surprised expression when he saw Zhou Yun.

"It's ready."

Zhou Yun said, "That's good."

The two chatted so far that they stopped chatting. They ran forward together, almost another 2000 meters, and stopped at the bridge.

Zhou Yun wiped the sweat off his face.

"Zhi Yang, when will the movie you and your brother Chi be filming together be turned on?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "It seems to say that it will be launched in January next year. That's the plan."

Zhou Yun: "Do you want to make any preparations in advance?"

Yu Zhiyang said: "Let me enter the group two months in advance, do exercise training, and learn to ride a horse."

"Oh, there's a lot of action scenes?"

"Yes." Yu Zhiyang nodded.

"Come on, I'm waiting to see your movie in the theater." Zhou Yun said.

"Okay." Yu Zhiyang continued to nod.

(End of this chapter)

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