I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1003 Goodbye Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo

Chapter 1003 Goodbye Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo

Zhou Yun put down his things, taught Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu how to use the phone watch, and added them as friends.

"From now on, you can contact Aunt Xiaoyun at any time." Zhou Yun touched Xiuxiu's head, "I haven't seen Aunt Xiaoyun for so long, do you miss me?"

Xiuxiu laughed out her little tiger teeth in embarrassment, and hid behind Chen Zhuo, but she nodded and said, "Yes."

This is the case with children. After a long time no see, she will be shy when she sees you.

Zhou Yun opened his hands: "I miss you too, give me a hug."

Xiuxiu came over and hugged Zhou Yun.

Xiuxiu has grown taller.

Zhou Yun picked her up.

She suddenly realized something, and turned to look at Chen Zhuo, "Did you grow a little taller?"

Chen Zhuo scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I have grown another centimeter."

How can a boy of this age grow up so fast?
Zhou Yun laughed: "I haven't congratulated you in person yet, you got admitted to No. [-] Middle School of the city, it's amazing!"

Chen Zhuo scratched his head in embarrassment.

He is really shy. In front of Zhou Yun, he always bows his head habitually and doesn't speak.

Zhou Yun can also understand that a boy of this age is at the time when his self-awareness is most awakened in adolescence. He is somewhat unable to get along with the people around him. It's not because he doesn't want to, but because he hasn't found a suitable way to get along.

Zhou Yun: "What university do you want to study in the future?"

Chen Zhuo said, "I want to get into A University."

Zhou Yun said pleasantly: "That's great, if you are admitted to University A, you will be my junior."

Chen Zhuo hummed. It seemed that he knew Zhou Yun was also a graduate of University A before.

"Did you get a little tan this summer?" Zhou Yun asked.

She felt that Chen Zhuo was much tanned than the last time she came to see him.

Chen Zhuo said: "It's because I got tanned because I have to work every day."

Xiuxiu said: "My brother helps my mother to plant vegetable fields every day, and also sprays pesticides on the fields."

Zhou Yun reacted.

Here, their family still has many things to do every day.

A boy of Chen Zhuo's age has to help his family with farm work when he is on vacation.

Especially their family, without a father, has always been supported by their mother.

Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu gave them cameos in this movie. At the request of Zhou Yun and Wen Bing, Xindun finally paid these two young actors 3 yuan for the film, and Zhou Yun and Wen Bing each took another 1 yuan. They came out, collected [-] yuan, transferred it to a bank card, and handed it to their mother.

5 yuan is a huge sum of money for their family.After their mother received the card, tears fell by themselves.Zhou Yun found out after chatting with her that what she was most worried about was not being able to support the tuition fees of her two children, fearing that the children would not have money to go to school.Just like Chen Zhuo, if he didn't get the scholarship, he would have to pay 9000 yuan in tuition and miscellaneous fees every year based on the school he was admitted to.And then, go to college.

Therefore, Xiuxiu's mother has always regarded Zhou Yun as a benefactor, and often asks someone to send some sauces and pickles made by herself to Zhou Yun and the others in the town.

After Zhou Yun finished filming, he would call them once a month to chat and ask about their life, just because they were afraid that their life would be too difficult and unsatisfactory.Zhou Yun also often sent them some things, which were stationery, clothes, and shoes that Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo would use.

This time, Zhou Yun bought them a laptop and told Chen Zhuo to install a WIFI at home.

"You are going to high school, and you need a lot of materials to prepare for the exam. You have a notebook, and you can look up the materials you want online at any time." Zhou Yun said, "You can ask the teacher at school, but when you are at home during the holidays, there is no one here. You can ask, the Internet is a very good tool, you have to learn to use this tool well.”

Chen Zhuo nodded in response.

After dinner at Xiuxiu's house, Zhou Yun took Xiuxiu out for a walk, and when he came back, he saw Yu Zhiyang teaching Chen Zhuo how to use the notebook in his room.

"After you install WIFI in your home, you can connect to the Internet from here." Yu Zhiyang said to Chen Zhuo, "Do you know a few basic operations?"

Chen Zhuo said: "I learned a little in computer class, but I type very slowly."

"It's okay, you'll get better with time." Yu Zhiyang and Chen Zhuo seem to be getting along pretty well, "Don't download games or anything, you think you have the willpower to control the time you play it, In fact, few people can control it, you just have a WeChat, a QQ, and then you know how to search for things, and after you go to university, you can play those games and so on.”

Chen Zhuo hummed and nodded.

"Thank you Brother Yang."

"You're welcome." Yu Zhiyang said, "I gave you my phone number. If you have any questions, you can call me or ask me on WeChat. Do you have a smartphone?"

"Just now, Aunt Xiaoyun gave me one, but I haven't used it yet." Chen Zhuo said.

"It's okay, you can use your mobile phone after thinking about it." Yu Zhiyang said, "You have downloaded the basic functions of WeChat, and we will add friends."

"it is good."

Zhou Yun did not continue to listen.

She took Xiuxiu's hand and brought her to her mother.

"Sister, if the two children have nothing else to do by the end of August, after we finish filming this movie, I'll take them to BJ, okay?" Zhou Yun asked.

Xiuxiu's mother heard this and said, "Will this cause you trouble? You are usually so busy with work."

"I still have two or three days, because I have a lot of scenes to shoot later and I don't have time. It's rare that I still have a few days to spare after filming this movie. If you don't worry, I will take them to BJ for a walk. Xiaozhuo got into a key high school this time, and I wanted to encourage him, he told me that he wanted to be admitted to University A, and I wanted to take him around the campus of University A."

Xiuxiu's mother's face was full of surprises.

"That, that's great, Xiaoyun, thank you!" She said gratefully while rubbing her hands.

There was a little embarrassment in the grateful smile.

"It's great if you are willing, but I'm afraid that Xiuxiu is too young and will be scared if she doesn't see you. Can you ask Ling Ju to take care of your chickens, ducks, pigs and vegetable garden for you to accompany these two children?" Going together? It won't take long, it will take about five or six days to go back and forth."

"I-shall I go too?" Xiuxiu's mother looked surprised, and subconsciously wanted to refuse, "I'd better not go, there is so much work at home."

Zhou Yun said: "Please ask the neighbors to take care of them, sister, the two children will follow me out, don't worry, I don't worry too, I can relax with you taking care of them."

Xiuxiu's mother hesitated for a moment, "Then, I will trouble you."

"No trouble." Zhou Yun smiled and shook his head.

She sent a message to Liu Yun, asking her to arrange accommodation in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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