I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1002 To Phoenix Town

Looking back now, many things are really plans that can't keep up with the changes.

Zhou Yun thought before that he would definitely not participate in the production in the short term, because he didn't have that much energy and ability.

Who knows, with the appearance of Liu Qidong, many things have changed.

Things that I had not planned to do before were also done.Changes in the situation will also bring about changes in your thinking.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan are one mile away, and now they have established a larger territory. In addition to these actors, there is another Liu Qidong.

Liu Qidong and those celebrities who signed business contracts with Zhou Lan are different.

The latter is just the object that Zhou Lan wants to expand the business scope and profit of the studio, while the former is his "person" who needs to be carefully managed and cultivated.

After seeing Xu Jinbo, Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan did not leave in a hurry. After seeing him off, they sat together and chatted for a while.

"Sister Lan, now we seem to be going against our wishes and making our studio bigger and bigger." Zhou Yun said with a wry smile on his lips.

"We established these two companies in order to keep the studio itself simple." Zhou Lan said instead, "The content of the studio is too complicated, which is not good. It is not good to separate them so that professional people can do professional things. Even better. Xiaoyun, this step is inevitable for us to take this step. It doesn’t matter if the screenwriting agency is established purely for Liu Qidong. We don’t know what it will be like in the future. But a production company is a must , even if we do not independently produce film and television dramas, at your level, we must participate in every project you star in, because you are not just an actor, when you are acting, you have many demands and many You only need a production company to help you realize your idea.”

Zhou Yun nodded: "Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets, and I am not hesitating about the necessity of establishing these two companies. I just feel that many things have really changed quickly, including my own decisions before. The idea is to change as soon as you say it.”

"This shows that you have grown up again." Zhou Lan said, "Song Chi wants to start his own production company because he is too restricted in Zuo Jing, and he knows an actor. The initiative is in his own hands. Only by setting up his own production company can he have the confidence to try and fail in this industry, and he will also have the confidence to negotiate with platforms, investors, advertisers and other forces. You Now you are a popular actor with international influence, and you are already the top actress in China in terms of comprehensive strength and status. Therefore, everyone is begging you to cooperate with them, but after the rise of this industry, the popular, There are many celebrities who are so popular, but very few of them can stay popular for a long time. In other words, you can still continue to be popular for ten years or 20 years, but no matter how popular you are, you are just an actor. In the position of being picked by others, if you want to lead a project, you will become the one who asks for help.”

Zhou Yun: "Yes, I understand."

Zhou Yun used to be very afraid of complications.

Now Zhou Yun is not afraid, because complexity is the norm.

Life is complicated, and so is work.

Only face.

"I think Xu Jinbo is a little moved. In fact, we took a very attractive condition to discuss this matter with him. If he really wants to go further and get a higher position and voice, then he will Accept our invitation." Zhou Lan said, "Yue Hai will not give Xu Jinbo the executive position now, and with his age and qualifications, it will take at least ten years. Now we can hand over the entire production business to In Xu Jinbo's hands, if Xu Jinbo can't impress Xu Jinbo with projects such as the "Three Thousand Worlds" derivative series, the Republic of China detective series, and Liu Qidong's script development, it can only be said that he still wants to play the safe card and is unwilling to take risks. We'll just have to find someone else."

Zhou Yun nodded: "Miss Lan, you should also search to see if there is any suitable candidate. When Xu Jinbo is indeed well-recognized in Yue Hai, we have one of the biggest disadvantages. We are a small family. The resources that can be dispatched and used are completely different. He said he is the boss, but he also has to start a new stove by himself and start everything again."

"Of course, if that's not the case, why did we ask him?" Zhou Lan said, "If everything is mature, then someone like Xu Jinbo who has no executive experience is definitely not in our consideration, precisely because We now need a person with very rich experience in front-line work to do this before we can hit him with the idea."

Zhou Yun: "I hope he can agree."
The news that Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan established a production company and a screenwriting agency slowly spread.

When Zhou Yun and Yu Zhiyang returned to Fenghuang County together, she received no less than six calls along the way, all of them asking her if she wanted to be like Song Chi and get involved in film and television production in the future.

Zhou Yun quickly explained that she didn't mean it, and her focus would never be on the production.

It's different from Song Chi.

Jiang Xin and Cong Lan, who were most concerned about this matter, breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing Zhou Yun's explanation.

They really didn't want Zhou Yun to distract himself at this time.

When she came back to Phoenix Town this time, there were actually only a few scenes to make up for.

The most important thing is the scene where she swims in the reservoir.

After not coming back for a long time, Zhou Yun brought a lot of things, including household appliances, laptops, clothes, shoes, phones, watches, etc., and various other things, all of which were gifts for Chen Zhuo and Xiuxiu.

It happened to be summer vacation time, Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo were both at home.

Chen Zhuo has already been admitted to a key high school in the city this year, and won the scholarship very well.

Zhou Yun brought them several boxes, one of which was for Chen Zhuo.

They are all clothes, shoes, phones and watches, he and Xiuxiu each have one.

Xiuxiu's mother froze in place, didn't come to her senses for a long time, and then hurriedly declined: "Xiaoyun, why did you bring so many gifts here? You have already helped our family very much, so it's too expensive for you to bring them all back!"

Zhou Yun: "Sister, don't be polite to me. Now Xiuxiu and Chen Zhuo are contracted actors of my studio. It is only natural for me to buy them some gifts. I have this fate with them to film together. Yes, I really regard them as my younger brothers and sisters. Xiao Zhuo is going to the city to attend a key high school soon, so I brought him some clothes and shoes of his height, all from the brands I usually work with. , I didn’t spend any money, so you’re welcome.” (End of this chapter)

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