After wrapping up and leaving the crew of "Three Thousand Worlds", Zhou Yun took a photo of the night sky and posted a post on Weibo after a long absence.

"Never rest on your laurels. This is the first fairy tale-themed play, the first time I played a non-human character, and the first time I finished a scene, I felt very satisfied. I look forward to the day when "Three Thousand Worlds" meets you. Much, but I'm satisfied."

Zhou Yun's fans were instantly agitated.

Wait, Zhou Yun actually finished filming another movie?

Didn't you just wrap up a movie?

"Three Thousand Worlds"?
That Xianxia drama?
ha?Zhou Yun, are you going to act in Xianxia drama?How much money did the producer pay you for acting in this kind of drama?

Not many roles?

supporting role?Special appearance?Cameo?

Wait, what's the matter with your big emotion?

Is this the first time you felt satisfied acting in a fairy tale?

Are you crazy?


The voices of the online world are disturbing.

Zhou Yun looked at some comments with a smile on his lips, and they were all within the expected range. Whether he questioned, doubted, or puzzled, Zhou Yun didn't take it to heart.

After filming "Three Thousand Worlds", Zhou Yun is waiting to re-shoot the scene of "Sui".

Before that, Zhou Yun had to go to the studio and sign a few papers.

Especially the establishment of a screenwriting agency and a post-production company required Zhou Yun to sign several agreements.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan jointly established these two companies and jointly held shares, and Zhou Lan was responsible for the specific operations.

Of course, in reality, Zhou Lan can't control their many things.

Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun wanted to recruit people to take charge of these two companies.

The target candidate is Xu Jinbo who has worked with "Deep Sea".

This producer, who has worked in Yuehai for many years, gave Zhou Yun a very good impression during the period of cooperation with Zhou Yun.

Both internally and externally, his work ability and handling of interpersonal relationships are top-notch.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan asked Xu Jinbo to come out to meet him.

Xu Jinbo still thought it was strange, he was so good, they suddenly asked him out, thinking it was something about "Flower City".

It turned out to be a good thing, when Zhou Yun and Zhou Lan spoke, Xu Jinbo was taken aback.

Xu Jinbo's work achievements in these years are obvious to all in the industry, especially the drama "Deep Sea", which can help Yue Hai and Zhou Yun break the ice.There are also many places to dig him.However, Yue Hai was originally the top platform, and the treatment and remuneration given to him were not cheap, so Xu Jinbo had no intention of leaving.

After all, there really aren't many places that are better than Yue Hai.

However, it was Xu Jinbo's first time to receive an invitation from a big star to be the CEO of her company.

Zhou Lan said: "Zhou Yun admired you very much after filming "Deep Sea" with you, so this time we had such an idea, and we thought of you at the first time, you are the most suitable People, the CEO of a screenwriting agency and a production company.”

Xu Jinbo said: "First of all, I still want to thank you for valuing me and believing me, but I have spent a lot of time in Yuehai, and I have also established my own team here, compared to going to a new, just starting I still want to stay in this place where I have been for a long time, and while I still have passion and enthusiasm, I want to make more good plays.”

"In an environment like Yue Hai, can you really produce the good show you want?" Zhou Yun asked directly.

Xu Jinbo was taken aback.

"During the filming of "Deep Sea", your company managed so finely, and even my crew got involved in various ways. I don't believe that you can really make a good show according to your ideas." Zhou Yun said, "There is no doubt about employing people. No doubts, Yue Hai didn’t really respect you and believe in you. Producers like you should give you more autonomy and a bigger platform. What’s the truth? We are indeed a new start-up here. A place, however, where you can make the most of your talent."

Xu Jinbo laughed helplessly.

Zhou Yun shook his head: "Brother Jin Bo, don't rush to refuse, I am not hastily wanting to be a production company to serve myself, this is what our studio has accumulated in the past year and added to develop Some projects are led by ourselves, and some are co-operated with others. Now, because we don’t have a professional person who understands production, we can only hold on to other aspects, wasting a lot of opportunities.”

She sent a document to Xu Jinbo.

Xu Jinbo opened the letter suspiciously.

Zhou Yun also explained to him while he was reading the document: "We want to set up a screenwriting agency because we signed a contract with a very remarkable and talented screenwriter, Liu Qidong, who is also the director of our "Son of Prophecy" And the screenwriter, because of him, we only thought of it. In fact, because we don’t pay enough attention to scripts in our current market, many talented screenwriters have not been valued by film and television companies. You are in Yuehai, and you must know better. We want to go to Find more screenwriters like Liu Qidong, sign them, and then help them operate and sell the scripts they created. Of course, if we are suitable for our own filming, we can buy them and produce them ourselves, just like "Son of Prophecy" The same, and Liu Qidong still has a few scripts, we have already taken a fancy to them and bought them, and we are waiting for someone to operate them."

The expression on Xu Jinbo's face became complicated.

He didn't even think about it like he did before, and his attitude was simply rejection.

"You have been doing online dramas in Yuehai, but with us, you can also enter the field of movies." Zhou Yun said, "Just like Wu Chengbao, he is the box office of the summer "Jianyuntai" Champion trader, don’t you want to have such an opportunity? Except here, mature and large film companies will not give you such an opportunity because of your past experience in making online dramas, small, upstart films The company cannot provide so many high-quality resources like us."

These words spoke to Xu Jinbo's heart.

It can be seen from the reason why Xu Jinbo didn't want to leave Yue Hai, because he has a career ambition and he still hopes to continue to climb up.

However, the circle of web drama production is limited after all.

Zhou Yun continued: "In our place, you must have the final say in the production process. There is no doubt about it. Professionals do professional things. I don't interfere in the management and operation of specific things. Sister Lan and her The core is actually our artist brokerage, so we urgently need someone with experience and knowledge of the industry to help us set up this stall. From the information I gave you just now, you should be able to find that we are serious I want to make something, movies, drama series, domestic, international, Jin Boge, this must be a good opportunity, I'm not fooling you, you know what kind of person I am."
It's even the thousandth chapter. (end of this chapter)

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