Wang Jing didn't know how to describe it, and she couldn't say exactly where Zhou Yun's lines had improved, but she just had an obvious feeling that Zhou Yun's current lines had a smooth and natural tone, and words and words The ups and downs between them are all handled very properly.

Young actors like Wang Jing and the others have relatively ordinary lines and have not received professional lines training. In fact, they all have a sense of artificiality and unnaturalness.

That's not how it works in real life.

They are also aware of their own problems and are changing and improving, but the effect is very slow.

This is entirely a technical process.Why did Sister Xiaoyun improve so much all of a sudden?

On the night of Zhou Yun's finale and farewell, Wang Jing raised his doubts.

Because this is also a doubt that has troubled her for a long time.

Zhou Yun knew Wang Jing's question as soon as he heard it.

"Because I feel that my lines were not good before, which is my shortcoming, so I often imitate other people's speech when I have nothing to do." Zhou Yun said, "I usually chat with people on the set, what is this person's personality, what does he do, and what are his characteristics? What, what is the tone of voice, I often imitate their speech in private, it is also fun, and then I think about the relationship between the character, the situation and the cadence of the lines. Slowly I found that I am not as reserved when speaking lines. In fact, I think the reason why we feel uncomfortable when we speak lines is because these words are not what we usually say, but are the words of the characters in the script, which do not conform to our daily way of speaking, so we have to adapt our mouth and throat to some vocal habits. , including different accents, this is completely a skill that can be practiced."

Wang Jing said: "I also found a line teacher for myself, and I often go to class. I actually feel that I have made great progress, but I still stay at a stage where I am more vocal, not so...not natural or unnatural. , I just feel that the rhythm is not right."

"I always feel that those are not the words that come out of my mouth, not the way I speak normally." Zhou Yun said, "I also felt this way before."

Wang Jing: "Sister Xiaoyun, you are really good. You are usually so busy, but you can practice such good lines so quickly."

"Practice makes perfect. Listen more and practice more. Don't spend all your practice time studying with the line teacher."

When the two were whispering, Zhou Jianfeng suddenly came over with a wine glass.

"Sister Xiaoyun, we have to shoot tomorrow. I can't drink too much, so I only poured half a cup. You can just drink the juice." Zhou Jianfeng said, "I know, I said too much to express my gratitude, but if I don't You, I don’t know where I am now, nor when I will become famous. If it weren’t for the honor of acting with you in "Under the Dress", I wouldn’t be where I am today. This time, thanks to your recommendation, I can I am actually very ashamed to work with you on creating the drama "Three Thousand Worlds". I know my acting skills are not that good yet, but because of my luck, I have been given so many good opportunities. All this is thanks to you for letting me act in the first place. "Under the Dress", I respect you. If you need me in the future, I will definitely come."

Zhou Jianfeng's words came from the bottom of his heart, and there was a bit of gibberish in the middle, as if he was shy and embarrassed to say such blunt things, but he forced himself to say them.

Zhou Yun picked up the wine glass and poured a third of it for himself.

"I'm not in good shape today, but juice is fine, and it's not that I can't drink." She said, "Jianfeng, I just want to say a word to you. In fact, I have said this sentence many times, but you must Always remind yourself. You have to be confident, there is no reason for you not to be confident, you are not the one who is left behind, you are the No.1 choice for emergency rescue after a situation occurs. If you are not good, even if you act "Under Dress", the audience will not like you, "The Left Hand" will not sell such a high box office, you are very good, your acting skills are not so mature, it doesn't matter, as long as you want to be a good actor, you will definitely perform better The better."

She clinked a glass with Zhou Jianfeng and finished first.

Zhou Jianfeng is much more cheerful than before, but in fact he is still shy and not talkative.Zhou Yun knew that his biggest heart trouble was that Yu Zhiyang was chosen as the leading actor in "Under Dress" at the beginning, not him.Zhou Yun also knew that this heart disease could only be overcome by himself.But she must say the words, and keep saying them.Zhou Jianfeng needs encouragement from others. She is not Gu Huaichun's naturally confident and flamboyant personality. The more he is encouraged, the better he will do.

Xin Zhike also came with a smile on his face.

"Sister Xiaoyun, I also offer you a toast, so you really don't want to drink it." He said, "In the future, I want to cooperate with you again, learn from you, remember me when I have a chance."

Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.

After the two boys finished paying their respects, Cheng Shenlu and Wang Jing also came.

Zhou Yun took a deep breath: "I really don't want to drink you two. You are really not in good shape today, otherwise I will drink with you. If there is a chance later, let's find a time when we are not working and have a good drink together."

"Okay." Both Cheng Shenlu and Wang Jing nodded.

Yu Sitian came last.

Some conflicts between her and Zhou Yun have been eliminated, but the relationship has not become more warm because of it.

Yu Sitian is the most senior and the highest status among the five members of the protagonist group.

It was a surprise that she finally agreed to play the show.

Yu Sitian and Zhou Jianfeng starred in "The Left Hand", which sold hundreds of millions of box office, which benefited "Three Thousand Worlds".

In fact, Zhou Yun himself did not expect that after cooperating with Yu Sitian in "Chen Yin", he would immediately co-operate with her in "Three Thousand Worlds".

In the past, I felt that we would never cooperate.

Things in this world are really unclear how they will develop.

Zhou Yun bid farewell to everyone.

He Luochuan hugged Zhou Yun very warmly, and then said: "Really, Xiao Yun, let us work together in a movie in the future. I really want to make a serious movie with you."

Zhou Yun said: "Won't you come to the solo series of Water Demon? I thought we had already agreed on our cooperation in the next drama."

He Luochuan looked at her in surprise: "Do you want me to be the director of this drama?"

"Of course." Zhou Yun said, "I came here this time, and I am really amazed by the shooting conditions of the current Xianxia drama. In all aspects of serving the way, it is not weaker than the movie at all. Moreover, director, you are really a visual Master, it’s no wonder that everyone likes to watch your Xianxia drama, it’s so beautiful, with various environment modeling, special visual effects, very advanced, not tacky, I like it very much.”

He Luochuan laughed.

"The script of Xianxia is to create a dream for the audience. If this dream is not beautiful, how can the audience be immersed in it." (End of this chapter)

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