I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 999 Telling the story with acting skills

Chapter 999 Talking With Acting Skills
The road atrium is in dire condition.

Zhou Lan looked at him lying on the hospital bed in disbelief, his eyes were red the first time he saw him.

She didn't expect that a person would be beaten so badly.

Both eyes were swollen, and the head was still wrapped in gauze.There is hardly a normal spot on the face, let alone on the body.

"How dare they hit such a heavy hand!" Zhou Lan roared angrily.

Lu Zhongting pulled the corner of his mouth with difficulty, and said, "Sister Lan, I, I'm fine, don't be as knowledgeable as them."

"Shut up and take care of your injuries." Zhou Lan took a deep breath and looked at Zheng Xiaoju.

The latter had obviously cried too, and his eyes were red.

Zhou Lan asked, "Did you get the surveillance? Where's the injury report?"

Zheng Xiaoju said, "I went to get it right away."

This is a habit that Zheng Xiaoju has developed over the years of work. When anything happens, the first reaction is to get the monitoring.

In their line of work, no matter how famous or small, monitoring is the most important thing when anything happens.

If you don't get the original monitoring, you may be taken away by the other party when you turn around. You can't explain the reason, and malicious tampering is possible.

Zhou Lan: "Did you call the police?"

"Not yet." Zheng Xiaoju shook his head, "Zhong Ting said he didn't want to cause trouble."

"If you look like this, you are afraid of causing trouble, so call the police immediately." Zhou Lan said, "Those who went to drink with Lu Zhongting tonight, and those who witnessed the scene, make a list for me."

Zheng Xiaoju said yes.
The conflict between Lu Zhongting and Jiang Minghuai did not appear on the hot news.

After Zhou Lan called the police, the police came over immediately.

The injury report, what happened, the list of witnesses and contact information, and the on-site monitoring were all sorted out and handed over to the police.

The police were shocked.

Zhou Lan said: "Comrade policeman, I am a relatively young artist, and we will never choose to reconcile if I am beaten like this. I can't let him be physically injured, and his heart will also be injured. Their brutal violence Behavior must be punished, so please."
"You should call the police!"

Zhou Yun is very supportive of Zhou Lan's decision.

Be it Liwei Group or Jiang Minghuai, Zhou Yun is not afraid at all.

At this moment, Zhou Yun suddenly felt that he had the ability to fight against these things, which was very cool.

But what should an ordinary person do when faced with Jiang Minghuai's bullying?Such doubts suddenly emerged from Zhou Yun's heart.

Today's rule of law environment is much higher than in the past, but in the face of such a situation of unequal power and social status, it is still a situation where the pebble hits the stone.No one can deny that there are too few resources available to the disadvantaged. They can only rely on the most basic system in society to find their own justice.

Zhou Yun was absent-minded for a moment.

She rereads the lines for the scene she will act in later, suddenly more visceral anger.

When the camera was in place, He Luochuan shouted to start shooting.

The focus of the audience was on Zhou Yun.

The five of Wang Jing and the others are behind the camera, not in the picture, but as opponents, they still stand here to assist Zhou Yun in acting.

This scene is a close-up of Zhou Yun's chest above.

She looked at Wang Jing and the five people behind the camera lens, and anger emerged from her face with an uncontrollable impulse.

Hatred was like a juice emitting a foul smell, permeating from her eyes.

"I don't kill him, who will punish him for the crime he committed? Is there anyone? Are you going to punish him?"

Zhou Yun's tone was one of firm hatred, ridicule and contempt for the five people in front of him.

"I kill him, you come to kill me, when he killed my parents, why didn't you come to kill him? When the little gourd was killed by him to practice alchemy, why didn't you come to kill him?!"

Zhou Yun asked loudly, with endless killing intent and hatred rolling in his eyes.


Wang Jing and the others were swept away by Zhou Yun's powerful aura, and were brought into the state of their characters in a daze.

The corner of Zhou Yun's mouth twitched indifferently, and he turned sideways, no longer looking at Wang Jing and the others.

"You don't care about people killing demons, you don't care about people killing people, and you don't care if demons want to kill people. It turns out this is the reason."

Endless anger and resentment permeated from Zhou Yun's face to the extreme.

A tear without sadness or joy, as if transcending everything, flowed from her eyes.

Her voice became very soft, very soft: "But you can't control me, I will kill him today."


He Luochuan sat in front of the monitor, raised the back of his hand, and wiped away the tears that followed him just now.


Zhou Yun blinked, and Liu Yun immediately stepped forward to deliver paper to her and wipe away her tears.

The makeup artist also hurried forward to touch up her makeup.

The five Wang Jing didn't come back to their senses until this time.

Several people looked at each other.

They have been acting together with Zhou Yun for the past few days, but after so many days, they will still be overwhelmed by Zhou Yun's aura of acting.

Cheng Shenlu said with emotion: "It's too scary. I couldn't move my whole body just now. I completely forgot my identity. I was sympathized by Miss Xiaoyun."

Xin Zhike also touched his arm: "My hairs are standing on end, and Sister Xiaoyun's acting is too scary."

Several of them had acted opposite Zhou Yun, but in the scene just now, they felt that Zhou Yun's acting was more sympathetic than usual.

When they turned around, they realized that He Luochuan was also crying.

"The acting was really good." He Luochuan said.

Zhou Yun had a long-lost feeling just now that he was acting heartily.

She enjoyed the scene just now.

The fact that Lu Zhongting was beaten by Jiang Minghuai's gang aroused Zhou Yun's anger.

It happened that Zhou Yun got direct emotional stimulation in this scene.

Zhou Yun was using the water demon's words to vent his emotions.

The emotion of the play is aroused here.

He Luochuan said to Luo Song: "She is really a genius, her acting is many times better than I expected for this scene."

Luo Song sighed, and said in a low voice, "I wish she was the lead actor in this play."

After speaking, he knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and immediately shut up.

There are so many people here, if this word is accidentally spread, it will be reported by the media, as if he is dissatisfied with the current leading role.

No dissatisfaction.

It's just that when you meet an actor like Zhou Yun, everyone hopes to cooperate with her more.
Zhou Yun's guest performance in "Three Thousand Worlds" ended on No.14 days.

Even though he only came for fourteen days, Zhou Yun still gave the whole crew a big shock.

Zhou Yun used her acting skills to convince different people in different crews, allowing them to see with their own eyes the genius of her acting.

The word-of-mouth of an actor in the industry is often spread by word of mouth from one crew to another.

Why are there many unknown actors who are well-known actors in the industry?

It's because everyone communicates with each other at ordinary times, and they will see these people acting with their own eyes, and they will be shocked at the scene.

This time the most shocking ones were Wang Jing and the others.

They have all acted with Zhou Yun, and this time they clearly felt one thing.

Zhou Yun's line skills seem to have improved a lot compared to before.

(End of this chapter)

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