I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 998 Don't be a white-eyed wolf

Creation is not an easy task.

Like Zhou Meng, to be able to create such a blockbuster IP like "Three Thousand Worlds" requires both the right time and place, as well as her creative talent.

Zhou Yun would not say that what Zhou Meng wrote was a very unartistic web article—she was the most advocated, no matter what kind of article, the key is to see whether it is attractive or impressing.

Zhou Yun didn't mean that "Three Thousand Worlds" has already reached the artistic height of "Liao Zhai" and "Journey to the East". She just thinks that it is difficult to see novels with this creative temperament, and they are so popular.

Zhou Yun and Zhou Meng added WeChat friends to each other.

In the evening, Zhou Yun formed another bureau, pulling Cheng Shenlu and Wang Jing to have dinner with Zhou Meng.

Dinner is at a small restaurant nearby.

Night has fallen.

Zhou Yun said: "My part is almost finished filming, I heard that you still have more than two months to fight."

"Yes, we still have a lot of scenes to shoot." Xin Zhike nodded, "I didn't expect this film to be so hard."

"Xianxia drama is very hard." Yu Sitian said, "You see, we don't need to hang wires, wear such heavy costumes, and go to mountains and rivers when we shoot modern dramas. We also need to master action scenes. All kinds of martial arts, and the shooting task is still heavy."

A few people sat together and just complained.

It was the first time Zhou Meng had dinner with them. He didn't expect these celebrities to be so down-to-earth. They just ate with ordinary friends at the dinner table. They talked about trivial matters in life and complaints about work.

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, are you still studying?" Wang Jing saw that Zhou Meng had been sitting by the side without speaking, so he asked.

Zhou Meng said: "I'm a graduate student, and it happens to be on summer vacation, so I came here."

Wang Jing wowed, "That's great."

Zhou Meng is actually the same age as them, there is no age gap.

It's just that her experience is different from theirs.

Zhou Meng said: "You are amazing, you are so popular at such a young age, many of my classmates are your fans."

Wang Jing quickly waved his hand.

"Mr. Zhou, when did you write "Three Thousand Worlds"?" Xin Zhike asked curiously.

"I wrote it when I was in my sophomore year. At that time, after I finished class every day, I had nothing to do. I had a lot of free time. I also liked reading novels at that time, so I registered an account and started writing." Zhou Meng Said, "I didn't expect that one day it would be made into a TV series."

"It's amazing, you can write a story like "Three Thousand Worlds" in your sophomore year." Cheng Shenlu said with emotion, "You writers are really good, you can create such a complete world, I often read scripts. I was wondering how you guys came up with so many characters and so many storylines."

Zhou Meng smiled and said, "I don't know either. I sat in front of the notebook, put my fingers on the keyboard, and slowly wrote everything."

Several people chatted and laughed.

Zhou Yun's cell phone rang suddenly.

It's strange, it turned out to be Zhou Lan calling.

"Huh?" Zhou Yun went to the side to answer the phone.

"Miss Lan, what's the matter?"

Normally, Zhou Lan would not call her so late if it was not an urgent matter, at most he would leave a message and send a message.

Zhou Lan said: "Lu Zhongting participated in a drinking party tonight, and met Jiang Minghuai. He was so desperate to meet that idiot who was making up some dirty words about you. Lu Zhongting rushed up to reprimand him, and was beaten up by Jiang Minghuai's gang of cronies. .”

"What?!" Zhou Yun's heart ached.

"Is the injury serious? Sister Lan?"

Zhou Lan said: "I'm still on my way to the hospital. I haven't seen the specific situation yet. Xiaoju called me."

"Which hospital?" Zhou Yun asked immediately.

"Do you want to rush over?" Zhou Lan said, "You are filming now."

"I—" Zhou Yun wanted to say subconsciously that he would ask for leave from the crew, but he swallowed the words again.

Zhou Lan said: "Don't come here in a hurry. I'll check the situation first. I'm calling you to explain the situation to you first, so that you won't find out from others later, or from the news. It’s true. I’ll go to find out about this matter in person first, and save the evidence that should be preserved first, and wait for my news.”

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "Over there in the atrium, take good care of me, use the best medicine, and don't leave scars."

As an actor, at this time, the most concerned thing is not to affect the image.

The image is affected, and the career is also affected.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun returned to his seat with a grim complexion.

Wang Jing asked her: "Sister Xiaoyun, did something happen? I think your face is ugly."

Others are still chatting about theirs.

Zhou Yun whispered to Wang Jing what Zhou Lan had told her on the phone just now.

Wang Jing's face turned pale instantly.

"How could this happen!"

She was taken aback again, "The name Jiang Minghuai sounds familiar."

Zhou Yun said, "A member of the Liwei Group chased me all over the world and gave me gifts for a while ago. I never paid attention to him. I never thought that something like today would happen."

"Then what should we do?" Wang Jing asked.

Zhou Yun: "Just do what you want. If they beat people, we will call the police."

Wang Jing said, "Call the police, will it help?"

"As long as we are unwilling to reconcile, it will be useful." Zhou Yun's face was cold, and the firmness and tone of his words had an involuntary meaning.

Wang Jing always knew that Zhou Yun never wronged those around him in these matters.

The last time a bodyguard bumped into a second generation in order to protect her, Zhou Yun did not fire him despite the tremendous pressure, he did what he wanted, his attitude was very clear, and he didn't want to feel wronged and begged for peace.

Although this time the other party is still a wealthy young man with a background, Wang Jing believes that none of this will be a reason for Zhou Yun to settle the matter.

Wang Jing has always admired and longed for Zhou Yun's ability to "dare to love and dare to hate".

Yes, it's not character, it's ability.

To stick to one's own attitude, one needs ability to support it.Otherwise, you will always be just an idealist.

This time, Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun spent so much effort to help her win the drama "Three Thousand Worlds", just to increase her popularity and national popularity, let her go further in her career, and gain greater choices——Wang Jing herself also knows how rare this opportunity is for her. Although in the publicity draft outside, it is said that this drama is the top five popular actors, in fact, she knows very well that she and the other four are well-known It is incomparable, let alone compared with the two actresses Cheng Shenlu and Yu Sitian.

But she doesn't worry about it, she will succeed.

Wang Jing never doubted this.She only told herself in her heart not to forget the people who really helped her on the way to success.Wang Jing warned himself, no matter what happens in the future, don't be a white-eyed wolf. (end of this chapter)

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