Think about it, the film and television drama universe of "Three Thousand Worlds" is also quite exaggerated.

However, aside from exaggeration, Zhou Yun felt that Chen Wenjun was not impulsive in making such considerations.

For Haichi, being able to produce popular dramas stably is their core need.

But the drama market is very risky. No one knows what the audience will like to watch, and there is no guarantee that there will be something that the audience will like to watch.

Therefore, building a serialized brand can at least guarantee the popularity of the series.

Word of mouth will fluctuate, but it will not be too miserable.

Zhou Lan flew here urgently to discuss the follow-up development of "Three Thousand Worlds" with Chen Wenjun and He Luochuan.

The copyright of this drama is in the hands of Chen Wenjun, but without He Luochuan, a master of the fairy tale drama, the control of the basic world is uncertain, and without Zhou Yun's participation, this drama cannot be expanded into a world according to Chen Wenjun's vision. series universe.

Therefore, the two sides initially discussed the cooperation intention.

The production company is of course Haichi, but He Luochuan's production company and Zhou Yun's studio will both participate and carry out in-depth cooperation.

Zhou Yun will personally get 5% of the income from the development of this series of IP film and television dramas, and the studio will get 2%.

He Luochuan personally will take 5% of the proceeds from the development of this series of IP film and television dramas, and the specific director and production will be calculated separately.

Chen Wenjun generously distributed a piece of cake to the two of them, just to bind them deeply to the big ship "Three Thousand Worlds".

He didn't pick and search at all, because he knew that without the participation of these two people to escort it, its value would be just an ordinary fairy tale drama.

After reaching such a cooperation intention, Chen Wenjun has completed his purpose of this trip to visit the class.

Afterwards, he had time to invite Cheng Shenlu and the other leading actors to have a meal together and encourage them to film well.

Zhou Lan discussed with Zhou Yun in private.

"I think we will also set up a production company and a script brokerage company." Zhou Lan said, "Now our studio's business volume is getting bigger and more complicated, and we need to sort out various businesses."

Zhou Yun nodded: "Yes, I also have this idea."

Especially for the script agencies behind, if they really plan to sign a group of screenwriters to provide brokerage services for them, they can't hang under the studio all the time.

After Zhou Lan and Zhou Yun reached an agreement, they started to do this matter.

Zhou Yun continued to stay in the crew to film.

After filming the first underwater scene, the following scenes were not too difficult for Zhou Yun.

On the eighth day, a girl who looked like a college student came to the crew, with a ponytail and a white dress, smiling softly and cutely.

Zhou Yun only regarded it as an ordinary staff member. When she passed by, her eyes lit up and she called out "Zhou Yun".

Zhou Yun smiled at her and walked past her.

In the afternoon, as soon as Luo Song introduced, Zhou Yun knew that this was Zhou Meng, the original author of "Three Thousand Worlds".

Chen Wenjun directly signed a cooperation framework agreement with Zhou Meng, inviting her to continue the creation of the IP universe of "Three Thousand Worlds".

The first is to create the story of "Water Demon".

The requirement is very simple, the size of a movie should be developed into a web drama in the end.

Chen Wenjun threw money at him fiercely and straightforwardly, and Zhou Meng agreed without much thought.

She is a student who is still in graduate school, majoring in literature.

Literary literacy is high.

Chen Wenjun asked Zhou Meng to come to the crew and asked her to chat with all the actors, about the show, the story, and their thoughts and experiences for each character.

"Three Thousand Worlds" has made some adaptations compared to the original work, but the main story and the relationship between the characters have not changed much.

Zhou Meng didn't expect that her first novel adaptation would meet such a strong lineup. The key is that Haichi still took a fancy to it and wanted to develop it into a series.

At the beginning, she was actually just on a whim, wanting to write a story about the background of Xianxia.

"When I was writing the unit of water demon, I had a great regret in my heart, that is, the child who was killed by the alchemist." Zhou Meng chatted with Zhou Yun, and took the initiative to mention his mood when he was writing, "At that time, I was originally Wanting to let the water demon take the child away, the two of them left together, but by mistake, the child was written to death. Mr. Chen told me, let me conceive a story behind the water demon. I thought of this for a while."

"Do you want to revive the child?" Zhou Yun asked.

For the water demon, her biggest resentment actually comes from the fact that she let go of her old hatred because of the child, but when she let go, the child was killed by the alchemist to make alchemy. At this moment, her anger and hatred to the extreme.

Zhou Meng shook his head: "Although it's a fairy tale background, people can't be resurrected after death. Everyone has been obsessed with the unit of water demon. It's also because of this regret that the character of water demon itself has been built. However, if the water demon is trained outside When I was young, I heard that there is a magic medicine that can bring the dead back to life? With her paranoia and obsession, she will definitely want to get this magic medicine, and I want to use this as a clue to write her subsequent stories."

Zhou Yun nodded.

"This is the most reasonable way, and we didn't start from scratch. Instead, we made it based on all the information in the Water Demon unit."

Zhou Meng: "Yes, and now, I have thought of two lines. The first line is the clue of the magic medicine. It is actually a fake news released by a vicious malicious intention. The purpose is to deceive people and absorb them. blood, this story will become that the water demon and others deal with the big murderer in a dangerous situation. The second line is that the clue of this magical medicine comes from an ancient secret realm, and the magical medicine is real. Others compete for the magic medicine, and finally succeeded in resurrecting the child with the magic medicine, it depends on which line is used."

Zhou Yun said: "I heard you say that, but I actually want to know one more thing. What are we going to tell about the follow-up story of the water monster? Is it a simple adventure story?"

Zhou Meng said: "Yes, I...I don't really want this story to become a story with a theme first."

"Well, I understand." Zhou Yun said, "Personally, I will lean towards your first line, it sounds more interesting."

"Well, I'll go back and think about it." Zhou Meng said, "Actually, I haven't figured out how to write this story. Many things come out after writing."

"You wrote it very well. "Three Thousand Worlds" has the meaning of our traditional ghost novels." Zhou Yun said, "Although it is separated from reality, it is all about the human world and people's hearts." (End of this chapter)

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