I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 996 The Immortal Universe

Chapter 996 The Immortal Universe
Chen Wenjun had expected Zhou Yun to have such a statement.

He said directly: "I know that you have a lot of shooting plans in the future, but I want to ask you, apart from this reason, does it attract you purely from this shooting and this role?"

Zhou Yun: "This is the first time I have acted in such a subject, and it is also the first time I have acted in such a role. It is very fresh, and I also like the role of the Banshee very much."

"That's enough." Chen Wenjun said, "Our domestic serials are generally very long, but in fact, "Deep Sea" also proved that short dramas can also get high ratings and commercial returns. If it is someone else, I really dare not make such a decision, but if you are the leading role, I am very confident. I want to develop a short play about the water monster, which is also similar to the style of "Three Thousand Worlds". It tells you that you choose to go to the outside world to experience and adventure stories."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"One drama, three episodes, five episodes, everything is fine." Chen Wenjun said, "I know that according to your subsequent arrangements, it will be difficult to provide more than two months of shooting time, but there must be some gaps between each drama. No time, Xiaoyun, I like the story of "Three Thousand Worlds" very much, and I also want to make it one of the brands of our Haichi Film and Television, just like "Sinking Moon on the Sea" is the beginning of our spy war universe The same is true for "Three Thousand Worlds", and the single-player drama of the character of the water demon is not so much that I want to cooperate with you in another drama-of course, this is of course my selfishness, but what I value more is an IP The possibility of developing into multiple film and television dramas, if the single-player series of Water Demon can be successful, I am more confident to develop other derivative dramas."

Zhou Yun looked at Chen Wenjun in surprise, "Are you serious?"

"Seriously." Chen Wenjun nodded, "Why should I focus on creating "Three Thousand Worlds" and "Sinking Moon in the Sea", because the former is a fairy tale, which is a unique theme for our Chinese dramas, while the latter is a spy war, which is popular all over the world. Popular themes, I want to make dramas that are watched by the whole world. Now "Sinking Moon on the Sea" has been sold overseas and broadcast in many places. The fantasy background of "Three Thousand Worlds" is especially after the rise of Internet media. One of the most popular themes, if you lead the one-man series of Water Demon, I will be able to negotiate with overseas platforms and companies more calmly, and they will seriously evaluate the series if you star in it."

Zhou Yun did not expect that Chen Wenjun would lobby her from this angle.

"Mr. Chen, the filming of "Three Thousand Worlds" hasn't finished yet, so you planned so many things?"

"To seize the opportunity, we must plan ahead." Chen Wenjun said.

Zhou Yun thought about it seriously, and said: "Mr. Chen, I definitely have a preliminary intention, but I still have to read the script. If the script is not good enough, I won't act, and I won't sign the contract in advance. Other than that, just Just like preparing for "Three Thousand Worlds", our studio will participate in the production of the single-player series of Water Demon."

Seeing Zhou Yun let go, Chen Wenjun immediately smiled.

"Of course." Chen Wenjun said, "As long as you are willing to act, you can negotiate any conditions."

That big bet on "The Moon in the Sea" and the thrill of winning the bet at the end was the most unforgettable one for Chen Wenjun in so many years.

It is a battle for Haichi Film and Television to turn around, and it is also a battle for Chen Wenjun to rectify his name.

How many executives questioned Chen Wenjun, and used the funds to produce three S+ dramas to produce such a spy war drama. How many platforms predicted that even if "Sinking Moon on the Sea" was a big hit, it would be difficult for Haichi Film and Television to make much money.Actually?Chen Wenjun is not short of money at all now, a lot of people have come to Chen Wenjun with money to cooperate, and the copyright of "Sinking Moon on the Sea" has skyrocketed.

Indeed, the cost of this drama is too high.It's true that Hai Chi didn't make much money relying on the broadcasting of TV stations and online platforms, but the long-term income of this drama is very considerable.The following rounds of broadcasts, as well as the annual video platform renewal fees, on-demand revenue, advertising revenue, and overseas sales revenue.The most important thing is that Haichi started to create a spy war universe with this drama, and a new drama he is currently developing has been sold to Chestnut Video at a high price, making a lot of money. After this universe is established, there are still many things that can continue to be developed. project.

Chen Wenjun's investment in "Three Thousand Worlds" was not high at the beginning, and it was just an ordinary S+ project.But after Zhou Yun intervened, he decided to pull Zhou Yun onto the boat.Cameo?Guest appearances are also fine, as the protagonist of a dungeon unit.For this cameo role, Chen Wenjun once again generously offered a high salary, and offered Zhou Jianfeng, Yu Sitian, Xin Zhike and Cheng Shenlu to star in this drama with Wang Jing.

There are many actors in this show, and they are all popular actors.If the remuneration is dropped, it will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.But that's okay.Chen Wenjun can hold his breath now, the terrible salary of "Sinking Moon in the Sea" has been paid, what is there to be afraid of in this drama, the combined salary of the five leading actors is not as high as the combined salary of Zhou Yun and Song Chi.However, the all-star lineup and Zhou Yun's guest appearance allowed "Three Thousand Worlds" to get an offer that is not inferior to "Sinking Moon on the Sea".

Chen Wenjun's bigger vision for this drama is to sell it to streaming media and broadcast it around the world.

Therefore, his production of this drama was aimed at the movie level from the very beginning.

Zhou Yun's underwater scenes were also shot in real locations with the best shooting equipment and the best photographers.

Chen Wenjun said these things to Zhou Yun today, since Zhou Yun first participated in this drama and talked to her about Wang Jing's starring role, Chen Wenjun began to think about it.

The solo series of "Water Demon" starring Zhou Yun, after the release of "Killing Song" this year, will definitely be able to sell at a higher price on streaming media platforms and get better broadcast promotional resources.

Zhou Yun suddenly thought of something and said, "Mr. Chen, have you talked to the streaming media platform for the overseas broadcasting platform of "Three Thousand Worlds"?"

Chen Wenjun shook his head: "We haven't contacted yet."

Zhou Yun said: "I know a friend who buys movies on the XG video platform in the United States. Xu Caiqin, do you know her?"

"Oh, Caiqin! Of course I know it."

"Why don't you chat with her." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe she will be interested in "Three Thousand Worlds". Since you want to have a global simultaneous broadcast, you need to find someone who is willing to promote this drama to the world with us." Audience people, do this together."

Chen Wenjun nodded.

Zhou Yun said with emotion: "Before I had dinner with Cheng Shenlu and the others, they were still imagining whether it would be possible to develop a theatrical version of the movie after this show was broadcast. The filming is good, don't think about these things so early, I didn't expect that you thought earlier than them."

(End of this chapter)

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