I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1006 BJ's Journey

Chapter 1006 BJ's Journey
The filming time in Fenghuang County was not long, and the filming was completed in just four days.

It was originally a reshoot, mainly to make up for this part of Xia Tian's shot.

After filming, Zhou Yun took Xiuxiu's family to BJ.She mainly wanted to take Chen Zhuo to University A.Since Chen Zhuo has such an ideal, she hopes to inspire him even more at this time.

It is very difficult for a child from a family like Chen Zhuo to be admitted to University A. He can only rely on himself, and he cannot make a wrong step, because he has no cost of trial and error.

BJ is the capital of China.In China, almost every family will want to go to BJ.The same goes for Xiuxiu's family.

During the three days in BJ, Zhou Yun did not completely accompany them. Most of the time, Liu Yun accompanied them with a bodyguard.

Zhou Yun still has some people to meet at BJ.

The leader of the radio and television department, the person in charge of the investment company, the executive of the film company, the person in charge of the endorsement brand... In Zhou Yun's position, as long as she doesn't refuse, there will always be people waiting in line.

After finally meeting the people he had to meet, Zhou Yun took the time to go shopping with them for a day, visiting A University in the morning and the Forbidden City in the afternoon.

At the end of the day, Chen Zhuo was relatively silent and didn't say much, but Zhou Yun could tell that Chen Zhuo had been observing every place he saw with curiosity.

For Chen Zhuo, this was his first time traveling far away, the first time leaving his city.Before that, the farthest place he went was the junior high school in the city, and he had never been to other places.

Zhou Yun said: "Before I went to college, I never left my hometown. You are a little earlier than me."

Zhou Yun said this because he wanted to relieve Chen Zhuo's inner inferiority complex.

Xiuxiu is still at an innocent age, but Chen Zhuo has already started to understand and has an inferiority complex.

Zhou Yun had also experienced this kind of inferiority complex before, so he understood Chen Zhuo.

Chen Zhuo said: "If I am admitted to University A and study here, will I have to spend a lot of money?"

Zhou Yun said: "If you are admitted to University A, you don't have to worry. You can apply for a loan from the state. Of course, you don't have to worry about spending money at all. There are ways to live with money, and there are people without money. In the past, when I was in college, I was also struggling, so I could only earn living expenses by myself, so I did tutoring, part-time jobs, etc., you have to believe in one thing, as long as you think, in this city, there will never be a lack of opportunity, and you'll never be embarrassed by not making money."

"I do not know."

"It's okay, because this is the first time you have come out to see the world, so you don't know, but you will know in the future." Zhou Yun said, "Xiao Zhuo, you have to believe that no matter what happens, no matter how bad it is, I will still be there I will give you a guarantee behind the scenes, and I will support you."

Chen Zhuo looked at Zhou Yun silently.

"I have experienced everything you are going through now, and I really want to tell you my experience, but I can't, because this is your own life." Zhou Yun said, "So, you have to go through it yourself. All this, and then find your own answer, I just want to tell you, don’t be afraid of anything, don’t be afraid, you work so hard and your grades are so good, this is an era in which reading can change your destiny.”

Chen Zhuo said: "Someone told me that being an actor makes a lot of money, can I, can I be an actor?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Yes, of course." Zhou Yun nodded, "But you can't let go of your studies. When you finish high school, take the college entrance examination, and go to a university that you have admitted to, when it's time to decide what you want to do, you will Decide the future according to your own ideas, don't make a decision lightly and hastily now."

Chen Zhuo said: "However, our family needs money very much."

"Oh, Xiao Zhuo, I know, of course I know." Zhou Yun looked at Chen Zhuo seriously, "But, believe me, your family's situation has been alleviated, and I understand that you want to help your mother take care of the house, take care Xiuxiu, but, don’t rush it for a while, Xiao Zhuo, you finally got admitted to the best key high school in the city, and your goal in the future is A University. If you give up at this time, you will regret it later, your mother and Xiuxiu I definitely don’t want to see you make such a big sacrifice for your family. Actor is a profession, it doesn’t mean that you can do it right away if you decide to be an actor. There are many unknown actors. Even in the industry of actors, most of them They’re all unknown actors, they’re not rich, and a lot of them are struggling. You’re 14, you’re not even the age to be a professional actor, you know what I mean?”

Chen Zhuo nodded.

"I see."

"Honey, don't worry, you don't have to rush to grow up." Zhou Yun smiled, "I really want to touch your head now, but you are already much taller than me, I can't touch it. Now, you just need to study hard now, work hard to be admitted to University A, and set an example for Xiuxiu. When Xiuxiu also successfully enters the university, your mother will be very happy, even happier than you earning 100 million or 1000 million ,do you know?"

Chen Zhuo nodded.

"it is good."

Zhou Yun knew that Chen Zhuo could not fully listen to her words.

There is no way, children of this age are like this.However, as long as Chen Zhuo is willing to obey, he will gradually understand these principles in the future.

After taking them to BJ, Zhou Yun sent them to the high-speed rail station.

How to go back there, they have also been contacted, and Chen Zhuo also has their contact information.

"Send me a message when you get home." Zhou Yun said to Chen Zhuo.

"Okay." Chen Zhuo nodded, holding Xiuxiu's hand, "Thank you, Auntie Xiaoyun."

"Okay, don't be polite to me, come on, let's keep in touch." Zhou Yun said, "Xiuxiu, you have to study hard, just like your brother, and become a little girl with excellent grades, okay?"

Xiuxiu showed a distressed expression.

"However, what if I work hard and fail to get good grades?"

"If you work hard and fail to get good grades, then you can confidently tell yourself that you did your best." Zhou Yun stroked Xiuxiu's head, "That's how I comfort myself."

Xiuxiu smiled happily.

"I see!"

After sending them off, Zhou Yun has another appointment to attend.

Wen Xi and Zheng Xiaowen are waiting for her.

The evening rush hour at this point was so congested that Zhou Yun spent an hour and a half on the road before arriving at the agreed place.

The place is fixed by Wen Xi, in a very petty open-air restaurant.

It is said that this is a private restaurant that only accepts reservations from members.

Zhou Yun went up to the sixth floor of No.70, found this restaurant, opened the door and went in.

Wen Xi and Zheng Xiaowen are taking selfies against the city night scene.

Seeing Zhou Yun appearing, Wen Xi waved happily: "You are finally here, come quickly, we are taking a selfie, join us, let's take a picture together."

(End of this chapter)

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