I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1007 Outdoor Dinner

Chapter 1007 Outdoor Dinner
"Xiaoyun invited me to play a guest role in "Three Thousand Worlds", playing a tree demon in it."

After the three sat down, they immediately started chatting.Wen Xi immediately mentioned his cameo performance in "Three Thousand Worlds". Wen Xi had also guest-starred in other plays before, but usually it was just one or two scenes, just showing his face. The play of Er Ba Jing is going to be performed, and Wen Xi obviously has a lot of feelings to say.

"Strictly speaking, this is the first time I have actually acted in a role, and there is even a crying scene." Wen Xi shook his head with emotion, "I almost got eye drops, I really don't know how to act. Fortunately, Director He Luochuan Leading me into the state, I shed tears. Really, the interlacing is like a mountain. Now I suddenly feel that Xiaoyun is very good. I thought it was very good before. It was the impression formed by Xiaoyun's achievements. Now it is my own After experiencing and trying, I realized how difficult it is to be an actor, and it’s really not something you can do just by acting.”

Zheng Xiaowen said with a smile: "That's why Xiaoyun turned out to be so amazing."

Zhou Yun made a gesture of begging for mercy, and said, "You two, shouldn't you just come here to praise me tonight?"

Zheng Xiaowen said: "Who asked you to invite Wen Xi to guest star in "Three Thousand Worlds"? When she talks to everyone now, one thing she will definitely mention is that acting is too difficult."

"It's the truth, I'm just describing my mood," Wen Xi said.

"Okay, Xiaowen, Wenxi, as you said, you are not actors, so you think acting will be difficult, but I also think your work is difficult." Zhou Yun said, " Like Wen Xi, becoming the top supermodel is also very difficult. You guys asked me to meet today, what is the matter? Just tell me, if you praise me so much, I have to leave here immediately, my My face is going to be smoking red."

Zheng Xiaowen and Wen Xi looked at each other and laughed.

"Okay, let me talk about this." Zheng Xiaowen said, "This matter is actually related to "Under Dress". Because of our VX linkage with the drama "Under Dress", our brand The situation in the mainland market has been very good in the past few years. Now Wenxi wants to create her own brand. She is also the spokesperson of our VX. A branch named after her, so that our VX can cooperate with Wenxi, and Wenxi can also get help from our VX."

Zhou Yun nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Wow, this is very good. You are going to cooperate, and you can indeed get what you need."

"We want to follow the model of "Under Dress" and create a fashion drama based on this title branch." Wen Xi said, "In this regard, we cannot do without your support, what do you think?"

Zhou Yun showed a surprised expression.

"Wow, we are going to create another fashion drama?" Zhou Yun said, "But hasn't the sequel of "Under the Dress" not been aired yet?"

"That's still based on the VX brand. If possible, Wen Xi and I also hope that you can act in this drama." Wen Xi said.

Zhou Yun frowned slightly.

"Oh, that's how it is. I...Xiaowen, Wen Xi, it's not that I don't want to, I'm also very willing to work with you, but I've taken on too many scenes and there are many arrangements behind me. It is difficult to coordinate a schedule, and then go to shoot a series like "Under Dress."

Wenxi: "Xiaoyun, I know that Xiaowen and I don't want to make a long drama. What we want to do is to follow the model of American dramas or British dramas and create a six- or eight-episode series. Fashion drama, what do you think?"

Zheng Xiaowen said: "In terms of production, we absolutely support you [-]%. If you want, we can hand over this drama to your newly established production company, and the production funds will also be paid by our VX. You can Just take the film salary plus dividends, dear, I know you are not short of money, I just want to show you our sincerity, if you are not the leading role, we really have no confidence in this drama, and it is difficult for VX to give such a generous offer You should know that although I am one of the founders of this brand, there are other partners who are in control of this brand. They will be willing to agree to spend such a large amount of money only if you star in the role. Supporting a branch series that hasn't officially hit the market yet."

The main reason is that "Under the Dress" starring Zhou Yun has almost played a decisive role in the promotion of VX in mainland China, and the benefits in exchange can almost be hundreds of times.Not to mention, the show itself made VX a ton of money.

Hearing this, Zhou Yun blinked and looked at Wen Xi.

Wenxi said: "It's hard for me to talk to you, but this means a lot to me."

Zhou Yun: "Let me think for a few days, okay?"

"Of course." Zheng Xiaowen immediately nodded with a smile, "Then let's talk about the development behind "Under Dress"."

"Sequel? Isn't it already filmed?"

"You told me before that there are actually many characters and stories that can be further explored in this story. In fact, Wang Jing and Yu Chu are also our brand partners. Why not create a story around them?" Zheng Xiaowen Said, "I know that your production company has just been established, and your own funds must be relatively tight. If you need it, we are always willing to provide production funds for the "Under Dress" series, which is also very important for the promotion of our brand. "

This is actually a gift from Zheng Xiaowen to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Yun understood what Zheng Xiaowen meant.

As long as they are developing new projects in the "Under Dressed" series, if there is a shortage of production funds, VX will be willing to provide them with production funds at any time.

It’s also about everyone getting what they need.

Zhou Yun can rely on this stable project to support his own production company, and VX also needs the drama IP of "Under the Dress" to further expand and stabilize their brand influence.

Zhou Yun said: "Xiaowen, thank you for your kindness. Of course I need it. How about we talk about a cooperation framework?"

"Of course no problem." Zheng Xiaowen said, "I believe in your ability to produce film and television dramas very much now. In fact, it must not only be my belief. If you tell the outside world that the project you fancy needs production funds, there must be a lot of companies and people. With money to work with you."

Zhou Yun smiled and said, "But they won't be like you, who only give money, don't interfere, and fully trust us."

"If they knew how much money "Under Dress" made VX for us, they wouldn't say that." Zheng Xiaowen shook her head and said with emotion, "Even if you don't star in the sequel and you are only the producer, the headquarters is willing to give The sequel has additional production funds, and from this alone you can imagine how much benefit it will bring to our VX."

(End of this chapter)

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