I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1008 Appreciation

Chapter 1008 Appreciation
Both Zheng Xiaowen and Wen Xi are of the same sex that Zhou Yun admires very much.

They have made great achievements in their respective fields, and Zhou Yun is indeed willing to cooperate with them.

It's just that the problem is as she said, her time is too tight, she has taken on too many projects, and these projects can't be arranged at all.

Zhou Yun didn't even know when the filming of these film and television projects he took on would be finished.

"The first-line actors are like this. They have been exposed to a lot of projects, and everyone wants to cooperate with them." Zheng Xiaowen said, "The number of projects you are currently waiting to be filmed is actually not many at all in my opinion. The big names I know Compared with stars, it can only be said to be average."

"The projects I'm waiting to shoot are not just contacts, I have promised them to shoot every one." Zhou Yun said helplessly, "Especially Yue Hai's "Flower City", I have been procrastinating for a long time , They have been waiting for my time, but they have not waited for it. Alas, it’s a big headache to talk about. The main reason is that there are too many episodes in this drama. It takes me more than 100 days, almost [-] days of shooting time. I really can’t give so much time in one go, so my team has been helping me coordinate my time.”

Zheng Xiaowen: "Speaking of it, it is also a problem. Your time is so tight now, and such a large-scale series will take half a year of your time in one go. It is really difficult to coordinate."

"Why can't we divide the filming into several seasons like in foreign countries? This way everyone's pressure is much less." Wen Xi asked.

"The main reason is that it will be more difficult to coordinate the schedule of the actors in the follow-up. If the filming is not completed in one go." Zhou Yun said, "Because of my problems, the start time has been pushed back again and again, and now it has been pushed to January next year. After several seasons of filming, I think it will be very difficult."

Actually, if possible, Zhou Yun can film in September, there is no other arrangement.

However, the key is that Zhou Yun is going to shoot "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" in October. "Flower City" cannot be finished in one month, so he can only postpone it.

Zhou Yun himself was also in a dilemma, thinking of resigning from acting, but Yue Hai and Xu Jinbo have always actively insisted on her starring, and the schedule can be coordinated.

Zhou Yun also knew that for such a big drama as "Flower City", the preliminary preparations were quite difficult, and all parties put a lot of effort into creating it as the king of the drama.

If Zhou Yun resigns from the show, the risk of this drama will suddenly increase, and it may face the situation that the investor withdraws its capital and the brand side abandons cooperation.

In the era of streaming media, although "Flower City" is a period drama, it is difficult to implant many brands like "Under Dress". The production cost can be recovered from brand placement alone, but there are also many brands that are willing to invest money to buy advertising space .

The big reason why everyone is willing to shoot such an advertising spot for a period drama is because of the starring role of Zhou Yun.

Otherwise, everyone is not so optimistic.

For this reason, Zhou Yun couldn't say anything about his resignation, so he could only try his best to coordinate the time.

This is also the reason why Zhou Yun decided not to take on long-form series lightly in the future, which is really demanding of her.

A full-length series will take up half a year of Zhou Yun's filming time.

After everyone finished talking about serious work matters, they started gossiping.

The three of them are closely related to the entertainment circle, and they are all talking about things in the circle.

"Maybe you don't know, right? Su Yan and Liu Qingqing are dating." Zheng Xiaowen directly told the news she heard, "There is an amusement park brand that wants to find Liu Qingqing as an endorsement, because she has not been She has been making horror movies, and wanted to use Liu Qingqing to attract people who love horror and horror to go to the haunted house in their amusement park. However, Su Yan also learned about this news from other channels, and she immediately went to fight for it. Because she is also very popular among young girls, the executives of the amusement park brand are very confused and don't know who to hire in the end. The two of them really don't stop for a moment. They were fighting fiercely before, and they are still fighting now. so."

"There is always competition among celebrity artists." Zhou Yun said, "Actually... I think it's a bit of a wrong direction for amusement parks to find celebrity artists as spokespersons."

"Huh? Why do you say that?"

"The main group of amusement parks is still children. Looking for celebrity artists to be spokespersons is not as good as looking for some animation characters that children like as spokespersons."

"That's right."

"Besides, amusement parks are not limited to haunted houses. Find Liu Qingqing as a spokesperson to attract people to play haunted house projects... Now there are also many haunted house secret rooms. If people like this, they don't even need Liu Qingqing's endorsement. They will also take the initiative to find such projects Let's play."

"I don't know the details, but they will have such an idea. The marketing department should have done detailed research, and they will not spend a sum of money without return for no reason." Zheng Xiaowen said, "I want to go out this year. They were not very interested in promoting a national style series when they proposed this plan a year ago. They felt that it was not in line with the main market target of VX. They believed that VX was still aimed at people between the ages of 20 and 40. Women, among this age group, people who are interested in national style are generally people with middle income. If we rush to launch a national style series, it will affect the evaluation of our brand. I was very popular at that time and did it immediately I did a market research and made an estimate for the domestic market, and used this report to negotiate with them, and finally came up with the series I want to launch this year."

Zhou Yun said: "Do you still need their approval for what series you want to make in the Chinese market?"

"I am the chief designer, but whether I can create a new series and launch it to the market is not up to me alone." Zheng Xiaowen said.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"I understand."

Zheng Xiaowen: "I am going to make a big show for this series at that time, please take time to stand for me."

"I'll fight for it," Zhou Yun said.

Having known Zheng Xiaowen for such a long time, Zhou Yun also felt that his career was unknowingly bound more and more deeply with VX.

She feels that in the future, there may not be another brand that has such a close and long-term relationship with her like VX.

Zhou Yun held his chin, looked at Zheng Xiaowen, and smiled slightly.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Xiaowen asked.

"I was thinking that we have known each other for almost five years." Zhou Yun pursed his lips, "Time flies so fast, it passed in the blink of an eye."

Zheng Xiaowen: "Has it been five years? Wow, I didn't realize it at all, my God, yes, it has been so long."

(End of this chapter)

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