After seeing Zheng Xiaowen and Wen Xi, Zhou Yun edited a text message and sent it to Zhou Lan.

Another play.

Still a proposition composition.

I hope Zhou Lan won't have a headache.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Lan responded to the text message almost instantly: VX is so generous?That's great. The screenwriter teacher I was in charge of, Jiuxue, happened to have a schedule. I contacted Jiuxue teacher to see if he would like to take over the project.

Zhou Yun was taken aback for a moment, mainly because she didn't expect Zhou Lan's attitude to be so positive, she thought Zhou Lan would complain a few words.

Zhou Yun said: Let Mr. Jiuxue write this script?
Zhou Lan: Yes, he is very good at writing female-themed stories. The "Spring Mountain Night Rain" he wrote before is one of my favorite plays.

Zhou Lan: I thought you would never take on another role for yourself.

Zhou Yun: I really didn't want to accept it at first, but this is very important to Wenxi, and Zheng Xiaowen gave such a big support, I thought it would be okay.

Zhou Lan: We are producing a six-episode short drama, and the commercial prospects may be smaller, but VX has said that they will foot the bill, and we can make this drama according to our own ideas.

Zhou Yun: Yes, I also thought of this point, the team can be completely formed by itself.

Zhou Lan: It seems that the success of "Under Dress" has given VX a lot of confidence in us.

Zhou Lan: This is a short play starring you, with you, Yu Chu and Wang Jing as the main characters to write the script, is it okay?

Zhou Yun: Sure.

Zhou Lan: I'm going to talk to Zheng Xiaowen. I hope this drama can be broadcast simultaneously all over the world.

Zhou Yun: Are there so many platforms willing to pay?
Zhou Lan: Yes, there will be. Since "Deep Sea", "Chen Yin" and "Sinking Moon in the Sea" have achieved very good broadcast results in overseas streaming media, everyone has also taken the initiative to learn about the series you starred in. Actually On the Internet, "One Mountain and Two Tigers" is also doing very well in overseas streaming media.

Zhou Yun: That’s pretty good too.

Zhou Lan: Then I’ll tell Teacher Jiuxue and ask him to create a tailor-made drama with the three of you as the protagonists.
The next day, Zhou Lan also flew to BJ to meet with the head of CCTV's program, mainly to communicate with Yu Chu on a subsequent program.

The two made an appointment to meet in the cafe downstairs of the hotel in the afternoon.

The sun is just right.

Zhou Yun asked: "What's Yue Hai's attitude? Well, "Flower City" has been pushed again and again, and I feel embarrassed myself."

Zhou Lan said: "They definitely want you to star in the starring role. I told them that your current schedule will not start until January next year at the earliest. At that time, you don't know whether you will participate in some promotional activities during the awards season, but they insisted. Waiting for you, prepare for the filming to start in January next year."

Zhou Yun: "Then let's shoot in January next year."

Zhou Lan nodded: "I will do it according to this arrangement. However, Xiaoyun, in this case, you will not have any shooting plans in September. Just wait until you go to Spain to shoot "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" in October."

"Yeah." Zhou Yun nodded, "Fortunately, this movie won't take long to shoot. It will be completed in November."

"Yeah, that's the best way." Zhou Lan said, "You will be promoting "The Female Killer" in September, and you will be promoting "Killing Song" in November. These two films will be your highlights at the end of this year. It is also a project that we focus on promoting.”

Zhou Yun: "How about the pre-publicity of "The Female Killer"?"

"Two versions of the trailer have been released. To be honest, the evaluation and predictions in the industry are not particularly optimistic. Everyone said that Wen Bing's gloomy and indifferent style does not go well with action movies, and they think the audience will not like this movie too much. "Zhou Lan said, "Of course, your appearance has been unanimously praised. I think you have shown an image and style that have never appeared in this movie. It is very cool and it is also the most popular female screen at the moment. One of the images.”

"Is there actually a dispute over Wen Bing's directorial style?" Zhou Yun sighed, "Actually, I used to think that Wen Bing's style of shooting action movies, especially "The Female Killer", is better than "One Mountain Two Tigers" Less commercial and more like a biopic of a female killer.”

"But you still appreciate his tonality very much, right?" Zhou Lan asked with a smile.

Zhou Yun nodded.

"Look, I knew it." Zhou Lan showed a "really so" expression, "Even though you know that this movie may not be what everyone imagined, you will still accompany Wen Bing to make this movie, You admire him so much that you don't think rationally about whether the movie will work or not."

"We have known Wen Bing for so long." Zhou Yun said.

The screen of Zhou Yun's phone suddenly lit up.

She picked up her phone and took a look. It turned out to be a notification in her mailbox that she had received a new email.

The sender is Clint Brewster, artistic director of the Venice International Film Festival.

"Wait a minute, Clint Brewster sent me an email, I'll see what it is." She told Zhou Lan.


When Zhou Yun opened the text of the email, he realized that Clint Brewster actually hoped that Zhou Yun could take the two films "The Killer" and "The Night of Truth" to premiere at the Venice International Film Festival.

These two films had nothing to do with the Venice International Film Festival, but it is a bit strange that Clint Brewster suddenly invited Zhou Yun to bring these two films to the Venice premiere at this time.

If it was for this reason that Zhou Yun was invited to participate in this year's Venice International Film Festival, he would have invited him long ago. At this time, in such a hurry, and in Zhou Yun's situation, there may not even be time to pass.

Zhou Yun showed Clint Brewster's invitation to Zhou Lan.

"Why did he send the invitation at this time?" Zhou Yun asked his own question.

Zhou Lan said: "It's very strange. The Venice International Film Festival will be held in September. Just two weeks later, I contacted you suddenly at this time."

Zhou Yun asked: "Then shall we go?"

Zhou Lan said: ""The Female Killer" will be released in October. In fact, it will premiere in Venice. It will definitely be good for overseas sales. It depends on Yao Yuanfeng's willingness. Let's forget about "Night of the Truth". It has not been finished yet, there is no need to rush this stage, and it seems that it is difficult to sell a good box office overseas."

Zhou Yun: "Then contact Yao Yuanfeng and see what his attitude is."

Facts have proved that Yao Yuanfeng is obviously very happy to see the results.

If "The Killer" can premiere at the Venice International Film Festival, it will definitely be of great benefit to improving the quality of this film.Moreover, the premiere there will attract worldwide attention and exposure. This kind of publicity is simply a free publicity for "The Female Killer", which will be released on the National Day file. (End of chapter)

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