I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1010 Propagating This Chapter

However, in reality, this is not free.

If a crew as large as "The Female Killer" wants to go abroad, Yao Yuanfeng's Xindun company will at least spend no less than 200 million yuan for this promotional activity, including the transportation, accommodation and transportation of the main crew members. Other labor expenses.

For example, Zhou Yun, although she and Xindun signed the terms of attending the "Female Killer" promotional event in her contract, but all the expenses need to be borne by Xindun.

Yao Yuanfeng was very happy to buy this order.After all, in his eyes, this order can be exchanged for greater returns, and "The Female Killer" may find a very suitable buyer at the Venice International Film Festival.Just like how Zhou Yun was able to find suitable international buyers as the promoter of those literary films before.

Zhou Yun is going to Venice, but she or Xindun don’t have to pay for the clothing and jewelry. Major brands headed by VX are very willing to lend Zhou Yun their own things, and many brands even proposed that as long as she is willing to wear their If you find something, a promotional remuneration will be provided immediately.

Zhou Yun is not greedy for this little money, he always chooses the one that suits her, and matches it with a look that satisfies her.

This time going to Venice, Zhou Yun, Zhou Lan, Liu Yun and Li Yang will be the leaders, along with Zheng Xiaoju and three other bodyguards. There will be a group of eight people, and Xin Dun will be responsible for their travel expenses.

And in the local area, Zhou Yun's makeup and hair team and travel are also paid by Xindun.

Therefore, when Yao Yuanfeng did the calculations and found that this trip was really expensive, he reduced the number of creative staff on the "Female Killer" crew.

When Zhou Yun got the travel list sent by Xindun, he was surprised to find that Liu Gang was not on the list.

Liu Gang plays the killer who chases and kills Zhou Yun in the movie. He is an actor who has learned martial arts since he was a child and has a solid foundation in movements but is not very well-known.

Zhou Yun asked suspiciously: Liu Gang has something to do, can't he go with us?
When Xindun's contact person heard Zhou Yun's inquiry, he didn't dare to make up his own mind, and immediately reported Zhou Yun's doubts to Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng complained privately: "If it weren't for the fact that there are eight people in her line, why would I not take Liu Gang with me? Forget it, since she has already asked, you can add Liu Gang's name."

Seeing the cost of this trip to Venice, Yao Yuanfeng felt distressed, so he cut off many people in the itinerary.In his eyes, Liu Gang's going or not has no effect on the promotion of "The Female Killer", and Zhou Yun is still the key figure in the promotion.Plus Zou Kai, starlight is enough.

It took Zhou Yun two days to know that Yao Yuanfeng had no intention of letting Liu Gang go to Venice with him at first.

"For unknown actors, even their schedules to participate in the promotion will be cut off casually." Zhou Yun told Zhou Lan, "Liu Gang's role in the movie is quite important, and Yao Yuanfeng doesn't pay much attention to him, alas."

"Liu Gang's ability is very good in the movie, but in the promotional schedule, his popularity is too small to be of any use at all. Yao Yuanfeng probably thinks so."

"It's a bit too much. Liu Zheng is the second male lead in this movie after all. He only has fewer roles than Zou Kai, and he still has such a wonderful performance." Zhou Yun said, "Sister Lan, just watch it and wait until this movie is released. After that, many people will definitely notice an action actor like Liu Gang. Now there are fewer and fewer action actors, and it is even harder to find action actors with real skills like him. When he has a masterpiece and becomes famous, come There must be an endless stream of companies looking for him to film."

Zhou Lan: "Of course you're right, but from Yao Yuanfeng's point of view, that's after the release."

"It's chilling." Zhou Yun said, "Since Liu Gang is the main actor of our movie, how can such a large-scale promotional event not include him? Xindun is not short of this money. Saving a little is a little, or in other words, they don’t feel the need to spend money on it.”

"You are right." Zhou Lan nodded, "But, Xiaoyun, this is actually just a trivial matter. There is no need to get angry about it."

"I don't know why, but now I'm getting more and more disgusted with exaggerating and depressing." Zhou Yun said, "Maybe it's my own problem."

"Because you are a kind person, even though so many people in this circle are supporting you, you have not become swollen because of it." Zhou Lan said, "But this is the style of Xin Dun. It’s not a matter of a day or two. You yourself know that Gang Liu is not famous and is not a star. From Xindun’s point of view, even if he does not go to Cannes, it will not have any impact on the promotion of the film. This is also a fact. You You cannot ask a company to act according to its conscience.”

"I understand, I understand the truth, but I can't make it through. Maybe it's because I feel more and more that in this industry, the temperature between people is more important than interests. You see, I'm being emotional again. I know it myself. It's not right, but I can't change myself."

"Xiaoyun, this is not something we can change. You can change Xindun's decision this time and let them bring Liu Gang, but you can't change the default rules in this industry. This industry is about whoever is popular and whoever speaks has the effect. You can't Hong, there is no value in your participation in publicity. The publicity activities of the movie are not a social gathering place for the main creative staff. They are for selling tickets for the movie. Is the warmth between people more important than interests? I think you are wrong. The cornerstone of the existence of any industry is profit. Without profit, the industry will collapse. You have such an attitude on this matter because you have cooperated with Liu Gang, you know him and have feelings for him, and you think he He is a good actor, and an actor worthy of Xindun's seriousness and attention, so you feel unwilling to do it for him." Zhou Lan said, "Xiaoyun, I don't mind that you are emotional about this matter, but I mind that you are still When encountering such a thing, you will criticize Xindun's actions from an emotional point of view. You are an actor, and it is normal to be emotional. If what you are telling me today is that Xindun does not see Liu Gang's future development prospects, it is short-sighted to ignore him now. I will support you [-]%."

Zhou Lan held Zhou Yun's hand: "Never feel chilling about a company, because you can't have expectations for any company from the very beginning. A company is not a person, it always puts interests first, and you can't recognize it in terms of knowledge. If you understand this, you will experience more disappointment, depression and helplessness in the future, which is unnecessary.”

Zhou Yun took a deep breath, enlightened.

"I see, you completely woke me up."

Zhou Lan was not accusing Zhou Yun of not playing with Liu Gang for Xindun, but accusing Zhou Yun of having such naive expectations for Xindun emotionally.

Indeed, such expectations should not be expected. (end of this chapter)

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