Chapter 1015 Killer

Liu Gang had a doubt in his mind.

Why is Zhou Yun so optimistic about him?

Why did Zhou Yun always give him the illusion that he was actually much better off than he was now.

Does he really have such talent?Can his skills really shine one day?

All kinds of doubts floated through Liu Gang's mind, but he looked sideways at Zhou Yun's beautiful face and did not ask any questions.

Liu Gang has not experienced this feeling of recognition for a long time.

He also often won the admiration and envy of his fellow cast members when he showed off his skills when other crews were filming.

At that time, the admiration for him in their eyes was real.

However, this halo is fleeting.

No matter how much admiration he has received, in this film and television industry where special effects and routines are constantly maturing, his kung fu is no longer enough to amaze the audience.

Film and television dramas are not stage plays, and they do not need to directly deliver things to the audience in their original flavor.
In the evening, Yao Yuanfeng took everyone to find a restaurant in Venice for dinner.

A group of people occupied an entire long table.

Zhou Yun and Wen Bing sat next to Yao Yuanfeng, one on the left and one on the right. These were seats specially arranged by Yao Yuanfeng to show their intimacy.

Zou Kai was the last one to arrive at the hotel.He sat next to Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun greeted Liu Gang to sit beside him.

"It's been a few years since I've been to Venice. It's still as beautiful as in my memory. It's so romantic." Zou Kai seemed a little excited today, but that's understandable. After all, his wife, who was very close to him, couldn't do it this time. Come over, he finally has his own time, even if it is also work, "Mr. Yao, you are so generous this time. You moved the premiere to Venice. The whole world is watching, this is such a grand event!"

Yao Yuanfeng obviously appreciated Zou Kai's praise.

Yao Yuanfeng said: "The movie "Female Killer" is our highlight, so of course we have to give it the best."

Zou Kai asked: "Will "The Killer" be released globally this time?"

Yao Yuanfeng nodded: "Of course, "One Mountain Two Tigers" has already gained a good reputation overseas. As a spin-off of "One Mountain Two Tigers", "Female Killer" has also been watched by international film producers. This time in Venice, we also plan to see if we can find a suitable buyer."

Zou Kai gave a thumbs up and said: "Mr. Yao is really becoming more and more international with his new shield. I read a news report before. In recent years, the box office rankings of Chinese-language movies overseas are as follows. Dun’s works have all entered the top three of the year, which is really impressive.”

Yao Yuanfeng smiled happily.

In recent years, Sindun has indeed had many films that have sold well overseas, from the blockbuster "Days" to the subsequent "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and "Four Killers", plus several other films, Sindun's overseas The market is developing steadily.

Regardless of whether these movies are basically related to Zhou Yun and Wen Bing, many people are still questioning whether this is Zhou Yun and Wen Bing's ability, or Xin Dun's ability.

"Many people in my circle of friends are following the new drama you aired last month. I haven't congratulated you yet. The new drama you starred in is so popular," Yao Yuanfeng said. "Oh, thank you very much, Mr. Yao." Zou Kai said.

Zou Kai previously starred in a TV series, which was broadcast in July. The ratings were very high, but the volume was not very loud. Because it was an urban marriage drama, young people did not like to watch it very much, and the discussion was not high.

Zhou Yun didn't even hear that Zou Kai had a new drama to air.She only knew that "Flower Period" was very popular in July. This drama was co-produced by overseas streaming media and Yue Hai, starring He Wenyun. There were several hot searches on Weibo's hot search list every day.Friends around Zhou Yun are also watching this drama and say that it is very well-produced.Zhou Yun has watched some behind-the-scenes footage himself, but has not started watching the series yet.

Yao Yuanfeng turned to look at Zhou Yun and asked, "Has Xiaoyun been watching any dramas recently?"

"Me? I've been filming the summer scenes of "Sui" with Wen Bing recently. How can I have time to catch up on dramas?" Zhou Yun said, "There are also various jobs in the future, and I am getting busier and busier."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "You have set up a production company yourself, you must be very busy."

"I haven't taken care of that. I just have a few projects that require this company to handle some things." Zhou Yun said, "I'm busy with my own affairs."

"I heard that you will be taking on several more dramas, Desperate Sanniang." Yao Yuanfeng said.

Zhou Yun: "Who made them come here in such a hurry? I was still thinking about it in the first half of the year, and I didn't know what to shoot next. As a result, in May and June, I suddenly came across several movies that I wanted to shoot."

Zou Kai answered: "You are the most popular actress now. Aren't all the films sent to you first? How come there are times when you don't know what to film next?"

Yao Yuanfeng: "You don't know, Zhou Yun has very high standards for selecting roles, and everyone says that you can never guess what Zhou Yun will play in his next movie. Anyway, I have cooperated with Zhou Yun so many times. I still don’t know what kind of script can impress Zhou Yun. She is like an eternal riddle. You think you have guessed the answer every time, but in fact it is just the answer to the next riddle."

Zhou Yun immediately laughed, shook his head, and said: "I just want to act in the drama I want to act in. Mr. Yao, you have to start many projects every year and invest in many projects. Your vision and judgment in judging a film and television project I’m different, wouldn’t it be fine as long as we keep cooperating?”

Yao Yuanfeng had a smile on his face, "Of course that's true, as long as we keep cooperating."

Zou Kai: "Everyone says that Xiaoyun is Xindun's exiled princess. As long as it is Xiaoyun's request, Xindun will definitely satisfy it. Mr. Yao loves Xiaoyun too much."

Zhou Yun was physically disgusted by these words.

Since Zou Kai sat down, he has been licking Yao Yuanfeng without talking. Although Zhou Yun didn't like it, she didn't care because it had nothing to do with her.But the words "princess" and "pamper" successfully disgusted Zhou Yun.Zhou Yun thought to himself, why are you taking me with you if you lick yours?

She didn't want this topic to continue.

She immediately said: "Mr. Yao, if the audience's response to the movie "Female Killer" is very good, I think you can create a spin-off based on Brother Gang's killer character."

"Huh?" Yao Yuanfeng was confused by Zhou Yun's sudden change of topic and looked at Zhou Yun in surprise.

Zou Kai also asked: "Why not create a spin-off based on my character? I am the male protagonist of this movie."

Zhou Yun said with a smile: "Brother Kai, you don't know Kung Fu, and neither does your character in the movie. There is no room for development, but the killer played by Brother Gang is so handsome when he fights."

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(End of this chapter)

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