I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1016 Press Conference

Chapter 1016 Press Conference
Liu Gangren was a little confused.

Why did Zhou Yun suddenly mention that he wanted to create a spin-off film for him?Featuring his character?

Gang Liu sounded like he was dreaming.

But Zhou Yun was very serious and said: "If you look at Hollywood, the combination of action movies with espionage, gunfights or business adventure elements is very interesting and innovative, but our domestic film market is mainly about comedies and social issues. Strong movies, whether "The Inaction Man" or "The Four Killers", including "One Mountain Two Tigers", actually did not get the top box office results. This is also because movies of this type The market is slowly shrinking, and many people are saying that the era of action movies has passed and will no longer be a hit. I think there is no one with the ability to open up a new market for action movies."

Yao Yuanfeng no longer regards Zhou Yun simply as an actor who can act.

Her vision for projects and her ability to produce projects have slowly shone in recent years.

Whether it is "Under the Dress", which has the highest advertising fee in domestic history, or it has been suppressed by Yue Hai for many years and refused to be filmed, and was finally spotted by Zhou Yun, becoming the most popular Chinese drama broadcast overseas in the past ten years. "Deep Sea" fully demonstrates Zhou Yun's vision for drama and acting.

Yao Yuanfeng also attached great importance to what Zhou Yun said.

"What ability are you referring to?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

When it comes to making action movies, Xindun is a professional.After all, action films were once the most profitable genre for Chinese-language films.

Zhou Yun said: "The ability to combine action, martial arts elements and other elements, in this era of more and more exciting special effects, to design the ability to make the audience shine and shout wonderful."

As soon as Zhou Yun said what he said, Yao Yuanfeng immediately realized that Zhou Yun must have thought about this seriously.

She glanced at Wen Bing and said with a smile: "Although "Female Killer" is an action movie, in fact, Wen Bing's original intention of writing this story was to use the special identity of the female killer to write A kind of fugitive life in a modern context, a discussion of self-identity, loneliness and the world in the midst of life and death. The core is philosophical and speculative. To be honest, if there is no line about the character played by Brother Gang, this movie would not be possible. The movie is not worth mentioning in terms of action, because compared with other action movies, there is nothing new. The reversal of pursuit and counter-pursuit, and the fighting, can also be seen in other movies, because I am not The professional action actors are at most a novelty for the audience to watch. The only one whose action scenes are eye-catching is the role of Brother Gang."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded: "I've seen a few clips, and Liu Gang really played very well in the movie."

"Are the audiences not interested in action scenes? I don't think so. It's just that traditional action scenes no longer have their unique impact under the impact of special effects." Zhou Yun said, "Moreover, the action scenes are boring. There are always many people who interpret action scenes as physical punches. If you want to see this, just go watch a boxing match."

"Then if you think Liu Gang's character can be developed into a solo movie, in what direction should it be developed?" Yao Yuanfeng asked.

Zhou Yun put up a finger in front of his mouth.

"My opinion is not free."

Yao Yuanfeng laughed.

"It's getting smarter."

"No, it's free stuff that often doesn't get enough attention." Zhou Yun said, "If you don't develop it, Mr. Yao, I will buy a copyright from you and find someone to develop it myself. Brother Gang, you You won’t refuse me, right? I very much hope you can continue to act.”

Zhou Yun looked at Liu Gang with hopeful eyes.

Liu Gang felt his heart beating faster.

"Of course I would."

Does he...really hope to have a movie starring himself?

Yao Yuanfeng's expression became a little more solemn.

Is Zhou Yun serious?If Zhou Yun was serious about doing this, Yao Yuanfeng really didn't dare to let go easily and agreed to sell the adaptation rights to her.

"Let's discuss this matter carefully when we go back." Yao Yuanfeng said, "What's the difference between you and me? Let's discuss it together and how to advance this matter."

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded with a smile.
"The Killer" premiered at the Venice International Film Festival. Of course, New Shield also arranged a very grand promotional event, otherwise it would have been in vain.

Their crew attended the opening ceremony red carpet.

After that, another media meeting was held to share the behind-the-scenes story of "The Female Killer" with everyone, and there was also an interview session.

Because Zhou Yun plays the leading role, a lot of media came, two-thirds of which were foreign media.

This is not something Xindun brought in to fill the scene.

The scene was very lively.

A French reporter even asked a very interesting question: "You also went to the Cannes Film Festival in May this year. Why didn't you premiere "The Killer" in Cannes?"

The audience roared with laughter.

Is this a French journalist expressing grievances on behalf of his country’s film festival?

Zhou Yun couldn't help but laugh.

"Venice and Cannes are my favorite places in my heart. No matter where the premiere is, it is a very beautiful thing for me." Zhou Yun's smile was full of brilliance, "However, we will come to Venice for the premiere. There is one The very important reason is that this movie will be released in China on September 9th. We need to do more publicity for this movie, so we also ask our friends to help us promote and recommend this movie."

A reporter from the UK asked Wen Bing.

"Director Wen Bing, "One Mountain, Two Tigers" directed by you is also very popular in Europe. Many film critics said that you made an action film full of poetic and humanistic atmosphere. "Is it the same style?"

Wen Bing smiled and said: "Thank you for your love. The movie "Female Killer" was originally a spin-off of "One Mountain, Two Tigers". Zhou Yun played the same role in the two movies. Of course, The two movies are both related and different, and the style of "The Killer" is more grim."

"Why have you collaborated with Zhou Yun so many times? It seems that Zhou Yun is in every movie of yours." The reporter immediately asked.

Wen Bing and Zhou Yun looked at each other.

Zhou Yun made a playful tilt of his head, and the expression on his face clearly said "I want to see what you will say."

Her expression also caught everyone's attention immediately.

Wen Bing said: "Because she is a very good actress, the first film I made as a film director was with her. If she was not in my film, I would not have the confidence to make it." good."

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(End of this chapter)

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