How should Liu Gang describe his feelings of hard work over the years?

I have been learning martial arts since I was a child. I have a lot of skills in my body. I have been on countless crews and filmed countless fight scenes.

However, it was not until this year, when he was 39 years old, that he saw the dream self on the screen for the first time.

He was photographed as if he were the protagonist, showing off his abilities without any compromise.

When Liu Gang saw himself finally dead on the ground, he felt inexplicably satisfied with "no regrets."

This was his first time watching the feature film of "The Killer". He had a lot of imagination about this movie and how he would appear in it.

His best imagination is that he can have some positive shots, instead of being like in the past, no matter how good he fights again, the focus of the camera will always be on the protagonist, and he will always be just the foil.

But in a way that completely subverted his expectations, the film showed what a true action actor can do on camera.

Liu Gang's whole body was numb.

It was a thrill of excitement.

He didn't even dare to turn around and look at others, for fear that others would see his uncontrollable excitement.


In this strange state, Liu Gang couldn't even remember what kind of story the subsequent movie told.

He watched Zhou Yun continue to fight his way out on the road to escape, with climaxes one after another. In the end, there was even a scene where Zhou Yun jumped directly from a high-rise building hundreds of meters high. In Wen Bing's unique, direct Under the long shot, relying only on a rope, she smashed herself into the opposite building. Her body fell hard on the shattered glass shards, bleeding a lot.

He watched the killers chasing Zhou Yun into the building, searching for Zhou Yun, while everyone else in the building ran out in panic. He suddenly saw a familiar figure in the crowd, and other viewers also saw it. .

That was the old man who appeared at the beginning of the film. He was slightly staggering, using a cane and carrying a briefcase and followed the crowd out of the building.

The familiar voice sounded again.

"I once thought that I would never have the chance to leave my world. I even thought that maybe no one would know who I am or what I have done until the day I die. It doesn't matter. Since fate is unpredictable, Don’t predict it, it doesn’t matter if no one knows who I am, I know.”

The ending song played melodiously.

Liu Gang's mood finally calmed down.

He took a deep breath and told himself secretly, okay, the dream of the movie is over. Don't be too proud. This is not your home field. You are not the protagonist of this movie. Put on a smile and get ready to get up and show off to Director Wen Bing and Zhou. Yun applaud.

They’re also very worthy, aren’t they?

Liu Gang was filled with gratitude to Wen Bing and Zhou Yun.

They were actually willing to use so much space and footage to present and showcase him in the movie.

This is enough.

For the first time, Liu Gang felt respected for himself in his work.

This is enough.

The lights came on.

The bright moment made Liu Gang a little dazzled.

Suddenly, the applause rang out, like thunder.

Liu Gang opened his eyes and saw everyone around him standing up, and quickly followed suit.

applaud. "Liu Gang, you are so awesome!" He heard Zou Kai suddenly stick his head over, and he heard Zou Kai say to him.

Liu Gang looked at Zou Kai, a popular domestic male star, with some confusion.

Zou Kai gave him a thumbs up and said, "I am so impressed with your kung fu! I will definitely ask you to shoot action movies with me in the future!"

Only then did Liu Gang come back to his senses.

He habitually showed a flattered expression and said, "Okay, okay."

Then, he turned around and saw that the people in the row behind him were all looking at him and laughing.

"you are great!"

"Oh my god, you were so cool in the movie!"

These were the only two people who spoke Chinese. The others all spoke another language. Liu Gang didn't understand it, but their hot eyes and sincere smiles made Liu Gang understand what they wanted to express.

Gang Liu was at a loss.

Is this an illusion?Or a dream? ——
Everyone's applause lasted for nearly 7 minutes.

Round after round.

Zhou Yun waved to everyone proudly and bowed in greeting.

The atmosphere at the scene was so warm that it was the most coveted moment for all filmmakers - after their film was broadcast, everyone expressed their love so enthusiastically.

Wen Bing suddenly said in her ear: "Are you still worried that this movie will not sell well at the box office?"

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"I've never been worried," she said.

Wen Bing snorted softly: "Put it down, in your heart, don't you worry that this movie is too artistic, too boring, unlike ordinary action movies, and won't be liked by the audience?"

Zhou Yun blushed when he was told what was on his mind.

"How is it possible? I always believe in you." Zhou Yun said sternly, "Otherwise, why would I accept this movie?"

"You didn't accept this movie because you thought it would do well at the box office." Wen Bing smiled, "Fortunately, I didn't disgrace my life and didn't ruin your reputation."

Zhou Yun: "Stop talking, you're so annoying."

"I have never seriously said thank you to you for this movie. You clearly thought that this movie might not do well at the box office and the audience might not like it, but you still came to film it without hesitation."

This is not an artistic film, it is a commercial film. There is no excuse for the box office failure.

Zhou Yunda could explain after a movie like "Sui" failed at the box office that she was not there for the box office, but she couldn't say the same about the movie "The Killer".

Zhou Yun lowered his head and smiled.
The first film review of "The Killer" from overseas media is released:
Zhou Yun is undoubtedly the leading figure among the younger generation of actors in China. This time she collaborated with director Wen Bing in "The Killer", which shocked the audience in Venice with her skills. This is not an action movie in the traditional sense, but it is That doesn't mean it's not as exciting as a traditional action movie. In fact, from the very beginning, all of us were gripped by this movie and never let go. Zhou Yun's incredible professionalism and performance Talented, she completed a movie that I can hardly imagine anyone could remake. She took Zou Kai and Liu Gang, two Chinese actors we are not familiar with, to complete a performance that can enter the classics of action movie history.

This film review comes from The Hollywood Reporter, a well-known and well-known film critic in the United States.

Such praise is like a bomb exploding, making it difficult not to notice.

A film critic joked on his social networking site: The Venice Film Festival probably did not expect that their most explosive and best film this year would be a film that did not enter any competition. However, Clint Brewster We should be lucky that he invited a movie like "The Killer" to premiere in Venice. (end of this chapter)

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