Chapter 1021 Big Bang
"The Killer" was a huge hit at the Venice International Film Festival. This is what the media spread at the scene.

After reading the news report, Wu Chengbao sighed: "Zhou Yun is still Zhou Yun, Zhou Yun never fails."

The first batch of audience ratings for "Female Killer" have appeared on Douban. The viewers who have watched it all gave four or five-star ratings. Oh, no, there are still a few one-star ratings. There is nothing I can do about it, no matter which movie it is. There are all such existences.

However, soon, 37 people gave positive reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes website, and the current positive review rate is 100%.

At the same time, the professional film critic website Metacritic also gave the score as high as 93%.

Various media outlets have given reports about "The Female Killer", and the words and descriptions in them are exaggerated.

To sum up what everyone means, it can be described in one sentence: This movie goes beyond your imagination of action movies. It has a poetic beauty, but the poetry does not affect the action movie itself in the slightest. It is still hearty and exciting. extremely.

Yao Yuanfeng, Zhou Yun, Wen Bing, Zou Kai, Liu Gang and others were caught up in unimaginable busyness. Various interview invitations came one after another, and there were also invitations for various subsequent activities.

Yao Yuanfeng is most busy negotiating with those international film producers.

The explosion of word-of-mouth for "The Killer" and the love for the movie made these film producers go crazy and offer a high price that Yao Yuanfeng didn't expect.

He was surprised and happy, but he didn't dare to let go easily.

Zhou Yun only said one thing to him, and asked "Female Killer" to be released overseas after "Killing Song", and finally it was released one month after "Killing Song" was released.

Yao Yuanfeng and Zhou Yun agreed.

Therefore, what Yao Yuanfeng is looking for is a distributor with global distribution capabilities that can distribute the film in the largest number of theaters.

Only in this way can we maximize the benefits brought by "Killing Song".

Compared with Yao Yuanfeng, Zhou Yun and the others are busy like typical celebrities.

Dozens of domestic media are here, and I hope to make an appointment with them.

In addition to domestic media, there are also a large number of overseas film magazines and media who want to make appointments with them.

The busyness lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening.

Yao Yuanfeng had already booked a place and took them to have supper.

Everyone is hungry.

But such hunger is worth it.

Everyone feels it's worth it.

Liu Gang's eyes were as bright as if there were stars in them, without any dimness.Yao Yuanfeng raised his wine glass and toasted everyone.

"Before I came to Venice, I had expected that this movie would be successful, but I didn't expect that it would be so successful! Congratulations on this amazing success!"

Let’s all drink together.

Zhou Yun had been talking for a whole day, but he really didn't want to talk anymore, so he just sat in his seat and listened silently to everyone talking.

Yao Yuanfeng asked Zhou Yun to tell everyone a few words at this time.

Zhou Yun said helplessly: "I have been talking all day and my throat has become dumb. Please let me go. The fact that I can still sit here with everyone to eat and drink is enough to prove how excited I am and how much I love you." ”

Everyone laughed and applauded very understandingly.

Yao Yuanfeng put his arm around Wen Bing's shoulders and said: "As the boss of a film company, I have often heard people jealously say in recent years that Xindun and Yao Yuanfeng have had bad luck in signing Wen Bing. This director, now I want to say, yes, I signed a director like Wen Bing, I just have such vision and luck, let them go away!"

Everyone laughed.

Wen Bing smiled.

Yao Yuanfeng is famous for being rough.Even the boss of Xindun did not start to decorate himself with custom-made suits, Italian leather shoes, cigars, etc. like some nouveau riche bosses. He wanted to use these high-end external objects that highlighted his noble temperament to cover up his breakout. The temperament of the household.

But Yao Yuanfeng rarely does this job. He doesn't care about what he says and doesn't mean it. This man is like a wolf in sheep's clothing. Everyone knows that he is a jackal, but in front of the people he needs to make friends with, He is a sheep.He can be completely courteous to the virtuous corporal, and can even give in and suffer a loss.In Zhou Yun's case, Yao Yuanfeng never did one thing in front of her and another behind her back. Regarding the proportion of her global dividends, Yao Yuanfeng did not bargain with Zhou Yun through the people below. He sat directly with Zhou Yun. He and Zhou Lan were blowing their noses and glaring across from each other, slashing at a proportion acceptable to both parties.

When discussing business, he can disown his relatives, and it doesn’t matter whether you are the most popular female star in China, or an actress that Xindun will befriend in the future and can handle the box office. After discussing business, Yao Yuanfeng seems to be nothing. It's like nothing happened. You can receive greetings from him like a spring breeze every now and then. Whenever there is any news, you will receive his heartfelt condolences. Even if there are some things that need his help, you don't need to tell him, he will just tell you. Use his power to help you get it done properly.

Wen Bing and Zhou Yun both love and hate people like Yao Yuanfeng.

But I have to admit that without Yao Yuanfeng, no other film company in China would give a director who has only made a small-budget film like "Days" the opportunity to make "One Mountain, Two Tigers", nor would it be in "One Mountain, Two Tigers". "" hadn't even been released yet, so with a stroke of a pen, a terrifying budget was allocated for him to shoot the spin-off "Female Killer".

In Xindun, Wen Bing found both pain and happiness in creating.It can be said that because of Yao Yuanfeng's character, he is always affected by his own creative rhythm. For movies like "Sui", Yao Yuanfeng always tries every means to prevent him from filming. The reason is that it is too low-cost, and no matter how miraculous it is at the box office That is to say, it only costs a few hundred million, so what if you can make [-] million?Yao Yuanfeng's expectation for Wen Bing is to produce works such as "One Mountain Two Tigers" and "The Female Killer" that can become famous all over the world, and to work with a profit target of [-] million U.S. dollars instead of more than [-] million yuan.

Wen Bing has such ability, so don't make a work like "Year".It would be nice to hand over such works to those newcomers.

However, Yao Yuanfeng still had to compromise in the end.Because Wen Bing is a creator - this is the great thing about Yao Yuanfeng. He will eventually compromise, and he will not force you to the point where you will die together like "I quit."And in the projects he is willing to let you shoot, you can enjoy the trust and budget that other directors cannot enjoy?have a thought?Looking for someone to help you make it happen, actor?What actor do you want?I can even find Liang Yuanpu for you!
Zhou Yun thought to himself that Wen Bing's encounter with Yao Yuanfeng could not but be said to be Wen Bing's luck.

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