Hundreds of media from all over the world have praised the movie "The Killer".

Such momentum made "The Killer" extremely popular in Venice.

Everyone hopes that "The Killer" can be scheduled for additional screenings.

Originally there were only three screenings scheduled for the film, but now it's hard to get a ticket, and everyone wants to see "The Lady."

In the end, it was urgent coordination, and two more screenings were added.

At the same time, Variety magazine also broke a sensational news.

The American company Melando won the global distribution rights of "The Killer" except for mainland China and Hong Kong for US$1000 million.

This exaggerated figure has not appeared in Chinese movies for countless years.

Melando Company also announced that it will hold a large-scale screening of the film in the United States.

Before leaving Venice, several main creators held another media press conference under strong appeal from various media.

This time, almost a quarter of the questions were directed at Liu Gang.

"Did you shoot all the shots in this movie yourself? Did you complete all those shots yourself?" someone asked.

Liu Gang nodded and said, "Yes, I did it all myself."

"We especially want to know, was the scene where you attacked Zhou Yun from above in the abandoned steel factory really shot in one shot by you?"

When Liu Gang was about to speak, Wen Bing suddenly said: "Let me answer this question for him. In fact, this scene in the movie was shot three times in total, and every time Liu Gang completed it in one breath, you can see in the movie Liu Gang completed this long shot three times in one go, but due to shooting problems, this long shot was actually spliced ​​together using two lenses, not a truly completed long shot.”

Everyone suddenly realized that this was not a real shot.

However, Liu Gang was able to complete three times in one go? !
Everyone looked at Liu Gang with even more shock and disbelief.

Liu Gang, who was sitting on the stage, was looked at with such admiration, but for a moment he didn't know how to react.

But he immediately understood why Wen Bing wanted to help him answer this question.

Wen Bing wanted to make it clear to the reporters that although this shot was not a true one-shot long shot, the reason why it was not a true one-shot was not because Liu Gang was not capable of completing it in one go, but because of the technical difficulty of shooting.

Liu Gang received many questions from media reporters.Someone asked: "How did you learn Kung Fu?"

Liu Gang spent a minute briefly introducing his experience in learning kung fu.

This kind of boy's skill that started since childhood makes everyone feel incredible and at the same time admire them.

Someone asked: "How did you feel about participating in the filming of "The Killer" this time?"

Liu Gang said with a smile: "I never thought that I would have the opportunity to cooperate with a director like Wen Bing. Before this, I thought that the only intersection between me and Director Wen Bing might be when I sat in the cinema and watched his films, so , I was very excited and looking forward to finally being able to participate in the filming of this movie. In fact, I just saw the movie. Before that, I didn’t know what I looked like in the movie. To be honest, I While watching the movie, I had mixed feelings several times. I really persisted and worked hard for a long time before I could let everyone see my abilities on such a big screen."

When he said this, he turned to look at Wen Bing, then looked at Zhou Yun, and said: "Actually, I want to express my special thanks to them, Mr. Yao, Director Wen Bing, Zhou Yun, including Zou Kai, although this time Zou Kai and I are not the same It's a pity that there is no opposite role... The process of participating in this movie was very enjoyable. I think I will never forget this experience. Everyone is working hard to do better, and they are also trying their best to help others do their best. I feel so grateful to be able to film with such a crew."

Liu Gang didn't know how to say many things, or whether he could say them.

Others were a little confused and didn't know what they said while talking, but after they finished speaking, everyone still enthusiastically gave him warm applause.
"As you wish, Liu Gang has received attention."

Zhou Lan sat with Zhou Yun in the car back to the hotel and said with a smile, "After watching the movie, I finally understand why you are so supportive of him, and I can understand your mood. Such an actor has been silent before, acting... It has not become popular for nearly 20 years, which is also bad luck."

"Do you know why I suggested to Yao Yuanfeng to create a spin-off film based on his character?" Zhou Yun asked, "His skills can completely tailor a movie for him, and after the movie "Female Killer" is released, there will definitely be A lot of viewers fell in love with his character, it was so cool."

"But you beat me to death in the end." Zhou Lan said, "How can we develop a spin-off film like this?"

"You can be resurrected after being killed. Anyway, "The Female Killer" didn't describe him positively, so he was really dead. It just gave a scene where he dies." Zhou Yun said, "This is a problem that can be dealt with in the script. , an actor like me, speaking of it, I’m still half-baked, I don’t know real kung fu, I can’t do the moves that Liu Gang can do, that 180-degree turn without gravity in the air, hehe, I can imagine it when it’s officially released On that day, everyone will be shocked when they see it in the movie."

"Indeed." Zhou Lan nodded, "But if this happens, his agency may not be willing to let him go. It was originally agreed that he would sign to our studio after his contract expires. Now, It might be a bit difficult, his agency will spend a lot of money to renew his contract."

"That's okay. I wanted to sign with him at that time because he was not doing well in his current agency and I wanted to help him. Now if his agency takes it seriously, it doesn't matter if he doesn't sign. We are friends anyway. "Zhou Yun said, "There will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Zhou Lan said: "I just don't know if he can face his life and career normally after becoming famous. Many people become ecstatic and have a big change of heart after becoming popular."

"An actor like him who has been suppressed and worked hard for so many years to finally get attention will cherish his hard-won career. He is not a young man who became famous overnight and can't hold his breath." Zhou Yun felt that he was so It sounded old-fashioned, but she did have confidence in Liu Gang.

Zhou Lan: "Okay, but are you sure you really want to participate in the spin-off of Liu Gang's character?"

"I do have some ideas in my mind. When I was acting with Liu Gang, I came up with a lot of ideas about what kind of plots can be filmed with his skills." Zhou Yun said, "Let's see what Yao Yuanfeng means. If If Yao Yuanfeng wants to do it by himself, I won't take the initiative to join in. If there is a suitable opportunity, we can find Liu Gang to cooperate." (End of Chapter)

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