I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1024 Negotiations

Chapter 1024 Negotiations
"The overseas box office of "The Killer" may not exceed US$[-] million."

Yao Yuanfeng sat on the chair, showing domineering sideways, with an expression of "it's not too difficult".

"Mr. Yao, it has been more than 20 years since a Chinese-language film received more than $[-] million in overseas markets." Sitting across from him was Steve Deka, an executive from a Hollywood film company in the United States.

This is an American man with arrogance written in his eyes.As an executive of Sohuang Pictures, one of the giants of American Hollywood, Steve Deka has a deeper pride than most American filmmakers.

"Without director Chen Zian, you wouldn't even have a Chinese-language film that has achieved worldwide box office success. I mean the box office success of commercial films. The example of "Days" where a small gain makes a big difference is not counted." Steve husband Dika said, "Zhou Yun is one of the rare Chinese actors who has also attracted attention in the United States in recent years. She starred in Melando's "The Killer". This is the main reason why she entered our field of vision, but even She is just a rising star in Hollywood who has received some attention."

"That's because "Killing Song" has not been released yet, and she has only acted in this movie in Hollywood." Yao Yuanfeng has a lot of shortcomings, but he also has a very typical advantage. , that is self-confidence, self-confidence that cannot be affected no matter who you face. For an arrogant person like Steve Deka, Yao Yuanfeng did not coax his temper at all, "No matter what she is in your Hollywood In China, she is the well-deserved movie queen, because she has acted in many movies in China, and each movie has achieved critical and commercial success. I have not seen such a winning streak in Hollywood. "

Steve Deka put it bluntly: "No one miraculously wins all the time. There's always a time when you lose."

"But there has been no failure yet, and "Female Killer" is about to achieve great success." Yao Yuanfeng said directly, "You can't see its potential, but Melando does."

"Melando just doesn't want another company to buy it and use it to affect the release of "Killing Song"."

"Let's put it this way now, I hope you won't regret it when "Female Killer" is released." Yao Yuanfeng said, "It's always easiest to be jealous of other people's success, especially when that success was so close to you, isn't it? ?”

Steve Deka sneered.

"Mr. Yao, you really have confidence in "The Female Killer"."

"Anyone who has watched "The Female Killer" will not be without confidence." Yao Yuanfeng said, "We at Xindun are really not interested in the project "The Mystery of the Tiger Shadow". It is a story that has long been outdated. I didn't expect you to ask for it." Huang Pictures is still developing it.”

"Didn't the disaster theme, which has been abandoned by Hollywood for a long time, also be produced by a Chinese actor named Song Chi and become the biggest box office miracle of your summer vacation?"

"That's Song Chi. Which super star can you invite to star in "The Mystery of the Tiger Shadow"?" Yao Yuanfeng sneered unceremoniously, "Song Chi can star in a boring literary film in China. Do you think that a superstar who has grossed over [-] million in box office is really a has-been superstar as some uninformed media say?"

Steve Deka turned green.

This man named Yao Yuanfeng exudes a very arrogant temperament without any hint of humility.

However, Steve Deka really had nothing to do with Yao Yuanfeng.Because Suohuang Pictures needs to enter the Chinese market, it also needs additional funds.Yao Yuanfeng manages one of the largest film companies in China, has abundant funds, and understands the Chinese market.Suohuang wanted to cooperate with Xindun, but Steve Deka had to sit here with a dark face and continue talking to Yao Yuanfeng.

"Since Mr. Yao is not interested in "The Mystery of the Tiger Shadow", then why are we sitting here talking?" Steve Deka said.

"Because I'm interested in your other IP." Yao Yuanfeng grinned, "You made a lot of good movies ten years ago. I want to remake the two movies you made ten years ago."

"Remake?" Steve Dika was surprised, "If it's just this kind of cooperation mode, there's no need to talk to me."

"Of course it is necessary, and I am counting on you to work with us to produce it." Yao Yuanfeng said, "When the time comes, of course it will be released in the United States." "Mr. Yao, do you want to remake it into a Chinese film?"

"Of course, our main box office market is China."

"You have to know that the box office of Chinese-language movies in the United States has never been very good. It is difficult to exceed [-] million US dollars." Steve Deka said.

Yao Yuanfeng: "That's why the two sides cooperate together and earn money together. You can take care of the American market, and I can take care of the Chinese market."

Steve Deka's eyelids twitched wildly.

"What does it mean that I can conquer the U.S. market? This is not something I can do just by saying I can do it. If I had such super powers, I would have become the President of the United States long ago!"

Yao Yuanfeng: "I know you don't have such ability, but you have the ability to help us get the American distribution, can't you? Let the movie be released in more theaters in your United States, instead of always being a small number of dozens of theaters to send beggars away Same gameplay.”

"A movie that cannot sell at the box office is useless no matter how many theaters it is shown in."

"Your idea is outdated. Let me tell you, starting from "The Killer", Chinese-language movies can still sell at the box office in the United States!"

Steve Deka was speechless with the man in front of him and felt that he really couldn't talk anymore.

When he was about to explode, Yao Yuanfeng suddenly smiled again and said: "Similarly, if this is the case, I will spend at least [-] million US dollars to participate in the investment of your Suohuang Pictures film, and you Suohuang Pictures When Huang Pictures’ movies are released in China, we at Xindun can also cooperate with you to give you better distribution conditions than you currently have.”

Steve Deka's fire was extinguished in an instant.

Yao Yuanfeng drew a huge cake for him, but he couldn't help but eat it.

As the box office of the Chinese film market grows, it has become a market of almost the same size as the United States. No Hollywood company can ignore this market.

However, as the box office of the Chinese film market grows, the magic of Hollywood films in this market is also decreasing, and fewer and fewer Hollywood films can achieve good box office.

Unlike Pai Mengqi and Melando, Suohuang Pictures has such a good relationship with Chinese film-related departments. There are only a few films released in the Chinese film market. In addition, it has no experience and no one to guide them. Play, and finally figured out a few tricks. In the ever-changing Chinese market, those tricks may become outdated as soon as they are figured out.

They had to find a collaborator.

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(End of this chapter)

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