Chapter 1025
After Yao Yuanfeng met Steve Deka, he returned to China with good news.

After he returned to China, he immediately went to find Song Chi.

"'Love Vacation' and 'Blood Diamond', these are the remake rights of the two movies I obtained from Suohuang Pictures."

Yao Yuanfeng sat opposite Song Chi.

In this office with bookshelves on both sides, Song Chi sat on the sofa and looked at each other with Yao Yuanfeng.


"I want to remake these two movies, and I want you to star in them." Yao Yuanfeng said directly, "As long as you star, I won't get the rights to remake these two movies in vain."

"Wait a minute, I don't understand." Song Chi looked confused and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Mr. Yao, you suddenly came in with two projects and asked me to star in them. This made me a little bit unresponsive. What does it mean that I am the only one to star? You Didn’t you get the remake rights of these two movies in vain?”

Yao Yuanfeng said: "You know, we at New Shield have always wanted to enter the US market. We not only want to make movies in China, but also want to make movies all over the world. I know that you have the same idea as me. Neither of us are You only focus on people at home, don’t you?”

Song Chi: "Mr. Yao, I know you have always wanted to build New Shield into a global film company and want the whole world to see New Shield's movies. I also understand why you suddenly bought these two movies." Remake, but I also have many projects of my own later, I—"

"I know, Song Chi, but after we finish filming these two movies together, Suohuang Pictures will hold a large-scale screening in the United States." Yao Yuanfeng's upper body suddenly leaned forward, with a burning look in his eyes, "You must understand me What do you mean, this is an opportunity that I spent [-] million US dollars to acquire. As long as you join, we can make the most of this opportunity."

Song Chi was taken aback.

"Is Pai Mengqi responsible for the distribution of "Jiangyuntai" in the United States? How many theaters are they planning to release this movie in?" Yao Yuanfeng suddenly asked.

Song Chi hesitated and said, "It is estimated that there are more than 150 people."

"Well, Suohuang will give us a guarantee that these two remake movies will be released in at least 500 theaters." Yao Yuanfeng said, "You should understand what I mean. This is a condition that Chinese-language movies basically cannot get, because those gangs Americans do not believe that Chinese-language films can sell high box office in the United States."

Song Chi hesitated.

Song Chi couldn't help frowning and asked: "Why did you win the remake of these two movies? Although they are both classics, they don't seem to be suitable for the domestic market."

"Love Vacation" tells the story of an American woman and a British woman who encountered some problems in life at the same time. After meeting online, they decided to exchange houses for a few days, change places, change moods, and spend a vacation. Unexpectedly The story of meeting true love locally.

This kind of romantic love story is basically the exclusive domain of youth themes in China. It is rare to see an adult romantic comedy. The most recent one was "BJ Meets in Seattle" many years ago.

"Blood Diamond" shows a darker and crueler side, focusing on the story of the illegal diamond trade in Sierra Leone, Africa in the 90s.

Song Chi didn't think clearly for a moment how Yao Yuanfeng planned to adapt this movie.In fact, it is not very much a commercial film, and it is not easy to change.

"It's an adaptation, it's not like it's filmed as it is." Yao Yuanfeng said, "In "Love Vacation", what I like is the concept of them exchanging vacations at each other's houses and then meeting true love there. The four protagonists, two Male and two female, it can be based on the two geographical backgrounds of China and the United States, with some conflicts and jokes about culture and living habits. The four protagonists can be played by actors from four different countries, creating an all-star lineup , coupled with such a simple, warm and relaxing love story, it will not be bad at the box office."

Song Chi understood what Yao Yuanfeng meant. He had seen this movie.From a production point of view, the cost of this movie is not high. The production funds are probably used to hire a good director and four big stars.Using a gorgeous production lineup to form the box office appeal of this movie has been done by many film companies before, with both successes and failures.There are only a few big-name movie stars who can attract audiences to movie theaters. Not every so-called first-line actor really has box office appeal.So this is the reason why Yao Yuanfeng came to Song Chi to cooperate, because Song Chi is the only one among the younger generation who has such appeal.Song Chi was a little helpless.

Yao Yuanfeng added: "As for "Blood Diamond," it is a movie that cannot be made in our domestic film environment. Therefore, we set the environment in Africa in the last century to film a story about Chinese people in the context of illegal trade in Africa. , this is another idea. We actually have many very good scripts, but they cannot be filmed in this domestic context. I want to test the waters through the remake of "Blood Diamond" and put the story in an overseas context to film. A story with a Chinese protagonist, and if you have seen the original work, you will definitely know how difficult the challenge is for the male protagonist in this movie. He was nominated for the Oscar for Best Actor that year."

Song Chi understood.

Yao Yuanfeng is interested in these two movies. In fact, he is interested in their adaptation prospects - one is a broader all-star cast from four countries, set in China, paired with another place, and incorporated into a Tell a story within a story; the other is to simply put the background of the story overseas.To put it bluntly, it is aimed at more film markets, not just the Chinese market.

From this perspective, Song Chi knows why Yao Yuanfeng wanted to remake these two movies.

The purpose of finding Song Chilai to star is to improve the success rate of these two works and maintain the domestic market.

You can never lose the domestic market for the sake of overseas markets.

Song Chi said: "I need to think about it carefully."

"Okay, think about it carefully." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Song Chi, you are the only one of our young Chinese actors with world-renowned reputation. I need you. If you have any conditions, you can directly ask for it."

Song Chi smiled and said, "Mr. Yao, this is no longer a matter of whether to mention conditions or not."

Yao Yuanfeng wants to enter the overseas market for more than a day or two.

Everyone is saying that he got lucky because of Wen Bing and Zhou Yun, and he actually made a lot of money overseas.

Yao Yuanfeng always just laughed it off.

He never thought of relying solely on Wen Bing and Zhou Yun to develop overseas markets.

Film is an industry.

Genius creators like Wen Bing and Zhou Yun can break through the ceiling, but they cannot build a mature and stable channel.

Yao Yuanfeng has always had his own plan.

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(End of this chapter)

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