I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1026 Office Storm

"The road show only plans to do six cities? Is this your plan for "The Killer"? Now that "The Killer" has exploded in word-of-mouth, do you think it is enough to follow the publicity plan of an ordinary movie? If only Copy and paste what did I pay you to do?”

Yao Yuanfeng threw the recent publicity plan directly on the table, his face so dark that other people in the office did not dare to breathe.

"Mainly because of this movie, Zhou Yun only signed with us to cooperate with six promotional activities at the beginning." The person in charge of publicity immediately said, "This is after we communicated with Zhou Yun's team, they agreed to add three more , so that the road show can be expanded to six.”

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Is Zhou Yun the only actor in this movie? If she can't participate, will there be no other actors who can participate?"

The person in charge of publicity was stunned.

Yao Yuanfeng said directly: "Zhou Yun only needs to attend the four shows before the official release in China, the premiere, and then the roadshows in three cities, BJ, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Her time is so precious, why do she go to so many roadshows with you? ? All road shows in the sinking market will be run by Wen Bing, Zou Kai, Liu Gang and other actors. Only the four points I just mentioned require everyone to be present, and the rest can be done separately. "


"All the promotional materials prepared before have been reviewed again to highlight the concepts of 'shock the world of cinema' and 'new action movie classics'." Yao Yuanfeng said, "All actors' personal promotions should be kept at the normal frequency. , and in addition to the regular publicity, we must immediately come up with an innovative publicity plan that is different from other movies. It is not easy for our new shield to have such a movie that can be recorded as a classic in film history. Let me think boldly and make People who are uncertain tell me that I will take care of it. Let me say it for the last time, don’t fool me with the promotion plan of an ordinary movie. If it shows up next time, you can just pack up and leave."

The man walked away tremblingly.

When encountering a boss like Yao Yuanfeng who can spit fire at any time and is not secretive at all, the people below him feel as if they are living on a volcano that is ready to erupt at any time.

However, none of them wanted to leave.This is the largest company in the industry, and Xindun offers them very competitive salaries in the industry.Wherever work is less stressful, people want to work in the best company.Xindun has been on a free ride in the past few years. It is very lucky and the year-end bonus is extremely generous every year. At this time, even if there is a fire-breathing dragon leader, he is not willing to leave.

Yao Yuanfeng and others left, and sighed to Hu Linlin, who was still sitting on the sofa: "Why are there so many stupid heads in our company?"

Hu Linlin smiled slightly and refused to answer the question. She handed the folder in her hand to Yao Yuanfeng and said, "This is the follow-up development plan for "Female Killer" that I have drawn up. According to what you instructed me in Venice, I will prepare the file for Liu Gang Developing a solo film and then a sequel to "The Killer" will be the two projects we will focus on in the next two years, especially Liu Gang's solo film. If it can live up to our expectations If it succeeds, we will not only gain a new profitable series, but also a new action star."

"What did Liu Gang's agency say?"

"The lion opened his mouth and asked for a termination fee of 1000 million. He also said that this was the price before the release. After the release, the price will double." Hu Linlin said, "I checked, and Liu Gang's contract with them only left In one and a half years, there is actually no need for us to be anxious. We can just sign him after his current contract period has expired. However, Liu Gang's agency also leaked a piece of news, and Zhou Lan had also changed it before. The idea of ​​signing Liu Gang will be abandoned after knowing that Liu Gang's contract has not expired. If he really waits until Liu Gang's contract expires before signing him, judging from the current situation, Liu Gang is more likely to choose Zhou Lan. "

"Zhou Yun can see people more accurately than us, and he is more courageous." Yao Yuanfeng sighed, "Linlin, have you noticed? Zhou Yun has never worried about making mistakes. As long as he catches his eye, he will do it right away. Take action, look at what she did to Liu Gang in Venice, just like a nanny. Those who didn’t know it thought there was an affair between the two of them. You are right, if you don’t take down Gang Liu now, you will wait until Gang Liu When the contract expires normally, he will definitely choose Zhou Yun."

Hu Linlin asked: "Mr. Yao, can we get rid of this 1000 million?"

"No." Yao Yuanfeng shook his head, "But we must have people. If Liu Gang can really become a new generation of kung fu superstar, then how can our Xindun not sign him? Go tell the people in his company, if he continues to be such a lion Open your mouth, then no one from his company will send resumes to our New Shield in the future. Not only that, Liu Gang will also be banned by our New Shield. A chicken that can lay eggs must lay eggs to make money. Without our New Shield, Liu Gang is going to create a new drama. Which company has the ability to create a new drama for Liu Gang?" Hu Linlin smiled slightly, nodded, and said: "Okay, I understand, I will tell him this truth in a more subtle way, simply. In other words, Liu Gang will never make any money in their hands, that’s what it means, right?”

Yao Yuanfeng: "If they could understand what I'm talking about half as well as you do, I wouldn't have to be so tired."

"Don't let Mr. Chen and the others hear what Mr. Yao said, or he will lose his temper again." Hu Linlin said, "Mr. Chen has recently brought in [-] million for the company. He is very proud of himself, so don't make him unhappy. "

Yao Yuanfeng: "If his character was half as strong as his ability, I would dare to give him more authority."

Hu Linlin did not answer and stood up: "Then I will go to work first."

"Linlin, you have been keeping an eye on the "Female Killer" project, and now success is just around the corner. Thank you for your hard work." Yao Yuanfeng said suddenly.

"It's my job." Hu Linlin said.

Yao Yuanfeng watched Hu Linlin leave his office.

Her back is still graceful and graceful.

The person who supports Wen Bing the most in the company is not Yao Yuanfeng, but Hu Linlin.

Yao Yuanfeng was never a Bole, he was just a businessman.

When Wen Bing wanted to make "Sui", it was Hu Linlin who gave the green light to "Sui" despite all the opinions and arguments at the executive meeting.

Yao Yuanfeng did not resent Hu Linlin's preference for Wen Bing.Without Hu Linlin, Wen Bing would not have become the "face" of Xindun so quickly.This woman had a natural intuition and was sure that Wen Bing could succeed, and then Wen Bing succeeded.

However, Yao Yuanfeng actually agreed with what Steve Deka said.

No one will always be successful.

Yao Yuanfeng reminded himself that he should never trust a person because of his emotional tendencies. (End of chapter)

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