I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1027 New Ways of Propaganda

"Yao Yuanfeng's actions are quite big."

Zhou Yun sat at this end of the sofa, with his feet on the sofa, leaning against another person's feet.

Song Chi sat at the other end.

The two of them seemed to be playing some kind of game, with their feet touching each other. You pushed away and I pushed over.

Song Chi leaned his head on the armrest of the sofa and looked at the ceiling of his home.

The decoration of his house is not in the European style that looks very magnificent at first glance.This is also the reason why Zhou Yun didn't change anything after moving in. They both have the same aesthetic.I don't like the tycoon style that shows "I'm rich" everywhere, and prefer a low-key living environment with high-end aesthetics.

For example, there is an entire wall of floor-to-ceiling windows, so if they want, they can turn off all the lights in the house and sit on the floor, surrounded by the colorful lights of the city.In this huge living room, there is actually not much furniture.The custom-made solid wood floor spreads a layer of light brown warmth. A small coffee table and two sofas, one long and one short, create a cozy nest in this small corner.On their TV wall side, except for the low cabinet below, the other three sides are surrounded by bookshelves.This is not like a home where two celebrities live, because there is no picture of them hanging in the home.

Zhou Yun poked Song Chi's foot socket with his toes.


"Do you want to take on those two dramas?" Zhou Yun asked.

"To be honest, I'm very excited." Song Chi said, "Yao Yuanfeng was right. It was a rare opportunity."

Zhou Yun asked: "What about your own company's drama?"

"My own company can no longer survive on me." Song Chi laughed, "Besides, isn't there you? One "Idol Copy" is enough to retain those investors. When "Female" When the news came that "The Killer" was successful in Venice, all the shareholders were asking when the filming of "The Idol Copy" would start."

Zhou Yun said: "You and Yao Yuanfeng are actually very similar."

"Well, we all believe that film is an art, but it is not just an art. If we want to gain a wider influence and let our films be seen by more people, we must use business logic to decipher it.”

"That's right." Zhou Yun nodded, "Since you're interested, then take it. After you finish filming with Sedar and Hugh Redman, your projects after the second half of next year will probably be postponed. , I will move my schedule after filming "Flower City" next year to film "Idol Copy"."

"Okay." Song Chi nodded, "Fortunately you are here."

"The film "The Order" between you and Yu Zhiyang will be filmed in January next year, right?"


"His filming is a bit up and down. Sometimes he's in great shape, and sometimes he's not doing well at all."

"It's okay, his role in this movie was specially tailored for him." Song Chi said, "I will lead him in it."

"How come your relationship with him has become so close?" "Because he is a little brat that makes people want to rub his head. Moreover, he really regards you as his brother." Song Chi said, "Originally you just looked after him, and then he ran after you. He trusted you and listened to your words. Over time, you didn't even realize that you recognized him as your little brother. .”

Song Chi suddenly thought of something and said: "'The Female Killer' will be released on the National Day schedule, and 'The Conspiracy', which we are responsible for distributing, will also be released on the same schedule. How about we promote it together."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was stunned, "Linked promotion?"

"I have an idea."

"what idea?"

"Smashing publicity." Song Chi smiled slightly and said: "Now everyone likes to watch the crew and actors doing things. "The Killer" and "The Conspiracy" will have grand premieres in China. I want to The all-star cast of "The Conspiracy" moved to the premiere of "The Conspiracy" to smash the scene of "The Conspiracy" in front of all the media and the audience. Similarly, at the premiere of "The Conspiracy" , you also showed up with the main creative staff of "Female Killer" to destroy the scene of "Conspiracy", I think, in this way, the topic will be explosive."

Zhou Yun's eyes lit up like a lightbulb that turned on.

She said: "This is great!"

Song Chi said: "The two movies are jointly promoted through this method of smashing each other's scenes. The cost is not high, but the publicity effect must be very good."

"There has never been such a publicity method, okay?" Zhou Yun said in shock, "My hair is standing on end, but the effect is definitely very good. Think about it, at the premiere of our "Female Killer", everyone While we were all chatting happily, suddenly a group of people from "Conspiracy" broke in. Director Fan Deshang brought actors such as Xu Yuliang, Chen Sihai, Chen Jing, Yin Lin, and Fan Zhu to make a scene. I guess the whole audience was stunned. , yes, we will definitely have a live broadcast when the time comes! Multi-camera live broadcast!"

Song Chi laughed, "At that time, Director Fan will hold up the loudspeaker and shout the first sentence - I heard that your "Female Killer" received many positive reviews at the Venice International Film Festival? Oh my god, why!"

"Hahaha, just this sentence is probably going to blow up the entire Internet." Zhou Yun said, "Why don't the two gangs stage a confrontation in front of everyone's eyes."

"Sure." Song Chi nodded, "But this requires the consent of both parties. How about you handle "Female Killer" and I'll handle the crew of "Conspiracy"?"

"Okay." Zhou Yun nodded, "I feel excited just thinking about it. I haven't had such exciting publicity in a long time."
The senior executives of New Shield, headed by Yao Yuanfeng, looked at the publicity plan in their hands in silence and did not speak for a long time.

"The Conspiracy, a movie whose reputation has collapsed in Cannes, why do we need to promote it with it? We are lowering our value for no reason." Chen Bida's voice broke the silence, "Zhou Yun came up with this suggestion. It can’t be to create popularity for "Conspiracy", no wonder, after all, it was Song Chi and his company who took over the release of "Conspiracy"."

Hu Linlin chuckled and said, "Mr. Chen and I have different opinions. To be honest, I was shocked. Has there ever been such a propaganda method in China?"

"There have been linkages, but they have never been so deep." Someone immediately said, "If nothing else, with this, the popularity of these two movies will definitely explode."

"The attention paid to "The Killer" is already very high. Is it necessary to do this?"

"The current box office estimate of "The Killer" has exceeded 20 billion. Using this kind of promotion method that has never been done before, what if the effect is not good and there is a backlash, causing everyone to hate "The Killer"? "

Hu Linlin said: "At the premiere of "Conspiracy", Zhou Yun and Liu Gang appeared on the scene with wires to take revenge. If you think about it, you will know how hot and cool this kind of publicity method is. "Female Killer" For a movie like this, shouldn’t we set a higher goal? 20 billion is not my expectation for this movie.” (End of Chapter)

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