"For a movie like "The Killer", in a big market like China, its potential audience and "The Conspiracy" are actually exactly the same two groups of people." Hu Linlin said, ""The Conspiracy" is a literary drama, and I feel deeply about this movie. Those who are interested will be slightly older people, especially in third- and fourth-tier cities. The audience of this movie is much larger than that of "The Female Killer". This is the influence of Chinese traditional culture for thousands of years. For people of the parents' generation, He said that they would definitely rather go to the cinema to watch a story with the background of the Three Kingdoms, rather than just looking at the title of "The Killer" and subconsciously thinking about killing people."

Hu Linlin said: "Because of this, if "Female Killer" can be promoted in conjunction with "Conspiracy", then "Female Killer" will truly enter the field of vision of this group of viewers, which will further open up the potential of "Female Killer" The market, and the same goes for "Conspiracy," will be watched by a large number of young people. In this year's National Day schedule, these two films are the most powerful first films."

"The director and star cast of "The Conspiracy" are more attractive to audiences over 30 years old. If "The Killer" is linked with them, won't it affect the box office?"

"In China's film market, there have long been countless cases that prove that one schedule can accommodate two first-time movies and sell together at the box office." Hu Linlin said, "It has been too long since I have seen a movie monopolize the market of a schedule. Have you ever seen the situation? At this time, why not step up and expand the limit of box office potential? "

In the conference room, everyone expressed their opinions and expressed various opinions.

In the end, no one could convince anyone and everyone looked at Yao Yuanfeng.

Yao Yuanfeng smiled, put the information in his hand on the table, and sighed, "I'm just sorry that such a publicity plan was not proposed by our New Shield."

It was a hammer blow.
"Drama, the more you catch the horse, the better."

Zhou Yun, Song Chi, Wu Chengbao, Zhou Lan, Hu Linlin, Wen Bing, Yan Zhen and more than a dozen people sat in a large conference room and began to discuss the script on the day of the premiere.

"The two premieres should not be next to each other. It is best to be five or six days apart so that the topic can be fully fermented and everyone's excitement and enthusiasm can be maintained." Song Chi said.

"The premiere of "The Killer" is scheduled for September 9th." After Hu Linlin finished speaking, she looked at Yan Zhen, "Where's "The Conspiracy"?"

Yan Zhen said: "The previous plan was September 9st, and the actors' schedules were already scheduled. If we rashly changed the time, it would be difficult to coordinate."

Zhou Yun looked at Hu Linlin: "Can we move forward two days?"

Hu Linlin said: "I'll ask Zou Kai and Liu Gang about their schedules to see if they can be coordinated. If the premiere is suddenly rescheduled, it will be a bit troublesome. It's okay. I'll find a way to coordinate."

"The trailers of both films have been released, and the looks are no longer kept secret." Song Chi said, "I suggest that in addition to the director, both parties should appear in the shape of the characters in the play, and then create the scene in the style of the characters. A smashing scene."


Everyone agreed on the details of this joint promotion one by one, including when to appear, what lines to say, etc.

The meeting lasted seven hours before all the plans were roughly finalized. The follow-up was to make fine adjustments based on the situation on site.

These people, who finished at nine o'clock in the evening, went to have dinner together.

They are all well-known figures in the industry. In order to promote these two movies, they have to discuss, give opinions and brainstorm everything.Over the course of the day, we became more familiar with each other.

After drinking for three rounds, Yan Zhen said: "I would like to thank Song Chi first. This time "The Conspiracy" failed miserably in Cannes. Before, those grandsons broke the agreement temporarily and put us on the fire. Fortunately, Song Chi and you I am willing to accept the release, and I do it so carefully.”

Currently, screenings and pre-publicity of "The Conspiracy" have begun.

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao are completely following the "elite word-of-mouth route".

Invite cultural celebrities in various fields to watch the movie and comment on it, especially professors from universities in literature, history, philosophy and other disciplines to watch the movie and comment on social platforms.

Gradually, relying on the recommendations of this group of people, the bad reputation caused by the previous Cannes Film Festival was changed.The core slogan of Song Chi and Wu Chengbao's early promotion is: This is a Chinese movie that only Chinese people can understand!

In fact, "Conspiracy" is indeed a movie that can only be understood and understood based on the Chinese cultural background.

This steady stream of publicity has slowly reversed the reputation of "Conspiracy" on the Internet.

Yan Zhen never thought that this movie could be promoted so seriously and cherished after it suffered a reputation failure in Cannes.

Now, "Conspiracy" is not only the second most watched movie during the National Day holiday, but it also has a much better schedule than Yan Zhen expected.

But Song Chi still didn't intend to give up.

He actually came up with such an unprecedented publicity method, turning the premiere of the two first movies into a stage for a stage play.
9 month 17 day.

On this day, the film media across the country were in a state of high excitement.

Because today they will watch this Chinese film that received 100% praise at the Venice International Film Festival.

It is also another film work of Zhou Yun!
They came to the venue where the premiere was held. It turned out to be a large theater that had previously been used as a stage for drama performances.

A theater that can accommodate thousands of people, media reporters, lucky audience members who grabbed tickets, industry leaders, and celebrities who came to support the event.

A ten-meter-long red carpet was laid out for this premiere.

This is a red carpet as long as one used in large-scale events.

Almost all the stars of the new shield series appeared on stage, adding starlight to this premiere.

In addition to them, friends of Zhou Yun and Song Chi also appeared one after another.

Gu Huaichun, Yin Zhou, Wang Jing, Yu Chu, Zhang Hongyu, Liang Yuanpu, Wen Xi, Zhou Jianfeng, Zhang Mo, Cheng Shenlu...

Such a star-studded event is even more dazzling than those large-scale fashion events.

Finally, Zhou Yun appeared on the red carpet in a particularly luxurious white dress with a skirt tail nearly one meter long, accompanied by Zou Kai and Liu Gang.

If her look on the Venice red carpet was that of a charming female killer with flaming red lips from a spy movie, today her look is that of a powerful and powerful White Queen.

Her long hair was pulled up, revealing her slender white neck, and her graceful curves were as soft as moonlight under the flashlight.

Everyone was shouting and screaming.

Such momentum made the media at the scene couldn't help but lament that no one would be more popular than Zhou Yun. (End of chapter)

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