I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1032 Box Office Queen

What the industry wants to know most now is how much box office "Female Killer" can get.

According to the current situation, the box office of "Female Killer" is basically guaranteed at 20 billion, making it firmly into the top five of the year.

If such results can be achieved, "The Female Killer" will become the only action film with a female protagonist among the top [-] domestic films.

On the last day of September, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing went on a roadshow together in major theaters in Shanghai.

Zou Kai and Liu Gang were with BJ.

"The Conspiracy" is released tomorrow, and today is when "The Killer" is the dominant one, directly getting 42% of the film schedule.

However, today is also a working day, not a holiday. Everyone expects the first-day box office of "The Killer" to be 1.5 million.

This is already a huge number.

In the group chat of the creators of "Female Killer", Hu Linlin has been regularly broadcasting the box office figures of "Female Killer".

By noon, the box office of "Female Killer" had reached 1.3 million, but this included pre-sales in the afternoon and evening.

On the day of the premiere, all the early publicity began to explode.

According to the current situation, everyone knows that "Female Killer" will be a big hit, but they don't know to what extent it will be.

Is it 25 billion or 30 billion?Or should we have a bigger dream and break into the top ten in film history?
The top ten box office figures in film history are all rare, and no movie dares to aim for such figures.

That was entirely the result of the right time, right place, and right people.

In the afternoon, Zhou Yun and Wen Bing had already visited six theaters together.

In addition to the cinema, they also went to a university to meet with students.

Road shows are, firstly, for publicity, secondly, to arrange films for theaters, and thirdly, to build momentum.

And when evening comes, the most critical time cutoff for "The Female Killer" also comes.

Today's prime time is a critical period for "The Killer" to finally determine where the box office will be on the first day.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Hu Linlin announced in the group: The box office reached 1.6 million, exceeding Maoyan's first-day prediction!
At eight o'clock in the evening, Hu Linlin continued to broadcast: The box office was 1.8 million!
At nine o'clock in the evening, Hu Linlin appeared again: the box office was 2 million!2 million per week on a working day, breaking the record!

2.12 p.m.: Box office [-] million.

As of midnight, the box office of "The Killer" on the first day reached 2.3 million, impacting the entire industry with a record-breaking figure.

This good news was immediately sent out by the new shield official on WeChat.

Hot search list.

At this moment, Yao Yuanfeng tweeted without hesitation: Wen Bing + Zhou Yun will always be the combination, the well-deserved box office queen!

This number is the highest box office record for a single film on a weekday in history!It exceeds Maoyan’s prediction by nearly [-] million!

At a time when the industry has high hopes, it has even achieved figures that are higher than high expectations.

Zhou Yun, Zou Kai and Liu Gang spent a whole day on the hot search, and the discussion and popularity data increased several times.

Liu Gang, in particular, gained over [-] new fans on Weibo in one day, all of whom were searched and followed after watching the movie.

After getting the new shield of Gang Liu's contract, I gave him the first big gift. Hot search: Gang Liu, a new action star is born!
When Zhou Yun saw this hot search, he complained to Zhou Lan: At first glance, it was the entry that Yao Yuanfeng was thinking about, and it was vulgar and annoying.

Zhou Lan: The complaint is very accurate, but it is good for Liu Gang. He has just become famous and needs such a label to strengthen the public's impression of him.

Zhou Lan: However, Yao Yuanfeng snatched him away, which made me depressed.

Zhou Yun: It's okay. As long as Liu Gang has a good development, it doesn't matter whether he is in our studio or not.Zhou Lan: Yao Yuanfeng is really amazing. He doesn't take Liu Gang seriously at all, but he spends a lot of money to rob him.

Zhou Yun: Liu Gang's current agency is really rubbish. Such an actor is even reduced to the point where he has no filming.

Zhou Lan: This can’t be entirely blamed on his agency, the general environment is like this, but now it’s better, Liu Gang is finally up.

That night, Zhou Yun kept reading everyone's comments online and didn't sleep until three in the morning.

Zhou Yun did not participate in subsequent publicity.

While "Conspiracy" had a box office of RMB 8327 million on its first day, "The Killer" had a terrifying box office of RMB 4.7 million the next day on its first day of the National Day schedule. So far, "The Killer" has successfully secured its place in the National Day schedule. Box office champion.

No one will ever question whether another film poses a threat to Lady Killer.

The producers of "The Conspiracy" also used this first-day box office figure to slap the previous distributor in the face.

This first-day box office figure exceeded what they originally thought was "not even able to get a 5000 million box office".

Producer Yan Zhen expressed his anger on social platforms: Those idiots who said that the box office of "Conspiracy" will not exceed 5000 million, you should squat in the toilet and regret it!
On the second day of the National Day holiday, the box office of "The Killer" dropped, but it still exceeded 4 million in a single day, earning 4.3 million, while "The Conspiracy" reversed slightly the next day, earning 9212 million.

On the third day of National Day, the box office of "The Killer" continued to fall, with a box office of 3.9 million, while "The Plan" reversed the decline slightly again, taking in 9309 million.

On the fourth day of the National Day season, "The Killer" had a box office of 3.7 million, while "The Conspiracy" failed to maintain its downward momentum and only took in 9127 million.

On the fifth day of the National Day season, the box office of "The Killer" was 3.5 million and "The Plan" was 8920 million.

On the sixth day of the National Day season, "The Killer" had a box office of 3.2 million, and "The Conspiracy" had a box office of 8539 million.

On the last day of National Day, "The Killer" had 2.7 million, and "The Plan" had 8419 million.

So far, the total box office of "The Killer" has exceeded 24 billion, and the total box office of "The Plan" has exceeded 6 million.

The two promotional films were huge successes at the box office.

Yan Zhen announced that Fan Deshang will create a biopic of Li Qingzhao, which will star Zhou Yun.

New Shield announced that "The Killer" will develop a sequel and a spin-off film around the killer character played by Gang Liu.

After the lively box office battle, Zhou Yun flew to Spain to meet with director Antonio Sirra without anyone noticing.

The movie "A Boy Destroyed by Desire" will start shooting in more than ten days, and Zhou Yun came over in advance to familiarize himself with the environment.

Antonio Sirla took Zhou Yun around Albarracín and showed her around this ancient town.

Of course, the movie will not be filmed in this town with a very developed tourism industry, but will be shot in a less famous town nearby.

At this time of year, the lingering heat of summer has not faded away in China, but the coolness of autumn has already begun in Albarracín.

Antonio Sirra said: "I heard that your new movie "The Killer" has achieved very good box office in China."

"It's okay." Zhou Yun said with a smile, "The box office is indeed very gratifying."

Antonio Sirra said: "But none of the works I directed have sold more than [-] million US dollars worldwide."

Zhou Yun said: "The value of a movie is never just the box office. I love watching your movies, and it has nothing to do with the box office. Moreover, maybe our movie will have a box office of over [-] million."

Antonio Sirra laughed.

"I hope you are my lucky lady."

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