I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1033 Coming to Spain

Antonio Sirra is a very passionate and romantic director.

He is a typical person with a very high enthusiasm for life and creative desire, and you can tell it at a glance.

He is a little chubby, just a little bit, and his smile even makes people feel a little honest, but his eyes are as blue as lake water. If you look at him, you will definitely be attracted by his eyes.

This is not the first time Zhou Yun has collaborated with a foreign director, but he did not face the unknown pressure as much as when he was filming "Killing Song".

But Zhou Yun was still very nervous about filming the movie "A Boy Destroyed by Desire".In this movie, she plays a woman who has a lust for a Spanish boy. She is beautiful and fragile. For this boy, she is an inspiration for love.

Antonio Sirra's scripts are all based on plot and dialogue. In the script, Zhou Yun can only see a hazy image, but he cannot see it clearly.

This makes Zhou Yun have to build this character bit by bit by himself.

After running around with Antonio Sirra for a whole day, Zhou Yun returned to the hotel in the evening and took a shower. He felt that such good weather was rare.

She sat on the balcony to rest, turned on a floor lamp, studied the script, and did her own character analysis.

This script really needs character analysis.

There was the pattering of voices below the balcony.

This is not a closed space.

Zhou Yun looked up and could see the crowd downstairs.

In this story, the Spanish boy Kuruni Dorje is actually the main protagonist. The story of the film unfolds from the perspective of Kuruni Dorje.

The Oriental woman played by Zhou Yun, Chen Zhen, does not have a clear nationality in the script, and she speaks English, so it is impossible to determine which country she is from.

At first Zhou Yun thought that Antonio Sirla had set this up accidentally, but later Zhou Yun felt that this was probably set up intentionally by Antonio Sirla.

In the eyes of Kuruni Dorje, Chen Zhen is a mysterious woman from the East.Her mystery lies in the unknown of her past and her stunning beauty.When she moved across from Kuruni Dorji's house, her presence itself had a huge impact on the boy, an instinctive and physiological impact.

Zhou Yun was reading the script at the time and was very shocked when he read this.Because she really couldn't read such a fierce script in China, but it was a kind of natural fierceness that would not make people feel too vulgar - once it involves people's most primitive desires, it is easy to handle it as too vulgar.The feeling in the script is honest and hot, without any purpose, or in other words, only the most original purpose.

Zhou Yun has been thinking about this question, how should such a female character be played?
She is too hazy in the script. She is all an image from a teenager's perspective, without herself.

However, she is everywhere, which is what attracts Zhou Yun the most, with a fatal sense of temptation.

The next day, Zhou Yun met the actor who played Kuruni Dorje, who was also a Spanish boy who had just grown up in reality, Walder Street.

He is very handsome, with the erectness of a boy, unmodified beauty, and the outline of his facial features is very three-dimensional, like a Greek sculpture.

Walder Street had never acted before. Before being found by Antonio Sirra, he was just a very ordinary boy with neither a noble birth nor outstanding performance.Antonio Sirra's casting team interviewed almost 500 boys before finding him.

Antonio Sirra took a fancy to him at first sight.

"He has burning eyes."

Antonio Sirra described him in a post.

Zhou Yun had seen photos before, but today he saw the real person for the first time.

Indeed, as Antonio Sirra said, Walder Street had burning eyes.To put it in a more literary way, there seems to be light in his eyes. When he looks up at you, you will feel locked by some kind of energy.

A person with such a pair of eyes is destined to be charming on the screen.

Zhou Yun did not expect that Antonio Sirla would find such a handsome boy.

She originally thought that, according to the script, this would be a story about a very ordinary boy who was attracted to a mysterious and beautiful oriental woman.

Antonio Sirra seems to want to show an aggressive desire rather than the old-school story of "a light appears in ordinary life".

The three of them took a photo together.

They stood under the blue sky, facing the camera and smiling.

Only Walder Street smiled slightly and still had a cold boyish air about him.

On the first day he met Walder Street, Zhou Yun didn't say a few words to him.

The boy's English wasn't particularly good, he spoke very poorly, and they couldn't communicate without a translator.

But Zhou Yun felt that he had very little communication with Walder Street. This was not the main reason. The main reason was that he was really a little indifferent.

When Walder Street stayed with them, he had a cold and expressionless face almost 90.00% of the time.

Zhou Yun couldn't figure out for a while whether he had this kind of personality or something else.

While Zhou Yun and Antonio Sirla were familiar with the environment and roles, domestic good news continued to come.

The domestic box office trend of "The Killer" is very good. After leaving the National Day period, the daily box office has remained at 14 million per day. It also returned to a high of nearly 30 million the following weekend. On the 20th day of its release, the total box office exceeded [-] million. [-] billion, entering the first [-] years of film history.

According to the current box office trend, it is very likely to sell for more than 40 billion.

If it really comes to fruition, this will also become the highest-grossing film produced by New Shield.

Zhou Yun retweeted a poster to celebrate the box office breaking 30 billion, making a V, and also uploaded a photo of himself doing the V against the sea breeze.

Everyone is curious, is Zhou Yun on vacation?

Although Zhou Yun left the road show team, Zou Kai and Liu Gang are still running road shows in various cities non-stop, doing everything possible to break the box office limit of "The Female Killer".

Zhou Yun replied in the comment area: He is not on vacation, he has joined a new drama team and is preparing to shoot a new movie.

Zhou Yun's reply made these fans who had forgotten the past due to the success of "Female Killer" recall again the frequency of Zhou Yun's desperate efforts to join the group.

So hard, so hard, so diligent.

Zhou Yun's reply caused a stir in various marketing accounts.

Which group is Zhou Yun in now?What scene are you filming?

However, no matter how hard they dug, they could not find out where Zhou Yun was filming. (End of chapter)

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