I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1034 Dreams and Inspiration

"There are still many people asking me, wanting to know where you are filming."

Yu Chu said with a smile on the phone, "Many media and paparazzi are looking for where you are filming. No one thought that you went to Spain."

Zhou Yun said: "Fortunately, this movie doesn't take too long to shoot. By the time they react, I should have finished filming."

Yu Chu said: "I really envy you. You can go to Spain to film. This way you can also take time to stroll around. I really want to go out for a stroll. I feel like I'm getting moldy after being on the set every day."

Zhou Yun: "You can reduce your workload a little bit in due course."

Yu Chu: "I have been cutting back, and now Yin Zhou is taking on more and more roles. We can't both be busy at the same time. You don't even know that my son is getting annoying right now. He hums every night." He whines and cries again and has to be carried by me or Yin Zhou before he can sleep peacefully. He is simply a pester."

"That's the trouble with happiness too."

"No, I don't think it is a happy trouble at all now, it is just a trouble."

"I have no experience, so I can't comfort you. I can only cheer you up to survive your son's troubles." Zhou Yun said, "But no matter what, you finally started to reduce your workload. , this is a good momentum, why are you putting so much pressure on yourself? The most difficult time has passed."

"Oh, Xiaoyun, you know, I was scared after being hit that time." Yu Chu said, "I'm really afraid that one day I will have to face that kind of penniless situation again. When I think about it, I can't help myself." Dare to stop.”

"No one wants you to stop. If you really stop filming and become a full-time housewife, I will scold you instead." Zhou Yun said, "I just hope you slow down and enjoy life more besides work. "

Yu Chu: "I think I'm much better now. I no longer refuse everyone who comes, and I just take it when I can. The year before last, one of my dramas was suddenly postponed. There were 17 extra days in the schedule, so I immediately took one." As a supporting role in the play, I directly joined the set to play that role. At that time, my mind was like a demon, and I didn’t dare to let myself rest for a day. Now I’m much better.”

"After all, the human body has its limits. The total number of films we have filmed in the past few years is almost over [-]. I have to play both leading and supporting roles, which must be very taxing." Zhou Yun said, "Get your mood in order, and then you have to Adjust your work rhythm.”

"I know." Yu Chu suddenly said, "I heard from Sister Lan that you are creating a drama for you, me, and Wang Jing?"

"Not long ago, Zheng Xiaowen and Sister Wenxi approached me. Sister Wenxi wants to cooperate with VX to open a new branch line, and then hopes to learn from the model of "Under the Dress" and create a drama around this branch line." Zhou Yun said, " As long as we are willing to develop, they will cover all production costs and publicity costs. After discussing with Sister Lan, I thought it was a good opportunity, so we went ahead. Sister Lan was probably looking for a screenwriter to write a script, and the script was completed later. , let’s meet and discuss it again.”

Yu Chu said with a smile: "I want to take advantage of you again, Xiao Hong."

"Don't say it, Sister Lan said it. Just relying on your terrifying number of works, your popularity has remained high and your popularity is getting higher and higher." Zhou Yun said.

Yu Chu is now very popular with major producers. Firstly, she is highly cooperative and well-known. She does not choose protagonists or supporting roles, nor does she choose roles. Secondly, her salary is very cost-effective compared to her position. Very high. Thirdly, she has a lot of dramas. From time to time, a character comes into everyone's sight and is discussed by everyone. Although the effective broadcast rate is not high, the objective number of effective dramas is quite a lot.

"One day I saw a marketing account on the Internet saying that I am an actor in the entertainment industry who relies on 'question-based tactics' to win." Yu Chu joked to himself with a smile.

"One of our leaders once said that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat."

The two were talking on the phone when Yu Chu suddenly heard crying.

"Oh, my ancestor is awake. I won't talk to you now. We'll talk later." Yu Chu hung up the phone.

Zhou Yun picked up the script again and continued to outline the image of Chen Zhen in his mind.

What is her origin?
Why did she come to Spain, and what kind of mysterious past did she have?
Everything is vague in the script, but Zhou Yun has to construct all the details.

She doesn't want to play this role very realistically, but only after she has done this role realistically can she know how to act it falsely.

A mysterious oriental woman cannot be just a concept that can be casually performed.

Of course, there are popular acting methods, and she can play a mysterious-looking woman in a routine manner, but Zhou Yun's requirements for herself are not so low. "She killed someone!"

At four o'clock in the morning, she suddenly woke up from her dream.

In the dream just now, she dreamed that she had become Chen Zhen.

She sat in a pool of blood and pulled out a knife with an expressionless face. As the knife was pulled out, another stream of blood splashed onto her face.

Bloody, brutal.

Zhou Yun immediately turned on the desk lamp, picked up his notebook, and wrote these four words.

Chen Zhen had killed someone before, so she left her hometown far away.

This is a secret that she can't tell anyone, she can only keep it in her heart.

It is for this reason that under her calm, gentle, and beautiful appearance, she is so vulnerable to Kuruni Dorje's attack that she completely lets down all her guard on a crazy night.

There was a huge whirlpool inside her, with huge fear, anger and sadness that needed to be vented.

She is not a princess from the royal family, but an executioner in disguise.

Zhou Yun wrote these key words to retain this feeling that suddenly popped up in his mind.

Who did Chen Zhen kill?

This doubt immediately appeared in Zhou Yun's mind.
Early in the morning, before the sun had risen, Zhou Yun had already changed into clothes and went downstairs for a run.

Li Yang followed her.

"Why did you get up so early?" Zhou Yun was a little surprised.

Li Yang said: "Xiao Meng, who is on duty outside, sent me a message saying that you woke up at four o'clock in the morning and turned on the light, so I guess you will run a little earlier than usual today."

"Huh?" Zhou Yun was surprised, "Did I wake her up?"

After the incident of someone breaking into an American hotel, and after going abroad, Zhou Yun's rooms were all suites, and the bodyguard team would arrange for a female bodyguard to sleep in the outer room to protect Zhou Yun's safety.

Li Yang said: "We took turns, and she just took a nap, not completely asleep."

"Thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay." Li Yang said directly, "Someone will take over Xiaomeng's shift at six o'clock, and Xiaomeng can go to rest."

"Every time I come out, I have to work hard for you."

"Abroad is no better than at home, we can only be more careful." Li Yang said. (End of chapter)

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