"Is the person in front of me Walder Street?" Zhou Yun stopped, pointed at the figure in front of him, and asked.

Li Yang also met with Walder Street yesterday.

He recognized it, nodded, and said, "It's him."

Walder Street sat on a stone pier, covering his heart and frowning, as if he felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Yun walked over and asked in English: "What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Walder Street raised his head in surprise and looked at Zhou Yun in astonishment, as if he did not expect to meet her at this time.

Zhou Yun knew that Walder Street's English was not very good, so he thought he didn't understand, so he pointed at the position of his heart and then at him, trying to ask him through such actions whether his heart was not good. Comfortable?

Walder Street nodded slightly.

Zhou Yun turned back to Li Yang and said, "Do you know where the hospital nearby is?"

Li Yang didn't know, but when they came to this strange country, they had already made relevant preparations. He took out his mobile phone and contacted his security team.

Five minutes later, a black business car drove over.

Zhou Yun and Li Yang helped Walder Street get into the car and rushed to a nearby hospital.
Walder Strait's heart was congenitally defective, and even after it was repaired, it was still not as resistant as an ordinary human heart.

He went for a morning jog today and suddenly suffered from heart attack. He quickly stopped and was met by Zhou Yun.

The doctor said that this situation is very accidental. The main reason is that the blood supply is suddenly insufficient, resulting in paroxysmal and squeezing pain.

There was no big problem. After some rest and some medicine, Walder Street recovered.

Seeing that Walder Street was fine, Zhou Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you," said Walder Street.

They got in the car and went back together.

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Yun glanced at Walder Street and said, "Oops, there is no translator now, and I don't know if you can understand what I am saying."

Walder Street said: "I can roughly understand it, but I'm not very familiar with English and don't know how to speak it."

What he said was ridiculous.

Zhou Yun laughed and told Walder Street, "That's good. I thought you couldn't understand what I said."

Walder Street suddenly said: "After I knew I wanted to act with you, I started to learn English and a little Chinese, but I didn't learn it well."

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Zhou Yun said to Walder Street with a smile, "If you need it."

"Thank you," he said.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Yun and Walder Strait went back to their rooms.

Liu Yun is helping Zhou Yun clean up the house.

"Sister Xiaoyun, have you had breakfast?"

"No, does the hotel still serve breakfast?"

"The supply will be available until ten o'clock." Liu Yun said.

"That's good, I'll take a shower first." Today is a sunny day for Albarracin. The sun is very bright and has a warm golden color. Bathed in such sunshine, you will feel that the shadows in your heart have been wiped out. dispersed.

Zhou Yun received a text message from Song Chi, saying that he had also joined the group.

Filming of his film with Sedar began.

After the huge box office success of "Jiang Yuntai", his company took the first step towards international cooperation.

Zhou Yun: Come on, everything goes well!
Zhou Yun went to the restaurant to have breakfast and met Walder Street, who had also taken a shower.

Translator Qin Zhi is also there.

She works as a full-time translator in Spain. She is Chinese and can speak Spanish, English and Chinese.

"Hi, Miss Zhou." Qin Zhi raised his hand to say hello to Zhou Yun.

She is a very enthusiastic and cheerful woman who stayed in Spain to work after graduation.

Zhou Yun sat down with them.

Liu Yun and Li Yang sat at adjacent tables.

Qin Zhi said: "I like you so much, Miss Zhou. I have watched every one of your dramas. I am so happy to have the opportunity to work with you."

"Thank you, just call me Xiaoyun. There is no need to call me Miss Zhou so politely." Zhou Yun waved his hand, "How many years have you been in Spain?"

"Nine years." Qin Zhi said.

"Wow, it's been so many years." Zhou Yun said, "You are really awesome. It's hard working alone in a foreign country, isn't it?"

"Because I have friends here, it's okay. If I didn't have friends to accompany me to start a business here, I wouldn't want to stay here alone." Qin Zhi said, "At first, I was attracted by the lack of Chinese here. Translation, so another Chinese girl and I decided to start a Chinese-Spanish translation agency here.”

"There should be a lot of Chinese tourists traveling to Spain over the years."

"Yes, there have been more and more over the years, but the two of us mainly do full-time translation." Qin Zhi said, "For jobs like this one, domestic companies come to Spain, and Spanish companies go to China. These activities all require translation. In addition, we will also do the translation of some professional documents, including some books.”

“It’s really amazing,” Zhou Yun said. “I also have many language-learning classmates around me, but most of them are still in China, and few of them have started their own business overseas.”

"Spanish is not widely used in China," Qin Zhi said. "The exchanges between the main Spanish-speaking countries and China are not as good as those of other European countries. We decided to stay in Spain because of the popularity of Chinese. Regarding the gap in Spain, in fact, in addition to some of our local people, we also have a studio in China that is responsible for some docking business. Over the years, we have translated many books from China to Spain."

"We are the ambassador of Chinese culture." Zhou Yun said with a smile.

Qin Zhi: "No, but this time I know that you are going to cooperate with director Antonio Sirra. I am so happy. In recent years, I have rarely seen domestic actors come to Spain to film."

"Have you worked with Antonio before?" Zhou Yun asked.

"Yes, every time Director Antonio goes to China, I accompany him as a translator."

"Wow." Zhou Yun thought to himself, no wonder Qin Zhi looked so familiar to them all.

While the two women were talking, Walder Street had been eating very quietly.

"Don't you think Wade is really handsome?" Qin Zhi suddenly said, "He has a handsome outline like a Greek sculpture. He is handsome and a little melancholy. He is so beautiful."

Zhou Yun nodded and said, "I was surprised when I saw him yesterday. I didn't expect him to be so handsome in person."

"Now the media in Spain are talking about him. He was selected to act in a movie by director Antonio Sirra, and he stepped directly into the film industry from an ordinary person. They say that he is lucky and has changed his destiny since then." (End of this chapter)

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