Chapter 1036 Change
"Change destiny?"

When Zhou Yun heard these four words, he fell into a state of confusion.


Qin Zhi looked at Zhou Yun with some curiosity and said: "In the eyes of ordinary people like us, the entertainment industry is a gorgeous, exquisite, and magnificent world. The spotlight shines, the whole world pays attention, and fame and wealth are gained. He can directly Becoming the leading actor directed by Antonio Sirra, he can directly enter the inner circle of this circle, which of course changed his original ordinary destiny... He couldn't even go to college."

Zhou Yun glanced at Wade.

The latter did not understand the Chinese spoken between them, so he did not raise his head from beginning to end.

"Changing the established destiny may not be a good thing, I just have this idea." Zhou Yun smiled bitterly, "Maybe it's because I have seen many people in this industry who are not living as they wish, so there is no such thing. Not a positive attitude.”

"In any case, it is definitely a good thing for him." Qin Zhi's eyes suddenly showed a trace of pity, "Abandoned by his parents since he was a child, he grew up in a nursing home. If he didn't have such a face, he might be like this You will have to struggle for food and clothing at the bottom of society all your life. This is not a paradise, and only a few can live a prosperous life."

"Nursery home?" Zhou Yun opened his eyes in surprise.

"Don't you know?" Qin Zhi was a little surprised.

"I don't know, I... I only heard Director Antonio say that he has never acted before and is an ordinary person."

"No wonder." Qin Zhi smiled with relief, "Do you know how he was discovered?"


"The casting director found out about him when he was buying coffee on the street and he was fighting with someone else," Qin Zhi said. "It was a very movie-like plot."

"That is indeed very cinematic." Zhou Yun imagined this scene in his mind and laughed.

Qin Zhi said: "The casting director said that when he saw Wade among a group of fighting teenagers, he was shocked by his lion-like fierce eyes, and subconsciously felt that this was the man Director Antonio was looking for. main character."

"It's really a bit dreamy."


"However, movies are like this, full of accidents and unknowns. If everything was logical, it would not be a movie." Zhou Yun said.
Sichuan, China.

After Wen Bing and Yao Yuanfeng left a domestic film festival, Yao Yuanfeng asked him: "Wen Bing, it's time to start the sequel to "One Mountain Two Tigers"."

"Liang Yuanpu agreed?" Wen Bing asked immediately.

"No, what I think is, how about deleting Zhou Yun's role from "One Mountain Two Tigers"." Yao Yuanfeng said, "In fact, the movie "Female Killer" also proved that Zhou Yun can be independent To take up the main responsibility of this series, it is better to separate the two people, so that Liang Yuanpu will be willing to continue acting."

"Delete Zhou Yun's character from the "One Mountain, Two Tigers" series?" Wen Bing was stunned, a little surprised.

"Yes." Yao Yuanfeng nodded.

Wen Bing hesitated for a moment and asked: "Are you sure Xiaoyun won't be angry with this approach?"

Yao Yuanfeng smiled slightly and said: "Assigning her role to two other girls, and one of them to Wang Jing, should it calm Zhou Yun's anger, right? She herself may not be willing to act with Liang Yuanpu."

"The relationship between Xiaoyun and Teacher Liang is not bad. Teacher Liang was also invited to act in the new play she produced." "But there is no room for two tigers in one mountain." Yao Yuanfeng said directly, "It's not necessary, is it?"

"Then what do you mean, you want to change the script again?"

"Change it." Yao Yuanfeng said, "You don't want others to touch your script. Otherwise, I would have found another screenwriter to change it."

"Go ahead and tell Xiaoyun about this. If she doesn't have any objections, I will change the script." Wen Bing said, "If Xiaoyun has any objections, I would rather not make a sequel."

Yao Yuanfeng sighed.

"You're so nice to her, I'm even jealous."

"Why are you jealous? No matter what I take, I'm taking pictures of you, right?" Wen Bing said directly.

Yao Yuanfeng laughed, "I'm going to give you the shares of Xindun. Why are you shooting for me? You're shooting for us together."

"Is Xindun willing to do the script I mentioned before, "Eaves"? If not, I have to find someone else." Wen Bing said suddenly.

"If you were the director, I would agree immediately. You want Yi Zhe to shoot it. I'm a little worried that he can't handle it." Yao Yuanfeng said, "The market for love movies is too small. Yi Zhe I’ve never been a director.”

Wen Bing: "Okay, I'll help him find another company to shoot with. This shouldn't violate the contract I signed with you, right?"

Yao Yuanfeng asked in surprise: "Will any other company be willing to shoot it?"

"If it doesn't work, ask Xiaoyun for help. She has always wanted to invest in some of her favorite scripts and make them into movies, but she has never found a suitable one." Wen Bing said, "She should be willing to help with the scripts I wrote."

"She is a really rich woman now, and she has too much money to spend." Yao Yuanfeng said, "Well, Wen Bing, I will personally invest 500 million in this movie for you, as my support for you. , but please understand me, Xindun is a company after all, and it has to answer to other shareholders."

"Okay, thank you Mr. Yao."

Yao Yuanfeng said: "Will the final cut of "Sui" be completed by the end of the year? Carlo contacted me again and wanted to see the film as soon as possible, so I decided not to put this film in the main competition."

Wen Bing said: "I don't know yet, I'm still waiting for Merlin's soundtrack."

Yao Yuanfeng nodded.

"Can the sequel of "The Female Killer" be filmed next year?" Yao Yuanfeng asked, "According to the current trend, the box office of this film is estimated to be more than 40 billion. Shareholders are very concerned about when the sequel of this film will be filmed. Woolen cloth."

"We have to make a sequel to "One Mountain, Two Tigers" and a sequel to "The Female Killer", so just split me in half." Wen Bing said speechlessly.

"Haha, how could I be willing to split you in half?" Yao Yuanfeng said immediately, "Give me some time so that I can explain to those shareholders."

"At least the year after next, I want to revise the script again. There are some parts that I'm not satisfied with yet." Wen Bing said, "If the sequel is not as good as the first one, then the reputation will be ruined."

"I understand, don't worry, I absolutely support you. I will leave it to you to make the movie. The script review meeting will not disturb you." Yao Yuanfeng said with a smile, "Your three movies have won box office in a row. If you succeed, no one will question your ability anymore."

Wen Bing chuckled.

(End of this chapter)

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