I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1038 Studying the Script

There are always embarrassing things in this world.

Now we are recruiting more people, but the company does not have as many jobs as this year every year.

After recruiting people, there won’t be that much work next year and we can’t feed so many people. What should we do?

Everyone wants to participate in projects with high return rates and large bonuses.

Of course it's okay to participate in the production of artistic films when you have spare time, but the problem now is that I'm too tired and the work is too saturated.

In their eyes, the works of the "Renaissance" project are works that need to be moved back.

The total box office of "The Conspiracy" has exceeded [-] billion, and as a distributor, they have also made a lot of money.

Compared to making a movie from scratch, to promoting and distributing it, and all other aspects, this money is much easier to make.

One job is a job where you work [-] to [-] every day, with weekends off, and a generous bonus. The other job is a job where you work overtime every day, have weekends off, and have a meager bonus. Who wouldn’t want the former?

Song Chi said: "No matter what, the 'Renaissance' project cannot be stopped. Those who want to participate in a project like "Jiangyuntai" must first do the 'Renaissance'."

Wu Chengbao said: "Of course this arrangement can be made for newcomers, but for those who already have work experience, they may not be willing. Moreover, after participating in projects such as "Jiang Yuntai", other companies are competing for them. Our company Compared with big companies like Xindun and Haichi, we are still at a disadvantage, as three people were poached last month alone.”

Song Chi and Wu Chengbao's companies have not received capital injections from large capital so far.Speaking of which, they prefer to be a small independent company. In this multi-billion industry, they have just been lucky enough to achieve results that only seem to belong to large companies in the past two years.In fact, they do not have the corresponding strength.

It really doesn't.

Every company grows bigger and stronger step by step.

Song Chi thought for a long time and said, "Old Wu, what do you think we should do now?"

"Recruit people to expand our size on a large scale." Wu Chengbao said, "It doesn't matter if they are new people, as long as the key positions are people we trust. With the number of projects in our company, these people will be trained soon. As for the problem you are worried about, this is indeed the biggest problem we will face in the future. The funds we can use are still too small to start multiple large projects at the same time. Once a certain project goes wrong, it will cause us huge consequences. However, even with such problems, we still have to expand our scale, otherwise, we will definitely be swallowed up bit by bit by others."
Zhou Lan and Liu Qidong watched the first cut of "The Prophecy's Son" together.

The screening room lights up again.

Liu Qidong looked at Zhou Lan and asked, "What do you think?"

Zhou Lan hesitated for a moment and said, "To be honest, the overall feeling given to me is that everything is stable."

Liu Qidong sighed, nodded, and said, "I think so too."

After the filming of "The Prophecy's Son" was completed, Liu Qidong immediately cut out a first version.

No post-production has been done on this version yet.

Do you want to say it's bad?
It's not that bad.

It’s just that it didn’t meet Zhou Lan’s expectations for this movie when he read the script.

It needs a re-cut with a better editor. "What should we do now?" Liu Qidong asked, "Reshoot? Reshooting seems unrealistic."

Of course a remake is unrealistic.

Zhou Lan said: "The footage and materials you shot can be used, but we need to find another editor."

The movie isn't that bad, it's the pacing that's the problem.

Zhou Lan didn't expect that one day she would also understand the "rhythm" Zhou Yun mentioned.

What is rhythm?Zhou Lan didn't really understand it before, but when she watched the first cut of the movie "The Prophecy", she suddenly understood the concept.

It is like breathing to a living being.

High-pitched or calm, impetuous or slow, ups and downs, and then captures the audience in this wave-like ups and downs.

The first cut of Children of the Prophecy had no such rhythm.
"Alas, there are indeed very few geniuses like Wen Bing." Zhou Yun sighed after listening to Zhou Lan explain the situation on the phone.

"Liu Qidong just doesn't have the ability to be a director, but his scripts are still top-notch." Zhou Lan said, "After all, it was the script that got Liang Yuanpu to nod to play the villain. I understand what you said to me before. , I am now deeply aware that Liu Qidong is indeed lacking in the ability to tell stories through pictures."

Zhou Yun: "It doesn't matter, Sister Lan. When we decided to make this movie, we didn't intend to make a particularly good movie. We just wanted to support Liu Qidong. With the creativity and script of this movie, The final box office will definitely not be bad, not to mention that Liang Yuanpu will play the final big boss. However, since the first cut version has obviously seen a lot of problems, I think we should try to find an excellent editor to help Liu Qidong Let’s do it again together.”

"I thought so too, and Liu Qidong also agreed." Zhou Lan said, "Fortunately, he is not the kind of director who can't see that his editing is not that good, so he immediately agreed with me."

"Actually, we are not particularly professional people. I am an actor and you are a producer. Maybe because we have watched too many movies, we know what is a good movie and what is a bad movie. But we really have to talk about the details. How to change it, but I can’t tell.” Zhou Yun said, “Please ask Wen Bing and Zhang Zifan to help us take a look at it. If directors Jiang Xin and Cong Lan have time, please also ask them to help us take a look at this movie and mention some Come out with your opinions.”

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yun put the phone aside and continued to look up at the sky.

During the few days she was in Spain, she often looked up at the sky in a daze.

Because only by emptying your mind can you slowly enter the state of the character.

Over the past few days, she had been constructing this character in her mind.

Who did she kill?Who did he kill to go to such a distant country?

In the following story, she and Kuruni Dorje were accidentally involved in a local murder case. She was accused of being the murderer, and Kuruni Dorje tried his best to clear her suspicion under such circumstances. Kuruni Dorje stubbornly believed that she was definitely not the murderer.

At the end of the film, Chen Zhen gave up her struggle and confessed in court, saying that she had indeed killed someone.

However, the specific details of some of the killings were vague.This makes the truth of the matter unclear in the end.

It was not made clear at the end of the script whether she was the murderer or not. (End of chapter)

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