I became a scandal heroine overnight

Chapter 1039 Director’s Style

The focus of this film is still on the young man Kuruni Dorje. He paranoidly believes that Chen Zhen did not kill anyone, and he paranoidly believes that Chen Zhen is the most beautiful woman in his heart.

For the film, whether Chen Zhen actually killed someone in the end is not the point. The point is that Kuruni Dorje was completely immersed in his love for Chen Zhen and fought against everyone with anger and despair.

However, for Zhou Yun, whether Chen Zhen committed murder or not affects the way and angle she creates this character.

Zhou Yun's initial intuition was that Chen Zhen was indeed the murderer, but at this moment, she no longer felt it.If Chen Zhen came to Spain because she had committed a murder, she might have confessed to the crime of murder in the country when she later confessed in court.

Although the script has not been written, Zhou Yun can feel from the script that Chen Zhen is a woman who is always immersed in pain and self-torture, and too many details show this.Including the love and lust between her and Kuruni, there is also a strong, burning determination.

Zhou Yun sorted out a set of Chen Zhen's stories by himself, finally felt a little more at ease, and decided to go to Antonio Sirra to talk about Chen Zhen.

Regarding Zhou Yun's thoughts about Chen Zhen, Antonio Sirra smiled and said: "I have never thought about the origin of Chen Zhen. When I was writing this script, Chen Zhen was a mystery. I didn't know her. What kind of past does she have that makes her a mystery? Her most prominent features are mystery, beauty and a complex melancholy."

Zhou Yun nodded and said: "I also felt this when I read the script. When I play this character specifically, I will deal with it less realistically. I understand this, but if I don't build a character for her myself, I don’t know how to act out a real and detailed past, and it might just become a paradoxical situation.”

Antonio Sirra said: "I have to go back and think about the story you told me about Chen Zhen seriously, especially what you said about Chen Zhen's motive for finally pleading guilty in court."

Zhou Yun nodded.

This is actually a very critical process.

Antonio Sirra didn't think about this issue before because it existed in a vague way in the script. There was no truth and no answer. The perspective of the film is about the Spanish boy's trust in Chen Zhen no matter what the truth is. , completely abandoning trust in rational thought out of love and lust.

Zhou Yun understands Antonio Sirra’s creative philosophy.
On the sixth day after Zhou Yun arrived in Albarracin, everyone went to a small town fifty kilometers away.

Compared to Albarracín, that town is less famous and less touristy.

There are no five-star hotels here, only hotels.

Zhou Yun did not stay in a hotel, but rented an independent house nearby.

She has a professional bodyguard team responsible for her security, and it is inconvenient to stay in a hotel.

Antonio Sirra and the others understood this very well - anyway, the crew did not pay for these expenses, Zhou Yun paid for them himself.

"A Boy Destroyed by Desire" is not a big investment movie. Based on the box office results of Antonio Sirra's previous works, the global box office is expected to be between US$5000 and US$[-] million.

None of Antonio Sirra's works has sold for more than 2000 million yuan in China before.

Therefore, Zhou Yun did not want to increase the burden on the crew.

Those who are chasing after with money to invest in a movie starring Zhou Yun are still cautious about a work with such a theme, because it is very likely that it will not be released in mainland China.

There are no nudity scenes in this movie. Zhou Yun also clearly wrote this clause in his contract. He had communicated with Antonio Sirla before, but with Antonio Sirla's consistent operation, his works are definitely not that. This style is as refreshing as sunshine and rain. Even if there are no naked shots, it is probably full of various hints.

as predicted.

After Zhou Yun got the notice sheet, he discovered that the first scene Antonio Sirra was going to shoot was a scene where Walder Street masturbated on his bed. "..."

Zhou Yun did not go to watch the scene. She was still thinking about how to perform her own play.

However, Qin Zhi was at the scene.

That night, when Qin Zhi and Zhou Yun were eating together at a nearby restaurant, Qin Zhi blushed and said, "I didn't expect Antonio to actually let Wade masturbate."

Zhou Yun was taken aback.

"Really?" Zhou Yun looked at Qin Zhi in surprise.

Qin Zhi nodded.

"Yes, I was shocked. Antonio later cleared the show." Qin Zhi said, "Although I had known for a long time that Antonio was a director who liked to have real actors, I never thought that this kind of thing would actually happen."

Zhou Yun was thinking about another thing.

"You won't do that directly in front of the camera, right?"

"No, it's still covered with a blanket, so you can only see the movements." Qin Zhi said.

Zhou Yun heaved a sigh of relief.


When it came time to shoot Zhou Yun, the first scene was the scene where Chen Zhen moves and meets Kuruni Dorji on the corridor.

This scene is very simple for Zhou Yun.

In particular, Antonio Sirra actually gave Zhou Yun a storyboard that he drew himself.

This storyboard was completely drawn in pencil by Antonio Sirra. Antonio Sirra had a very clear idea of ​​how to shoot each shot and what effect it was going to achieve.

Zhou Yun was surprised because he didn't expect Antonio Sirra to have a very clear vision for every shot of the movie, as if the entire movie had already been completed in his mind, and now they only needed to execute it on the spot. come out.

This reminded Zhou Yun of Hou Mengjie.

When filming "Four Killers", Hou Mengjie was also such a director. He had very clear ideas about how each shot should be shot and how each actor should act. This is not true for some actors. It's great because they need very clear instructions, but for some actors, it's a bit restrictive, especially those who are used to improvising.

Zhou Yun knows that every director has his own habits.She doesn't resent this kind of director who already has a very clear vision for the movie, but Hou Mengjie left a bad impression on her in "Four Killers" - it felt as if the actor was just a tool, a robot, in "Four Killers" He was constantly being adjusted, just to perform the expression he wanted as much as possible, and to accurately shed that tear at a certain moment.

Zhou Yun didn't like this feeling. (End of chapter)

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