Zhou Yun sincerely hopes that Antonio Sirra will never be such a director.

The sunshine in this small town is full and blazing, like an irresistible embrace.

Zhou Yun stood in the sun and soon broke out in sweat.

This is how Antonio Sirra wants it to be.The makeup artist went to help Zhou Yun make adjustments.

This makeup look was a bit hard for Zhou Yun to accept at first, because it didn't fit in with her usual habits and she wore very dark eyeliner.But later I accepted it.In Antonio Sirra's films, he has his own aesthetic.

Zhou Yun discovered that the clothes he wore and the accessories he wore were actually coordinated and unified with the tone of the entire painting.Of course, previous scenes had such preparations and adjustments, but this was the first time Zhou Yun encountered such level of detail.

Antonio Sirra has a very mature shooting team in charge of various departments.

From the costumes and props to the lighting and photography, everything is done by Antonio Sirra's veteran team, who have worked with him on several dramas.

They also understood Antonio Sirla's requirements very well, and there were basically no mistakes on the scene.

This is very comfortable for Zhou Yun.

Although different actors have different habits, there is one thing in common.

That is to believe in the character and get into the state.

A crew where everything runs smoothly can help actors reduce distracting thoughts and enter a professional creative atmosphere.

The first scene was filmed.

Take a shot of Zhou Yun getting off the moving truck.

Antonio Sirra's instructions were very clear, starting with Zhou Yun's legs.

Shoot her legs to stretch out and land on the ground.

The camera slowly pans up her legs.

Shake it to her face.

At this time, there should be a drop of sweat flowing down from her temples.

She raised her hand, wiped away the sweat with the back of her hand, and then looked up at her surroundings.

At this time, Walder Street was lying by the window of his own house, looking at her.

In Antonio Sirra's mind, this shot had some sort of steamy filter.

The setting sun is burning in the sky inch by inch, wisps, and clusters.

Zhou Yun's beautiful face showed a kind of innocent sexiness in the sunset.

At that moment Walder Street felt as if he had been shot in the heart by Cupid.


This shot is as distorted as a fairy tale.

The reason why it was shot this way is because this scene appears in the movie based on Kuruni Dorji's narration.

In this young man's narration, Zhou Yun walked out of the sunset, even her beauty had a touch of distorted beauty, like a goddess in mythology.

One shot is over.

Antonio Sirla came over and said to Zhou Yun: "Very good."

In the second scene, shoot another camera.

Zhou Yun performed it again.

This scene doesn't require any acting skills, as long as you are in that state, everything else depends on photography and makeup.

About half an hour later, the sun set.

This scene has also been filmed.Antonio Sirra insisted on shooting in natural light, and they were waiting for natural light in every scene.

We shot this scene in one day.

Antonio Sirra said to Zhou Yun: "You completely understand what I want to make the film look like."

Zhou Yun said: "When I read the script, I had this impression of the character Chen Zhen in my mind. This is how I understood it. In this scene, she is beautiful without knowing it. There is a kind of beauty in every move she makes. Charm, but this beauty and charm comes from Kuluni’s perspective.”

"Your understanding is completely correct. Fortunately, you did not play her into a really sexy woman." Antonio Sirra said, "I am particularly afraid that you will treat her to be glamorous and sexy."

"She's just sexy in Kuruni's eyes."

"Yes." Antonio Sirra nodded, "This is a kind of projected sexiness. Your eyes just now were particularly accurate. The complexity, consideration, hesitation and melancholy at that moment when you turned your head and looked around were amazing."

Zhou Yun: "Thank you."
Antonio Sirla's words of praise for Zhou Yun did not make Zhou Yun relax.

She had read interviews before and he was a director in this style.On the set, almost every actor will be praised and complimented by him. He is a typical encouraging director.Give you full confidence and trust, making you more and more confident.

Antonio Sirra once said that when an actor truly believes that he has performed well, he will perform better than he imagined.

One of the biggest habits that Zhou Yun gained from filming "The Eighth Heartbeat" is that after every scene, she has to examine herself. No matter what the people around her say, she has to examine herself to see if it is right. It's really the right performance, it's on point.

So far, the only director who can truly make her trust her wholeheartedly and give up her own standards of judgment is Wen Bing.

Zhou Yun carefully thought about the scene she had just performed, whether it was in good condition or in position, it was indeed all good, and she felt relieved.

There is also shooting at night.

I have to shoot some cutscenes with Zhou Yun tonight.

Basically just tidying up and organizing some drama at home.

Of course, it is still from Kuruni Dorje's perspective, watching him looking into Chen Zhen's room from the window.

From Kuruni Dorji's room, you can see Chen Zhen's room through the window.

If Chen Zhen did not close the curtains, Kuruni Dorji could see what Chen Zhen was doing.

In other words, there were no cameras where Zhou Yun performed.

All were shot from Kuruni Dorji’s room.

There was an assistant standing in a dark corner that was not visible to the camera, receiving Antonio's instructions through headphones and telling Zhou Yun when to start filming.

This is Zhou Yun's first time filming in this room.

Very strange room.

Zhou Yun spent half an hour wandering around the room, touching here and looking there, opening every drawer and cabinet to see what was inside.

This is a very real room that the producers rented from locals.

Be it furniture or various small items, the prop team carefully collected them from various places and put them together in this house.

Zhou Yun learned the habit of becoming familiar with the room from the play "Ask the Heart".

Be sure to understand your environment and establish a sense of familiarity and trust.

When Antonio came over, he happened to see Zhou Yun wandering around the room and asked her what she was looking at.

Zhou Yun explained and said to see what this house looks like.

Antonio nodded and said, "You just moved in tonight, so don't get too familiar with this house."

Zhou Yun smiled and said yes.

"You and her will be the only two people left in this room later." Antonio said, "These are the two ranges we can photograph."

He pointed at the two dark lines drawn on the floor, which would be used to assist Zhou Yun in performing later. (End of chapter)

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