Chapter 1041 Shooting
"It doesn't matter if you go out, but you must come back soon." Antonio said, "This scene should have a lazy beauty, just like the feeling of being alone at home and lazy, like a cat. "

Zhou Yun nodded.

"First take a long shot, and then there will be a few close shots from there." Antonio said, "When you take a long shot, the expression on your face will not be particularly clear in the camera. The main thing is to have that kind of posture." A feeling.”


Antonio Sirra explained the requirements for this scene to Zhou Yun in great detail, and then left directly without letting Zhou Yun rehearse it first.

Of course, there is really nothing to rehearse for this scene.

Zhou Yun had already thought clearly about the course of action he would take later.

She just packed her luggage and put them in different places.

She will decorate the house.

Everything is done according to her wishes.

Zhou Yun understood what effect Antonio wanted.

She was also thinking about what kind of state of mind she was in.

If Chen Zhen was a little wary of this unfamiliar environment when she got out of the car, at this time she was more excited and comfortable.

She moved away from the past, and the shadow of murder was also dispelled.

At this moment, Chen Zhen believed from the bottom of her heart that everything could start again.

So, she was like a little bird freed from restraints, free and at ease.
After filming Zhou Yun's first day of filming, the crew called it a day.

Antonio Sirra returns to the hotel with his producer, Lino Pegg.

Lino Paige was not on the set all day today and only came when the work was about to end.

He curiously asked Antonio Sirra: "How is Zhou Yun's performance? Many people have told me that she is very good at acting. Is this true or false?"

Antonio Sirra said: "She has a very strong understanding. I only need to say it once and she knows what I want to shoot. She is really a very beautiful actress, even more beautiful in the camera. She seems to be born with knowledge." How to release her beauty."

"She is still very young. I heard that after she took over the filming of "Killing Song", many Hollywood film companies were looking for her to film, but she refused. This is her second foreign language film." Linuo. Peggy said, "Some people in Hollywood told me that although she was good at acting, some people said she was not very good to work with, mainly people from Pamonkey. Others still praised her."

"I didn't think she was difficult to work with. She didn't have any other requirements besides renting a house by herself." Antonio Sirra said, "It's just that like those famous actors, she has her own expectations. Regarding the understanding of the character, she was just very clever in finding commonalities between her understanding and my understanding. What I was worried about was that if my opinions conflicted with hers, she would refuse to agree."

Lenore Peggy: "Did you go see her starring in "Lady Killer"?"

"Has it been released in Spain?" Antonio Sirra asked immediately. "Oh, not yet. I saw it at an internal preview in the United States. She shocked everyone watching the movie." Lino Peggy said, "Antonio, she is a right person. I have very high requirements for actors. I also asked Tim Lange for his opinion. He spoke very highly of Zhou Yun and said that Zhou Yun was very cooperative. He and Zhou Yun filmed the movie "The Killing Song". At that time, almost all the ideas he put forward received Zhou Yun's support and cooperation. In fact, according to the information I learned, you don't have to worry about her not cooperating with you. Xue Qin was halfway through filming "The Language of Fallen Leaves" and suddenly Faqi wanted to write and film "Behind the Scenes" at the same time, and Zhou Yun took the risk and agreed, and followed Xue Qin to produce such an amazing work. There is no doubt that this would be the same for any actress in Hollywood. It’s almost impossible.”

Antonio Sirra said: "It was only after watching her performance in "Language of Fallen Leaves" that I felt that she was more suitable for the role of Chen Zhen. Her performance in that movie was underestimated."

"Underestimated?" Lenno Page said, "Although this film is not particularly well-received in China, it has been well received by many film critics in Europe and the United States. I heard that Schroqi is preparing to promote the film for an Oscar this year. "

Antonio Sirra said: "Her performance in "Language of Fallen Leaves" is not Oscar's cup of tea, and Oscar may not necessarily favor her."

Lenore Peggy nodded and said: "However, there is still a huge demand for the award of Best Public Relations for an International Film for this film. It depends on whether China will select this film as a candidate for the Olympics."
While Zhou Yun was filming "A Boy Destroyed by Desire", Song Chi's "Jiangyuntai" also began to be released in other countries and regions.

He was filming with Sedar and the others and could not do any promotional work.

However, "Jiangyuntai" has grossed more than US$3000 million at the box office in other Asian countries and regions.

And now, "Jiangyuntai" has begun to be released in the United States.

It’s been a long time since there has been a box office hit in the United States for a disaster-themed movie like this.

"Jiang Yuntai" was only released in more than 100 theaters at first, and it was mainly targeted at Chinese Americans and Chinese people.

The screening results of this movie are very good, and the screening results in a single theater exceeded [-].

The film slowly expanded its screenings and earned US$378 million in its first week.

Although the overseas box office performance of "Jiangyuntai" is not as impressive as that in China, it is very likely to exceed 5000 million US dollars. This will become the best overseas box office film in the past ten years.

However, the industry feels that this record will soon be broken.

News that "The Killer" will be directly screened on a large scale in the United States has spread, and its popularity at the Venice International Film Festival has also made everyone very optimistic about the film's performance in the European film market.

While "The Killer" continues to reap the domestic box office, Yao Yuanfeng is also waiting for Melando to announce the release of "The Killer" overseas.

"Killing Song" will be released in the prime time period of the end of November, while "The Killer" is scheduled for the end of December, directly entering the cold month of January.

It was because Melando was optimistic about the box office performance of "The Killer" that he arranged for the film to be screened directly on a large scale.

They believe that after "Shaqu" is released, given Zhou Yun's popularity and the quality of the film, it will achieve good box office results, and may even achieve results of more than 3000 million US dollars in North America.

This is a very rare achievement for a foreign language film - it is well known around the world that American audiences don't like watching foreign language films very much.

(End of this chapter)

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