Zhou Yun's filming in Spain went smoothly.

Nothing unexpected happened.

This crew has been working together for a long time and is very familiar with each other. The most important thing is that director Antonio Sirra’s instructions are very clear. His stack of storyboards that he has drawn long ago allows all departments to Know exactly what the director intended.

The same goes for Zhou Yun.

After filming on the set for a few days, she felt a little relieved.

I used to worry that Antonio Sirra, like Hou Mengjie, was the kind of director who wanted his actors to achieve robotic performance effects. This was not the case at all.

Zhou Yun felt very comfortable filming on this crew.

Her relationship with Walder Street also became more familiar after they had been filming together for a few days.

Walder Street was indeed not a particularly sunny boy.

Although he is a young man, he has a very cold temperament. When he is not speaking, he seems to be full of dissatisfaction with the whole world.

Yes, he is not the melancholy type of boy.

There seemed to always be a fire burning in his eyes.

But it is his temperament that sets him apart from everyone around him.

Zhou Yun couldn't help but wonder what kind of past Walder Straight had.

Qin Zhi had told her that Walder Street was an orphan.

He grew up in a nursing home.

When Zhou Yun was filming "The Night of Truth", he read a lot of information about orphanages. Orphanages abroad are actually nursing homes.

Although such institutions are slowly getting better, there is also a lot of data that directly shows that children living in such institutions are not so happy.

Walder Street didn't look like he had a happy childhood either.

But this involves other people's past, and it may even be the past that others are least willing to mention. Therefore, even though Zhou Yun is curious, he can only remain silent and obsessive, not speaking.

On Friday, Zhou Yun and Walder Street continued filming on the set. During the break, Zhou Yun was going to buy a cup of coffee nearby.

Although they have been filming in the town for the past few days, there are not many people watching.

There are not many people in this town, and there are not many tourists. Everyone occasionally takes a curious look, but they don't see any particularly famous stars, so they don't come often.

Not many people know Zhou Yun here. Occasionally there are one or two people who know who she is, and most of them just want to take a photo with her.

Zhou Yun's starlight in this small town in Spain is just because of his status as a star.

Li Yang followed Zhou Yun.

There are quite a lot of people in the cafe.

This time in the afternoon is when everyone wants a cup of coffee.

While Zhou Yun and Li Yang were ordering, a young boy suddenly came over with a frivolous smile on his face and said in English: "You are so beautiful. Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"

Zhou Yun glanced at the young boy unexpectedly, smiled, and said, "Thank you, but I'm already married."

The young boy looked surprised.

"Oh, that's so unfortunate." The boy left disappointed.

Zhou Yun happily sent a message to Song Chi and said: Do you know?A handsome boy just struck up a conversation with me and wanted to buy me coffee.

Song Chi immediately replied: You didn't let him succeed, right?

Zhou Yun: I told him I was married.Song Chi: Are you telling me this on purpose to make me jealous?
Zhou Yun: You guessed it.

Song Chi: That’s too much.

Zhou Yun: Coax.

Song Chi: It’s not good to coax him.

Zhou Yun: Kiss.

She and Song Chi were chatting on WeChat.

"Your coffee." The clerk packed the coffee and pushed it in front of her.

"Thank you." Zhou Yun picked up the coffee, smiled at the clerk, and turned to leave.

When she returned to the set, Zhou Yun discovered that during her absence, a person she had never seen before came to the crew.

A woman who looks to be in her 50s.

"Hi, Zhou Yun, I'm Mrs. Lopez."

"Hello Mrs. Lopez."

Zhou Yun looked at the woman who took the initiative to greet him with some surprise. He was at a loss for a moment and didn't know who she was.

She is relatively fat, wearing a floral skirt and carrying a small leather bag.Judging from her appearance alone, she seemed to be no different from those walking on the street.Zhou Yun didn't know if this was an actor from the crew.When filming some multi-person scenes for this movie, there will be actors on the set who Zhou Yun doesn't know but are well-known in Spain.

"I work in the Sunshine Nursing Home, and I grew up watching Walder Street. I came to see him today." Lopez said with a smile.

Only then did Zhou Yun understand the identity of the other party.

"Hello, nice to meet you." Zhou Yun shook hands with Lopez, "Where's Wade?"

She turned and looked around, trying to find Walder Straight.

"Oh, they told me that he was filming a movie." Lopez smiled and waved his hand, "I'll just wait for him here. You go ahead and do your work."

Zhou Yun glanced at the sun above his head and said, "Mrs. Lopez, if you don't mind, why not take a rest in my car. It's a bit hot outside."

Lopez: "Wouldn't that bother you?"

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I don't have anything else to do now." Zhou Yun said.

"Then I'll excuse you, thank you very much for the invitation," Lopez said.

Zhou Yun took Lopez into his RV.

She got Lopez a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"Ward has never studied acting. This time he was suddenly chosen by Director Antonio to act. Doesn't it cause you a lot of trouble?" Lopez asked.

"No, he is a very knowledgeable actor." Zhou Yun asked with a smile, "It sounds like he often caused you trouble when he was at your place?"

"There's no kid who doesn't get into trouble," Lopez said with a smile.

Zhou Yun asked curiously: "How old was Walder when he came to your place?"

"Ten years old." Lopez said, "I still remember the afternoon when he was sent here. It was a rainy afternoon. He was sent here by one of his relatives. After his parents died, no relatives were willing to adopt him, so he was sent here. He was sent to us. I was responsible for reception at the time. He had a pair of very bright eyes since he was a child, and, like a lonely little beast, he always stayed alone. At first, I thought he was just a newbie. After losing his parents and entering a new environment, he was like this. It was not until a long time later that he refused to integrate into everyone that I realized that he was deeply hurt in his heart and would never trust anyone again. So, when I knew he was chosen to act, I was surprised. He always lives alone, how could he be an actor? This made me want to come and see him."

Zhou Yun asked: "Is he no longer staying at your place?"

"After he reaches adulthood, his relatives will no longer send alimony. According to the regulations of the hospital, he can no longer stay." Lopez sighed and said, "Actually, it was only half a year ago that he left. Later, he went to work in a hotel, and later he was spotted by director Antonio. God bless him, and he was not allowed to suffer misfortune again." (End of this chapter)

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